So apparently my dorm's cafeteria can't serve you lettuce on a quesadilla because it's not good for you but can't...

So apparently my dorm's cafeteria can't serve you lettuce on a quesadilla because it's not good for you but can't explain the true reason.

Why would lettuce on a quesadilla not be good for you?

Other urls found in this thread:

More likely than not they just don't want to cut some lettuce and put that shit in when most people wouldn't care otherwise

>my dorm
Disregarded. Come back when you're a little older and less retarded.

How would that even work? You'd need to tear apart the quesadilla to just put the lettuce in.

Most people when they say lettuce they are thinking iceberg and according to healthfags it is empty calories. That's why so many fastfoods have switched over to inferior lettuces.

It's a quesadilla, basically a grilled cheese sandwich made with tortilla's instead of bread. Would you put lettuce on a grilled cheese sammy? No! Why? Because it would turn to mush.

Ask them for some peppers or chicken or something to make it more of a meal.

Chicken is pleb tier. Pieces of grilled steak is the only way to make a quesadilla hearty.

College comes after highschool user, understandable you'd mix that up though kiddo

He didn't mix up anything. College kids are too young for Veeky Forums. The age limit needs to be upped to 30.

Why are you still on Veeky Forums after age 30?

Why did you even come here if you aren't at least 30 is a better question?

...but why do you come here if you're over 30?

People under 30 come here because they are beta tier faggots and can't enjoy the benefits of being under 30. For instance, socializing, partying, fucking bitches. Instead the under 30s on here are all nice guy friendzoners and they dont really have any other social outlet to get out their aggression and sexual frustration... Which I why the whom site is basically devoted to shit for loser sperg lords.

/ck is one of the more grown up boards because it means you've moved out and started cooking for yourself, but even then....

>fucking fast food threads everywhere

I didn't start posting on here till summer of 09, when I officially outgrew /b upon turning 47

I'm 22. Been here since I was 12.

Lettuce gets salmonella threats pretty constantly. Same with rockmelon

You do know that this website has been around long enough for someone in his mid 30s to have been here since before he was 18, right?

The question is, why do you assume people would just stop using a website randomly?

What's strange is that someone as young as you isn't on 9gag or something instead.

I can't imagine a 54 year old using terms like sperglord and friendzone as casual as I imagine betas in their 20s would. Surreal.

The site hasn't been around that long. It was launched in 2003.

The term "friend zone" has been around since the early 90s at least. That's long enough ago for 40 year olds to have used the term in highschool, and for mid 40s to have used it in college.

Fucking millenials think they invented everything.

This guy gets it.

It's 13 years though, so he's right.

Someone who is 34-36, i.e. mid-30's, would have been 18 from 1998-2000. The site didn't exist before then. It didn't exist until 2003.

Wow millennials really can't do simple math.

2016 - 2003 = 13
17 + 13 = 30

>You do know that this website has been around long enough for someone in his mid 30s to have been here since before he was 18, right?
>mid 30s


I know. I was saying that post is wrong.

>The age limit needs to be upped to the point where people aren't even able to use the internet properly
apex kek

You should have been replying to

Your post would make more sense in 2002. It's 2016; many millennials in their 30s grew up with the Internet.

You'd need to be a boomer to not be able to use the internet properly. I doubt they visit here.

Iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value, It's basically wet squishy fiber to help you poop. However it isn't inherently unhealthy I'm betting it's just a matter that the dorm cafeteria doesn't want to indulge your autistic need to put lettuce on a quesadilla.

I was replying to the post that said millennials can't do simple math. I'm a millennial, and I just did simple math.

>I'm a millennial, and I just did simple math.

You do realize that they were making generalizations, right? They weren't talking about you specifically, so don't take it as a personal attack.

eeeeeeeeeeeeehhh quesadilla

>iceberg lettuce
pick one

Obviously the generalization was wrong.

I never know what people mean when they say millennials. Do they mean 25-35 year olds, as the actual definition goes, or do they mean the teenagers of today.

Generations last 20 years, so 15-35 year olds. Gen X is 35-55, boomers 55-75


Actually, it's more like 15-34, 35-54, 55-74

Despite the definition on wikipedia they usually mean people who grew up with facebook so not people in their early 30's.

>i'm a millenial

But that's retarded. "Millennial" has been used for longer than Facebook has been around.

Gen Z babby detected

I don't know when they started using millennial but I didn't hear of the name until after smartphones. When I was graduating in 2000 they didn't call us millennials. I remember hearing echoboomer or baby echo. Maybe Gen Y.

I remember a lot of Gen Y. It seemed to fall out of favour for millenials something like 5+ years ago.

>Generations last 20 years
Wow, look at this guy, just pulling random shit out of his ass.

All I know is I have little connection with these people and according to some definitions I'm actually Gen X. In my mind Gen X were the people on real world and road rules when I was growing up or my senior English teacher who was in her mid to late 30's.
>"No one knows who will name the next generation," says Neil Howe, who, along with his deceased co-author and business partner, William Strauss, is widely credited with naming the Millennials, a generation he figures spans from about 1982 to 2004.
>He knows why. Naming the Millennial Generation back in 1989

It is a commonly accepted definition for a generation but it varies.

>yes but no
Make up your mind, retard.

Definitely don't recall it being in use while growing up.

Read a book.

It doesn't matter if you remember it being in use or not. It's a term that was coined in the 80s, when the first millennials were growing up.

Perhaps so, but as a 30 year old I don't remember hearing the word millenials until I was well out of university. Probably varies based on country too.

Get a brain.

Defining generations is subjective so you won't get an exact answer.

Bait harder.

Yes, and that's why you're retarded.

So some people coined a term no one used until yesterday. That's great I guess.

Your personal lack of awareness of a term does not negate its existence.

If you don't like it, then don't start it. :^)

Would you feel better if someone used the term "common usage" instead?

Ebonics is also in common usage, but that doesn't make it valid. Common is code for uneducated.

The whole point of defining generations today is for finding trends that can be exploited. Those included in a generation need to have some cohesion thus the length of a generation must be flexible. Otherwise the data will be filled with anomalies and therefore useless.

20 years isn't flexible, retard.

How do you say "put lettuice in my fuckin qasudilla" in ebonics

People on the fringes of society are always coining terms. If we are uneducated since we don't know them then not knowing ebonics and other slang would be just as uneducated as not knowing about the existence and origins of millennial.

> Implying college kids aren't stupid immature babies. Good luck with your SJW indoctrination.

You know he's just baiting, right? Stop replying to him, like I did.

If you truly understood the history of the English language, you'd realise how dumb you sound right now.

Or, in ebonics: you is ignant.

bix nood

Ebonics isn't slang; it's a collection of mispronunciation and grammatical errors that niggers and nigger apologists decided to call a dialect.

Mistakes do not a dialect make.

There is no agreement on when a generation begins, ends, or its duration. There isn't even agreement on if all generations are a similar length.

And yet you're still retarded enough to claim that generations last 20 years.

Get the fuck out.

Corruptions facilitate the birth of many new words, dialects, and languages.

I have detected another millennial who doesn't want to be a millennial.

Don't worry bro, I feel you.

20 years is just the common metric for the length of a generation loosely based on human reproduction.

Most people sad enough to use Veeky Forums for such a long time should have suicided by the age of 30.

I take it you think patois is a paste made from liver too.

The term millenial is not just the name of a generation. It is a pejorative term used for little whiny bitches that grew up getting participation trophies, and have had facebook since highschool and college. It just so happens to correspond with people born around 1982 or 83 because those kids had facebook and iPhones in college, and graduated into the beginnings of a depression - failed hard at getting jobs because they walked into interviews acting like they were owed the job since their daddies helped them through college, and generally failed at everything else in life so hard they ended up living with their baby boomer parents. In an attempt to make their lives seem less worthless they mentally misappropriate "cool internet slang" like friend zone and sperg lord thinking that "they" came up with it. But the hilarious thing anmbout that, is that the only way they can be so wrong is if they are mommy and daddies little sheltered bitch babies - which is what leads to the mental need for misappropriation in the first place.

Here I how you figure out if you are a millenial. Are you a whiney bitch? You're probably a millenial right now. The rest of us grew up in a time when we'd get crap slapped for growing up that way, and even if we did - we've grown out of it by now.

Clearly many of the hipster fuck ups in this thread are nerdcore aspy millenial sludge.

I think Jamaicans are dumb, violent niggers.

Are you sure you didnt say "lettuice in that taco"

Problem isn't wanting to be something else but not sharing anything in common with the facebook generation and not understanding them at all.

>dumb, violent niggers
Is there any other kind?

It's also the name of a generation. The reason it became a pejorative term is that so many members of that generation (mine unfortunately) fit the description you just gave.

They are not only the first generation that grew up with facebook, they are the first generation that almost all of them went to college and almost all of them got worthless degrees like Cultural Studies. Additionally they don't seem to want to marry and have families which means that they are flooding the job market with twice the numbers than previous generations with their worthless degrees.

The few of us who were raised by strict parents who didn't put up with bullshit, got real degrees in STEM fields, and moved out of our parents houses after high school or at least college don't like to be associated with them because of how shitty a generation it is.

'82 here. I don't recall people having iphones and facebooks in college before I left in spring of '04. Even myspace was mostly a high school and freshman thing.

>STEM degree
lol, nerd

they're premade silly

'86. My freshmen class was the first college class to have Facebook. Back then it was limited to college students. It was still shit then, but less so.

Enjoy flipping burgers for minimum wage while you do your unpaid internship until you are 30.

Msn messenger. Remember that shit. And icq before it...

lol, said the virgin nerd

You're a fucking millenial (pejorative sense) because you can't do math, cant handle generalization, think you're special, and can't into reading comprehension

Don't forget mIRC

Facebook was not the start of social media. You are millenial scum - you are not a special snowflake.

I didn't say it was the start of facebook... I said that my college class was the first to have facebook.

That does not mean I'm not aware of myspace livejournal and all of its clones, etc.

Dont forget bulletin board systems.

> I didn't say facebook was the start of facebook
> Fuck my life

Don't forget about W.O.P.R.
>would you like to play a game?