Daily reminder it's over, the bull run you were waiting for already happened and is never happening again

Daily reminder it's over, the bull run you were waiting for already happened and is never happening again.

If you wanted to make it, should have started before November 2017.

Everything is overvalued and completly relying on bored whales and teenage speculators.

Blochchain tech is mostly overhyped, there's better solutions for the things blockchain could work on and doesn't consume the insane amount of energy that blockchains require.

Seriously, cash out now. Wait for the bond market collapse and buy the wall st dip.

Lol. Brand new info here.
How many of you fucks are here from post November? Be honest. I didn’t think it was that bad but then OP comes in and changes everything. You guys really think this is the griund floor? Just lol

It's not the ground floor but it's good time to get out before it gets worse.

ITT OP openly admits to being a newfag who thinks that every bear market is the end. Don't you think you're a little late anyways?

>less than 0.05% of the world owns crypto
>only going down from here
brainlets, everyone

saged and reported

Been out since december bud

This is a false premise. What are you saying, crypto must be owned by more of the world? Literally no reason for that. Any unconventional items will be owned by few people, that doesn’t mean they’re bound to be owned by more and more people. For example. What percent of the world pop you think owns a horse dildo? Is that bound to increase? Probably not. It’s faulty logic

>it's too late

>What are you saying, crypto must be owned by more of the world?
crypto is* going to be owned by more of the world

>Literally no reason for that.

>Any unconventional items will be owned by few people, that doesn’t mean they’re bound to be owned by more and more people. For example. What percent of the world pop you think owns a horse dildo? Is that bound to increase? Probably not. It’s faulty logic
I dunno if you know this, but a horse dildo and money aren't the same thing

I tried, OP. Was only able to get 23 ETH during the summer. This was my best buy.

Tell me one reason why there will be higher demand for crypto in the future. Just one that is legitimate and not based on your speculative view of the future. Beanie babies were once a thing user.

see file name

Bitcoin will never replace fiat

>I dunno if you know this, but a horse dildo and money aren't the same thing
only on biz

Nice macroeconomic analysis, I can see you did your homework.

central banks want even more central authority.
governments want even more visibility of transactions.
what are our bank accounts right now but numbers and zeros?
except there's cash.

read this user. Do you realize what crypto is?

Let me guess. You came here in december

proof please


What are you trying to say about my horse dildo?

When a country's economy grows there will be a need for more money to be released in the market to match that growth. That's where printing fiat currency comes in. If the currency were backed by a finite asset like gold or bitcoin you can't match the economy's growth with more gold/bitcoins because the rate at which gold is produced isn't fast enough. When there's not enough gold standard backed money to match an economy's growth you get an increased value on liquidity but all hard assets drop in value, which can cause deflation or the extreme version of deflation known as depression.

>there's better solutions for the things blockchain could work on and doesn't consume the insane amount of energy that blockchains require.
PoS is superior to PoW though, so this point will be completely irrelevant eventually.

If Bitcoin is worlds main currency, how are loans going to work? A loan works because you think you can eventually pay off the loan, but in a deflationary economy, each payment becomes worth more and more. So, while your payment might be $100 each month, the first month that $100 could buy 100 apples, but the next month it buys 200 apples, and the next it buys 300 - so you're paying more each month instead of the same amount

Don’t even bother. These guys will not understand. For months I mention the same obvious fault with cryptos and they just don’t get it.
Watch, they’ll start trying to convince you it’s the same as gold while skirting around deflation.

Circle just bought poloniex. Shit gonna get real

>Same shit every year

lemme give you a lesson about money:

inherently, money is broken
>pic related

if you have infinite currencies, you can apply some clever math to trading and literally pull thousands from thin air (doing it; teaching it)

if you have one currency, it's a monopoly; worse than what's going on today

personally, I think there needs to be two currencies, period: one inflationary, and another deflationary

both obviously being on the Blockchain

crypto is just simply the best form of money we have today

why would anyone take a step back from it?

Im too much of a brainlet to understand this pic

bitcoin is over. smart contracts are very much alive.

if the whole world runs on blockchain tech, then why will we use Fiat?

I started in december. I'll admit it. I literally bought BTC at 19.5k. Oh well. Live and learn. Threw it into alts and I still have a nice profit margin going right now.

>bitcoin is over. smart contracts are very much alive.
Don't even bother. These guys will not understand. For months I mentioned to bugmen and wagecucks the same obvious benefits of a trustless ledger that makes business a thousands times more efficient and without nearly as much middlemen but they won't listen.
> Herrr Derr internet money no real. Herrr derrr that's all that blockchain does.

Wow op really believes in the tech. Tries so hard to FUD he's desperate to buy lower.

just keep accumulating OMG

So exactly how fiat works right now?

You realize it's not always going to be this volatile, right?

kek, you probably bought from me.

what if you own a horse dildo and coins,,, asking for a friend

>turing incomplete

Weak bait

B-but we're still early





>the future economy

user, you are not even close to what is essential

im in almost the exact same situation, except i went from 1.5->15k and now im at around 4k. fml

impeccable timing, dang

Is LINK the only option in terms of smart contracts?

literally everything is smart contracts, ethereum does smart contracts, link just does oracles which facilitate smart contracts. Its like investing in people who make brakes for a car instead of the car manufacturer, very niche and if they can perfect it they will be the go-to in the industry all the other smart contract players will use

Go on? I'm listening.

are you johnathanflower?

i agree user i've been saying this all along

we need something to save and something to spend

Holy shit I saved his contact information for when I was ready to trade. Still not ready hah

Whats the deal w this dude? Quantum flipping?

Sounds like a clever shill

I'm way fucking smarter than you, that's my deal

just yesterday there were news about goldman sachs buying poloniex. im sure the worlds best bankers like to invest into a dead market.

I was charging, but I'm not taking students anymore unless you want to give me like, a lot of money

i have the same feeling i had in november right before everything went nuts. it's going nuts again. only a few people made big money and the rest either sold for a loss or are bag holding/focusing on shit other than meme coins but they will be back with some friends who will then sell for a loss and/or baghold

posting your real identity on biz makes you a subbrainlet. and larping as a subbrainlet is even worse

so you're suggesting I'm claiming I wrote that? lol

no he's simply suggesting since you are so smart, you would know better to not post your identity on this board lol

you mean my Discord, which is attached to a throwaway email? oh, okay

Thanks just bought 100k GOX


did you see who invested in this shit
you know how much MORE MONEY there is in the world?
you have no idea how things work do you

Invested 800 in November and was at 50k ATH. Now comfy 25k. Git gud.