How do you find time to read novels while in college?

How do you find time to read novels while in college?

I didn't

went out and got wasted bruh

By doing a degree in literature.

By not living in a shithole and having a functional public transport network.I read on the bus/at the bus stop.

Me: What have you been reading lately
Girl: Oh I HAVE NO TIME watches Netflix while swiping Tinder on her phone for 5 hours

Seriously, college is fucking easy, even the pre-med/bio majors who are in the middle of organic chemistry are sitting around the quad drinking coffee every afternoon.

how do you find time for Veeky Forums while in college?

you don't even have a single hour to spare before you go to bed?

I didn't, really. I'd get through a novella or so when I had a dearth of work but for the most part I only read during summer/winter/spring break.

Of course I could have found the time if I really wanted to, but as a history major I had plenty of assigned reading, so during my breaks from that I typically chose to watch films or listen to music.

Me:What have you been reading lately
Girl:[600 page YA romance book intensifies],I read a lot.

>Read on the bus
>Read before I go to bed
>Read at lunch
>Read between classes

Live on campus.
Don't get involved in social drama and other waste-of-time activities.
Get up early.
Schedule time wisely.
Stay off of your cellphone.

I finished:
Gifts Differing
The Undiscovered Self
Psychology in Minutes
Altlas Shrugged
and The Portable Nietzsche

I did that all during this semester (13 credit hours). Not that that reading list is incredibly impressive Yet I still think that I could have budgeted my time better.

if you have to ask this it means you dont actually like reading. you like the idea of reading but you don't want to actually commit any time to it, meaning you don't derive satisfaction from it as an activity.

tl;dr kys pseud

this, no one asks "how do you find time to jerk off in college?"


>Stay off your phone
Since I turn the bloody thing off I read a lot faster and my memory became better.
Curse mobiles and mobile internet.

>doing homework so slowly that as a full time student you don't have time for a job and reading and a social life

>13 credit hours

Even at 18 credit hours, I had so much more free time than I did when I was working full time. You better get ready for real life, where you'll actually be busy.

>Don't get involved in social drama and other waste-of-time activities.

>read: friendships and relationships

By doing a meme degree in History in a shitty college from my shithole country so I don't do shit in the whole course.

Time management. I'll read 50 pages a day and work a few hours on my assignments on days when I don't need to leave the house. Shit gets productive.

I've never met an undergraduate that was too busy to read. I was an engineering major at a notoriously difficult college, worked 20 hrs/week, drank with friends 4-5 nights per week, and still averaged a book every week and a half or so.

Even now as a law student I get through a handful of books every semester on top of the 75 pages per day of dense reading for class, a full social life, and still spending way too much time watching TV and browsing the internet.


>college social life is a waste of time
You were homeschooled, huh?

Good advice, but why did you only manage to read this much?

Are you fucking serious user? I read the most I ever have in college. I would read other, extracurricular, books in class. In fact, once I was in the library reading a book for pleasure and was so absorbed in it that I decided to not go to class, did so for a week, and then withdrew from the class.

If you're not using the time now while on an easy ass undergrad schedule, when do you think you WILL have time? When you're working 9-5? When you're in law school doing twelve hour days and coming home to keep reviewing the material?

Man the fuck up OP and read.

R E A D.

I spent too much time shitposting on Veeky Forums. Also theater.


My friends understand that I am busy with study. We have summers to hang out.

Did I mention that I was also involved in theater? Gen-eds take longer to process anyways (this is because I am not familiar with some of those subjects.)

Same way you make time to post on Veeky Forums.

this, full-time work sucks. i used to get through 4 or 5 albums, ~50 pages, and a film per day, while still having hours to browse the web and do school work. now i'm lucky if i can accomplish half of that.

By growing up, taking effort in reading fast and in not being a whiny faggot

>but muh social life, my grades!
> lol, scientific integrity? Actually gtting educated by learning critical thinking skills? Dafuq is that.

Not saying that grades and social life aren't important at all, but a smart person will just find a way into sacrificing as less as possible of the academic experience while satisfying intellectual curiosity.

I did a STEM degree and had shitloads of time for reading in university, and I read a lot. But I am depressed that I went to a university low quality enough to give me tonnes of free time.

I got pdfs and read on my laptop through lectures that were pointless, yet I was required to attend.

>audiobooks while walking, driving, playing games

Just from pure, concentrated, curiosity, could you post your schedule, including 'spending too much time watching TV and browsing the internet'

I don't have a set schedule. Generally class runs from sometime around 9 to 12 or 2 depending on the day. In between classes I read for class or screw around on my phone. When I get home I normally waste an hour or two of time and then study for class until dinner. After dinner I screw around some more and then wrap up studying. Go to bed around 12 and either read or watch TV until two. Two or three days a week I go out around dinner and stay out pretty late. On the weekends I'll frequently just read for an entire morning or afternoon. Even with this shit schedule I can read a book every couple of weeks.

Early in the semester I have several days where I'll get home and just read all afternoon before doing my studies after dinner. At the end of the semester I have about a month where I read very little and only get in maybe a hundred pages per week of reading right before bed.

i have a completely different problem, OP. Even with classes and studying i still have lots of free time, but i just don't have the mental energy to read a good novel or even watch a film. Articles and short youtube videos are the best i can do in that time.


Ughh, you sound like punchable douche.

you just dont like reading. stop pretending you like reading because society tells you reading makes you smart/sophisticated/whatever. watch youtube. im not judging you.


You can try to have a drama-free social life but that shit isn't entirely in your control. Especially with relationships. Fucking women man...

But you ARE judging me. You made a judgement saying that i don't like reading based on very little information from my post.
What i was trying to say that i do like reading, but college leaves me mentally drained most of the time to enjoy a full length book even if i did have the time. On those days, when i try reading i just can't concentrate and my reading speed is really low. But in the summer when i don't have a lot on my mind i can enjoy books very well, even though i work most of the summer.

I don't to be perfectly honest my lad

no see that's you trying to rationalize it.

if you liked reading you'd read. that's it. it's super fucking simple. the guy who made the jacking off comment is dead on - no one ever says "im too tired to jack off" or "i'm too tired to watch netflix."

reading isnt some mythical intellectual pursuit that requires full mental acuity. if you think it is you've been reading too many Veeky Forums memes.


>college leaves me mentally drained
Its pretty clear that reading is a tertiary activity for you.

"How do I find time to hang out in my dorm and watch movies with a beer in my hand"

confirmed for going to shit school

In this semester (since mid january) I have read the following:
>Fathers and Sons-Turgenev
>Mad Toy-Arlt
>The Kiss of the Spider Woman-Puig
>Wise Blood-O'Connor
>El libro de arena-Borges
>Taras Bulba-Gogol
>Artificial Paradises-Baudelaire
>Fear and Trembling-Kierkegaard
>Tristram Shandy-Sterne
>The Violent Bear It Away-O'Connor
>Las fuerzas extrañas-Lugones
>Tractatus logico-philosophicus-Wittgenstein
>Sorrows of Young Werther-Goethe
>Light in August-Faulkner
I don't think it's such a difficult task. Although I'm studying a meme degree and I just attend to classes and do essays when I have to. Did the same on the first semester and it was all good.

what degree would that be?

I had 14 hour long days of being busy in the military for long months and no weekends either, and for that I still found time to read books. Hearing from friends studying telling me that they didn't have the time to do something was like listening to a vatnik ranting about t-shirt containers.

20 pages a day. If you really wanted to finish a book than you would find the time.

I read in 10 page chunks during the school week. My minimum is 3 chunks a day, sometimes I go up to 5 or 6 though. On weekends, I try to make time to sit and read.

military is about discipline, though. your friends are college students.

This man. Even the "OMGGG IM SO BUSY" crowd fucks around for a good portion of the day.

I'm a STEM major at a pretty top school and I dick around 5+ hours a day.

I have a three year old and a six month old and I find time to read. Fuck off little kid.

By getting terrible marks.

your statement is non-substantive. everyone has leisure time. eeeeveryone

Biomedical Engineering

wtf don't speak about your children that way

That's the best argument for prioritizing I've ever heard

I only recently got into a state where it was one of my main recreational activities again recently, and for the first time during a semester, so I've been getting a lot of novels read just by procrastinating. It's better than playing snes games on my phone or watching DBZ.

I study Comparative literature, lel.

College? Try working a 40 hour week then finding time, you ungrateful shit.


I worked 20 hour work weeks with a full course load and still had plenty of time to read and hang out with friends. Stop making excuses bruh,

>40 hours work a week
>that's an 8 hour work day
>that leaves 8 hours for reading, 8 hours for sleeping in a day
>still complains

>40 hour week
>implies this is more than what a good college degree requires of you


>reading isnt some mythical intellectual pursuit that requires full mental acuity.
Yes it fucking is, if you're reading literature at any rate.

Compared to jerking off, which is mostly physical. And might, maybe, employ activity of imagination.

Movies are similar, because (usually) when people like us (or maybe just me) say "movies" we mean the film equivalent of genre fiction, i.e. an entirely different experience.

You're comparing apples to oranges and calling user a pseud for wanting squash.

You develop a state of mind through meditation and hard work that compels you to only come onto Veeky Forums for threads like this The fact that you would ask this question means you are either an elite (doubtful) or that you spend a lot of time gaming.

Provided you are not drenched in work, there is NOTHING that complements reading more than doing academic work.

Notice how all advice to hard-working college students says "since you're going to be killing yourself on the workdays take a couple of hours off as recreation on the weekends" How many of them read in these hours of recreation as opposed to playing vidya?

Sorry I was too mean, I see a lot of delusional folk around lit with IQs around 100 and with extremely average academic backgrounds who dream of being the next big thing, as such I feel obliged to give them a reality check.

Look a lot of you guys are used to the instant surge in gratification that a good video game or show gives you and forget completely about the amount of time you are giving up for it. By time here I mean conscious time, how long you FEEL you are playing a game or watching TV for.

If you read time often goes slowly, which means you feel more satisfied and used up at the end of the day.

No pleasure is as pleasurable as no pleasure.

Reading and meditations are much needed sedatives for the dredge that is life.

>mfw I'm 4.'ing 16 credits as an honors student while learning a foreign language and have read 17 books this semester (infinite jest being one)
How? I don't have friends besides my gf and people on the floor. Why? I go to a big ten idiot degree factory, I remember being in math and I was discussing how to do a problem with someone else and it was the first time in two years I didnt forthright dismiss them as being brainless. Personally, don't party and study effectively. Most people get screwed by being bad at simplifying their work load. The next group get screwed from mal-apportioned time. The final group that doesn't read a lot parties a ton. Avoid all and you'll find time. (I'll see my gf 4-5 times a week and hang out with people 1-3 hours a day, it helps I'm also waaaay smarter than my peers)

You're all worthless nerd pieces of shit with no girlfriend or others who are for you Of course y'all have time for frivolities that impact your life in no way.

>What is home ownership, filing, paperwork, housework, cooking, cleaning, exercise, washing, ironing, travelling?
Oh right, you live at home. Fuck you

They force me to read.
the rate has been a text every two weeks. Feels too short imo because there is a lot more depth to a book than can be properly covered in that time.
At least I'm reading more than I otherwise would have.

if it literally causes you undue mental strain and exertion to read a book maybe literature just isn't for you

also kek at the >implying i'm not reading "real" literature card

If you give a shit about college you'll soon realize it only really teaches you to appreciate reading well/efficiently
>be me
> law degree + masters
if you give a shit and put in the work, you will hunger for something other to read than coursework shit and you'll find/make time to read. If you don't care about studying you'll be stuck reading ya fantasy bs the rest of your life.

I read 30 non-course books in 2016 so far, the secret is to fail your degree and get really scurred about this time of year

Do what I do, don't go to college.

Fuck that shit

college is dumb as shit