Should voluntary malnutrition like veganism be illegal?

Should voluntary malnutrition like veganism be illegal?

based Italians

gotta give the baby summa dat gabagool!

Learn to use the catalog and don't post double threads, you colossal Newfaggot.

go take your b12, assmad vegan

Delete your thread, asshat.

They should make having an overweight child a crime as well, by this logic.

>this logic
Wrong logic, the operative logic here is: rules for thee, and not for me

>They should make having an overweight child a crime as well, by this logic.

Sounds good to me!

they certainly should!

raising a kid to be obese is one of the worst things you can do to them! at least if you just fuck them in the ass all they do is become really kinky in adulthood.

Absolutely. Does anyone have that screenshot of a lady who was intentionally making her kid fat? Like there were weight "goals" she was setting or something.

you're goddamn right

I don't see how it's different from the way parents raise their children based on their own eating habits generally speaking. Shit or not should that be illegal?

Vegan diets have been proven fatal to infants.
Allowing vegan parents to push their insane ideology on defenseless infants is morally irresponsible.

yes they should

Do vegans breastfeed? I mean, it's an animal product


>diet devoid of essential elements for healthy and balanced growth
Italy confirmed for knowing jack shit about nutrition?

You have consent of the animal so yes.

there is a difference between 'voluntary malnutrition' and 'imposing malnutrition on children'

if you meant to ask about voluntary malnutrition (which has nothing to do with the article you posted), then no. if the idiots want to be malnourished, then let them get sick and/or die. government should have no say in this matter.

if you meant to ask should parents be allowed to impose a malnutritious diet upon their children, then no. the children, as dependents of their parents, have no real power or means to provide alternatives.

The problem is that veganism is not an inherently malnutritious diet.

If anything, put anyone who takes their kid to McDonald's behind bars. But not parents who encourage their kids to eat vegetables and whole foods.

Crazy world we live in when feeding your kid cow breast milk full of estrogen, pus, fat, morphine and hormones is alright but not veggies and fruits.



What? Outlawing health? I don't even know what you're talking about.

yea, that's it, they want to outlaw health

i'm not spoonfeeding your stupid ass

>make a vague, easily misinterpretable claim
>refuse to support it
Uh, ok.

I need to see this

Yes. Unironically.