Would you allow your daughter to read the works of John Green?

Would you allow your daughter to read the works of John Green?

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John Green's books would be an excellent introduction for my daughter to the wonders of reading.


What's going on with her Jimmy Durante nose?



Would you allow your son to read the works of John Green?



Would you allow your father to read the works of John Green?

I'd give them to her young so she can realize how stupid they are when she grows up

>ywn have kids


why she look like Ted Cruz

Only once to show her that there is evil in the world.

>allowing your daughter to read

I tried not to let my wife's son read his books. I would try to distract him by buying him real literature for young boys (Jack London, Twain, Kipling...) but the little shit didn't even want to open the books. I found out he just got Green's books from his school's library and kept them hidden from me. I got pissed when I found out about it but the little pussy started to cry and my wife got mad and now he's allowed to read whatever the fuck he wants. It doesn't help that my wife's new boyfriend is buying him the most garbage YA shit ever published, and to make room on the shelves for them, they're making me get rid of my books. All those NYRB classics and Norton Critical Editions I've collected over the years are now going to thrift shops. Fuck everything.

>veiled pro-Green post


lol no.

I keep pushing this stuff until one day they realize they were an accident.

It's a metaphor for humanity. Best to start small and work their way up.

my ex asked me to read his books once because she was a huge fan. the weird thing is that he writes well but you can tell he's pandering so hard to teenage girls and insecure teenage boys. i think paper towns was the most tolerable one.

tl;dr - no

>he writes well
if only

nothing wrong with giving a voice to young people, but his prose and ideas are pure shit

poop ass tits sass try and see if you can pass gass


>wife's new boyfriend

I'd give her Judy Blume.

I hate how he overshadows his more talented brother who used to write for this internet magazine.

I admit it needs work but its kilometres better than Johns work.
"Next day, or the day after the next, the entire family was
having high tea in the garden. Naomi, on the grass, kept trying to
make an anadem of marguerites for the dog while Lane
looked on, munching a crumpet. Maria remained for almost a
minute wordlessly stretching across the table her husband’s
straw hat in his direction; finally he shook his head, glared at
the sun that glared back and retired with his cup and the
Tomville Enquirer to a rustic seat on the other side of the lawn
under an immense elm.
"I ask myself who can that be," murmured Ms Lavine
from behind the samovar (which expressed fragments of its
surroundings in demented fantasies of a primitive genre) as she
slitted her eyes at a part of the drive visible between the pilasters
of an open-work gallery. Josh, lying prone behind Naomi, lifted
his eyes from his book (Naomi's copy of Atlas Shrugged).
A tall rosy-faced youngster in smart riding breeches dismounted from a black pony.
"It’s Greg’s beautiful new pony," said Naomi."


what a cuck

>Stop making fun of my brother, guys.
>It's the current year.

>but the idea that an empathetic man is a weak man is deeply disappointing and sad backwards from where I thought we'd go

Cucks won't even acknowledge that they are cucks. Sad, truly sad.

when will people learn that silence is always the best option? you can never ever win no matter how carefully you word your shit. what a pathetic cuck.

>this man is the republican nominee for president of the united states

I'm still fucking beaming

he is right, he isn't bowing down to spooks like you guys

>not a spook

I'm an actual conservative, and I really wish I didn't have to vote for him, but I dislike the democrats so much that it will be a pleasure when November comes around.

>mfw I found out Vince McManhon is still alive.
I thought he died of a heart attack years ago for some reason. Now he'd get my vote.

I thought he died when his limousine exploded.

it isn't if it works to the advantage of the individual

She can read whatever she wants.

By the time she's of an appropriate age for Green's target demographic (i.e. YA) she will have been educated enough to see through his bullshit.

But she will have to come to that conclusion on her own.

>John Green will be 40 next year

>thinks Trump is a disastrous buffoon, but votes for him because MUH TEAM

you sound exactly like my dad. i guess this is why i haven't reached maturity yet.

>it runs in the family

My only other choice is to vote for Hillary or vote for a third party candidate, which is basically a vote for Hillary.

Yeah, I know. That's my problem. But how is denying that bitch my vote by choosing some no name voting for her?

So how is empathy less of a spook than the lack of empathy?

That's what you're arguing after all. You're claiming that his embracing of empathy (or "cuckoldry") is him not bowing down to spooks.

Well, either Trump or Hillary will win. Other people will be on the ballot, but there are really only two options. I want the more conservative one to win, so a vote for anyone else is a waste.

Actually, mostly what's holding you back is the naive belief that what candidates say they're going to be or do is anything like what they'll actually be able to do or even mean to do.

The President's number one function is to serve as a symbol for the United States in foreign policy matters, and Trump's behavior is so bizarre, no one could honestly say if this would be good or bad, though playing it safe should always be the conservative option.

You're right. I expect candidates to say something like 'hello America, if elected I plan to deliver a, b, and c." And yes I expect to hold them to their word. I think democracy is supposed to work somewhere along those lines. I'd hope the Presidents usefulness were more than that of a scarecrow.

you mean like this


I doubt half of them are of voting age

I know a girl in high school who sat behind him when he came to my city. She's can't be older than 16, but there she was on the stage waving her flag.


do Americans actually base who they vote on how the candidate looks and their fanbase over their actual policies?


Who you are is who you appeal to. There's much more science to this then we want to give credit for.

Stooooop making this fuuuucking threads about this faggot.

That said I think it'd be okay to let my kids start on Harry Potter and then Series of Unfortunate Events

>Americans are f*cking stupid. Am I right?