I'm jelly of Americans who had to read this for school...

I'm jelly of Americans who had to read this for school. You fuckers have access to some pretty good-tier literature very early on. Just read this book today in one reading and it was post-worthy.

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Read it in grade 9. Good book.

I got a C for insisting that Jack was the true hero and all the other boys insisting on conforming to liberal democratic standards of behavior were the villains.

Imagining a fourteen year old writing that, turning in that essay, and arguing with the teacher for screwing him with the grade is hilarious whether you agree with those views or not

Holy shit, I have no idea how you got that ideia. Still, your professor was kind of a dick-wad.

I just recently read it too. It was fine, but I can definitively see it's meant mostly for adolescents.

The ending where he actually typed out that the children had lost their innocence was hamfisted to the extreme.

>The ending where he actually typed out that the children had lost their innocence was hamfisted to the extreme.

Yeah, I quite agree with you. It was specially cringeworthy when Piggy started screaming and asking if people "preferred law and order or savagery". But it was still quite an interesting read.

this is bullshit, we had to read that yank twat steinbeck. praise gove

I couldn't finish the book. When Simon said "I am Jesus Christ and you will inevitably kill me rather than see the truth" I just couldn't read anymore. Cringeworthy prose.

A C is passing, so I don't know why you're complaining. You must have given shit examples to propel your thesis.

>And in the end, Jack truly was the Lord of the Flies
Golding's a straight hack.

That's a unique thesis, but that doesn't mean your essay wasn't shit.

I read the book earlier this year. A reread for me as I had read it about 10 years ago in highschool.

The book can be hamfisted, as a few have already mentioned, but it's literally perfect for babbys first literary analysis in highschool.

Reenactment of the Great Declaration of Simon Magus.

>lord of the flies
>god-tier literature

>he reads what he wants to read

It says good-tier, m8. Relax.


I clearly wrote good.

One of my early teachers says that Piggy deserves to be called a Christ figure more than Simon.

I quite agree with that assessment. Piggy represented everything that is weak and pitiful about mankind, and he died for his friends' sins. He literally just wanted to praise the Lord Shel-, I mean, Lord Conch.

While we're at it, what do you think about the little ones? Why did they follow Jack so promptly? I tried to attach some meaning to them but couldn't really decide what they were meant to represent.

Infantilization? I dunno.

They're the followers. The book is about leaders and followers in one way.

It's in their nature to follow. That's all I got.

I've just noticed something (it's very obvious but it only occurred to me now): Jack always wants to hunt pigs, and then they kill Piggy.

The same teacher showed me a passage where they're killing Simon, and the spears and the positions of the kids killing him make it look like a mouth with teeth. He has issues with the book being taught with younger kids.

Yeah. I made an alternate title for the book and the teacher I'm talking about liked it. It was The Pig n' Me.

I don't get it. The book is pretty juvenile, albeit its raw brutality. How old are the students who have to read it for school? I'm not American, but I think I'd have loved this book if I had read it when I was 13-14.

Supposedly the weak minded are easily convinced by rhetoric of grandeur

I've heard it being taught at the middle school level. The vocabulary is on a 8th grader level.

The only thing that really rustled my jimmies was the blatant racism contained in the book. I'm not trying to be a tumblrina SJW or anything, but it just can't be a coincidence that Golding repeatedly says the boys are becoming "brown" as time goes on, and that Englishmen are the best.

I was an edgy anarcho-primitivist my freshman year and even I didn't agree with Jack

You were just a little contrarian shit

You should actually read about Golding. As in, at all.

Alright, is anyone here called Joe Keohane?


This shit is straight-up /pol/ content.

>“Sucks to your auntie,” Jack snapped. “Fatty!”

>The littluns giggled.

>“I’m not fat,” Piggy whined. “I am a person of size.”

>“It’s a fair point,” Roger said. “Can we even call Piggy Piggy?”

>“I suppose it depends,” Jack said. “Is it glandular?”

Enlighten me. It is also possible that all of that talk about Britain being superior just highlights that Brits too can become savages (although they have to lose their whiteness in order to do so).

But that's a blatant misreading, user. I'm just going to assume you're being sincere and this isn't bait.

There's a thing called irony. Goldman employs it to critique the idea of English superiority - the fine English boys devolve into savages. It goes a little further as you realize that there's a nuclear war going on and the same English pilot (sailor? I forget) that rescues and scolds the children is probably a part of that war and thus not all that different.

This is freshman English. Come on man.

It wasn't bait. But I really do think that the case can be made that the racism isn't there for commentary, but because of racism.

I mean, even if you do read it as "irony", what we get is:

>Even British white boys have a brown savage soul inside them.

Maybe Golding just dun goof'd and didn't mean to do it, but it certainly reads like this nowadays (and perhaps also back in the 50's).

Have you heard of moral relativism?
Fucking idiot judging a book by your own standards

Had to read it for school in Scotland too. Though, luckily they showed us the film after a while as they knew no one would actually read it

I did not claim that the book was bad because of this trait. All I said was point out that, no matter what you say, Golding still conveyed the sense the as British boys became more savage they became full ooga-booga injuns. When do they shun the conch (the symbol of 'civilization')? Precisely when they put on warpaint on their faces.

lol i have to read lolita this month, dont know if i should read it on pdf or buy it

Golding fully believed that English people “are the most noble and wise of all people” he just thought that they could descend to the level of mere “savages” if they were taken out of their time honoured structured hierarchies.

The boys decent into evil savagery is marked by their adoption of racial signifiers, they even paint their faces black with charcoal for fuck sake. “war paint”, chanting, dancing in circles, nakedness - this is how Golding portrays a descent into bestial, murderous immorality, straight out of the racist imperialist cannon. The “bad” boys are called “the tribe” who answer to “the chief”, described as “painted savages” juxtaposed with the assembly and the conch shell of western liberal democracy. Equating indigenous people with out of control children is straight out of the imperialist playbook.

Lord of the Flies is a white supremacist text.

Man, Piggy literally says something like "Why do you prefer behaving like painted niggers instead of being more like Ralph?".

But that's the point, it said english men can be just as uncivilized as the ones they reject.

By nature, that meant the """"""brown"""""" people could also be just as civilized.

Is your entire qualm just because Golding used the word "brown"? There's a thing called symbolism.

rusty, blunt, dull edge

Dude, indigenous people STILL fucking suck despite all the free shit they get today.

>Try to trade with them but they're too fucking stupid to make a good deal
>Try to take a few of their kids and teach them how to farm the land and live in a more sustainable way. The way of the future. They're too fucking stupid to get it and just want to go back to their wigwams and do whatever. And we're the biggest assholes in the world a hundred years later for trying to educate them just because a couple got raped, like no white kid has ever got raped. It happens, unfortunately, fuck off.
>Try to give them some free shit and a few other advantages to level out the playing field and all they do with it is sit around and get fucked up.

Indigenous people are fucking awful and they should have just been wiped out.

I read it for school in secondary, m8.

you sound fucking stupid

You sound very ignorant.



In South America they make you read pic related so we are not so bad.

That's just about the only good book you read in American high school. Then it's just cancer like The Outsiders, To Kill a Mockingbird, other "classics" that English teachers can't stop jacking off over, etc. Some high schools have even gone down the dark path and started giving kids contemporary YA literature like the Hunger Games 'n' shieeet. I suppose the intention there is to not bore them and get them interested in reading by providing entertaining (by high-school-kid standards) books for them to read, but it's kind of a shitty strategy. Reading doesn't mean shit unless you read good books. Reading just for the sake of reading is pretty worthless. Reading the Hungrar Games is about as intellectually valuable as watching people drink jars full of donkey ejaculate on Fear Factor.

It's worse, I'd say. It's incredible sometimes that stuff like this is even published.

>I'm not trying to be an tublrina SJW or anything
>Procedes to be a tublrina SJW

>jelly of americans who had to read this for school.

I'm dutch and had to read this for school when I was 14 or something.