What's a decent cereal to eat that isn't just 100% processed sugar, yet still tastes decent?

What's a decent cereal to eat that isn't just 100% processed sugar, yet still tastes decent?

Pic unrelated


>worried about sugar

>decent cereal to eat
steel cut oats

>yet still tastes decent?
Grow up

>he grew up and turned into a horse


not OP but I don't think it's immature to want your food to not taste like cardboard. that being said, oats are a good suggestion. mix it with a bit of fruit and a scant spoonful of raw sugar. just enough to make it semi-pleasant to eat. it also seems to taste better if I make it with part water, part milk instead of just straight water.


Don't eat American breakfast cereal. It's old meme.


This stuff is pretty good. I like frosted mini wheats too.

Good compromise here.


Wheaties have a nic sweetness to them.

Wish they made frosted shredded wheat with light frosting desu

180 calories in a cup, actually tastes really good

FROSTED MINI WHEATS. eat em cold or hot


Say what you want about store brands, but HEB granola is damn good.

shut up about ur damn heb

Granola is high on sugar

I'm not even a Texan, it's just one of the only store brands of granola that I like.