Shitty food plated well/good food plated shitty thread?

Shitty food plated well/good food plated shitty thread?

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That honestly does look better than a standard grilled cheese. I'd use whole grain bread and mozzarella though.

I want to say this is some dedicated Veeky Forums shitposting.


learn to wrap microwaved bacon to crackers, and then spend the next 1 1/2 hours reading all of our other stuff... I wonder what religion is behind this


this is depressing

lmao it looks like the African country

I hope whoever did this just screamed HIBACHI TIME BITCHES the entire time they made it

It was intended as a joke but yeah basically that

>Africa is a country

What would you say if I revealed they're from /r/shittyfoodporn


Presentation usually goes to hell by the time I finish making a nice meal. Too damn hungry to bother.

I want this picture with different watermarks from different cancer-sites, like ifunny, 9gag and so on.

>he doesn't eat milk steak, boiled hard, with a side of raw jellybeans


Fucking saved and added to toppest of keks folder

This looked pretty tasty up to the cheese.

The classic?

This makes me feel really cosy for some reason

that looks fuckin delicious

it's just a shitty made cheese roll, fucks down south in NZ have been doing it for eons. They use 'em for charity drives/fundraising. You use shredded cheese, hot milk to melt it a bit, butter, onion soup powder (mustard powder is you're feeling fancy) and spread the melted mix onto a slice of bread and roll it up. Never seen them pan friend, you either cook them in the oven or on a sandwich/panini press. put butter on top.


don't do this it makes nerve gas

Well, they both look like shit, so I don't know what the point is.

Childhood memories of some kind probably

Looks like a raccoon

Kek I remember this fucking thread.

I know this thread isn't really about this but I wonder why any sane person who only has $5 left would buy overpriced processed bread and processed cheese to make one not filling meal. Why not buy a bag of rice and some cheap veggies instead.

Perfect presentation imo, big ass plate full of delicious looking food.

>live in an apartment with an ultra sensitive fire alarm
>even a centimetre of burned toast sets it off for the whole building
>see this

I genuinely panicked a bit


The bottom most tendie is triggering me, it's not in line


fuck off new zealand

childhood memories mixed with the freedom of being an adult. When I was a kid this is what I dreamed eating as an adult would be like.

>As many nuggets as I want, 3 fucking brownies AND chocolate milk in a fancy glass!

So seeing someone do this fills us with joy.

It looks better than anything I have eaten this year

go back to france