ITT: Writers you would have never heard about if not for Veeky Forums

ITT: Writers you would have never heard about if not for Veeky Forums.

haha that's funny cuz hez my favorite author.

to get back on topic, pic related for me.

John Green for me too.

Do Americans really read this?

They don't.

yes they do. more so them anything


I can't believe I gave this gook money to read his shit fucking book.


thanks fellas

It must suck huh? Knowing this ugly fuck got to marry and bareback the popular girl in high school who he was too nervous to talk to at the time.

Have kids, write books, have popular youtube series etc.

I agree, man. What an ugly fuck.

She's not attractive either.


Am I pinging wrong here?

You're just jealous that you're not as handsome and successful as him. He has a popular YouTube series that everyone watches.

if i'm being honest.

She cucked him. She kept her last name and put his afterwards.


Yes, but is she jewish

She definitely looks like she could be, but I can't find any good profile shots to confirm + she hides her brow with her hair style. Or I could be wrong, and she's just a regular reduced armenoid.


Was she really considered attractive/ popular?

Who's this asian gentleman?

Well, saying "never" is quite a stretch but being Italian it'd taken a lot more

>Peter Watts
>Gene Wolfe
>Robert Anton Wilson

Maybe others who knows

Ligotti, Evola, Stirner, Franzen, Turgenev, Mira Gonzalez, Tao Lin, Murakami

Stirner, McCarthy



I can't think of any. Even like Mira Gonzalez I've heard talked about IRL. Though five years ago I actually took classes on Classical Greek Philosophy and James Joyce because Veeky Forums talked about them so much, having not read either before.

They do. I heard about (and hated) Green before I ever came to Veeky Forums because I had a friend who worshipped his garbage books

As a current senior in highschool in Wisconsin, nearly every girl at my school has read at least Looking for Alaska and The Fault in our Stars. Normally around freshman year.

Pichon and wallace

Yeah, I went to university (in the US) and studied post-war American literature and no one (that I can recall) ever even mentioned him.

Wow, The Recognitions is the urtext of post-war fiction. I can't believe it!

I've heard of him, only because I was watching his awful youtube videos on history, I didn't even know he was a writer until I saw a thread complaining about him.

No one except for the alt-lit American meme writers.

Go to bed, Franzen.

LANGUAGE poets, Black Mountain school, New Journalism, Beats, Gonzo sure. Now that I think about it, no mention of Gass or McElroy either.

Get off the road, Tao

John Hawkes
Alasdair Gray
J F Powers
J A Baker

In cauntry that takes literature as seriously as mine, he's like a passing fad among youth. Everyone else don't give a fuck or treat him like a joke.

I even use him as a way to see if someone is worth talking to.

Thomas Ruggles Pynchon Jr.
David Foster Wallace
Max Stirner

Witold Gombrowicz

But all of that stuff is shit. Goddamn

I probably wouldn't have heard of some people like Sukenick or Orlovitz, but everyone else I can think of I would have heard of.

Oh and while I first heard about John Green on Veeky Forums, I probably would have heard of him elsewhere at some point anyway

>4,100,000 ratings for Hunger Games #1
>3,800,000 ratings for Harry Potter #1
>1,800,000 ratings for Divergent #1
>700,000 ratings for Looking For Alaska
>650,000 ratings for Odyssey
>500,000 ratings for Catch-22
>450,000 ratings for Dune
>416,000 ratings for Sookie Stackhouse #1 (True Blood)
>230,000 ratings for Iliad
>45,000 ratings for Sorrows Of Young Werther
>16,000 ratings for Faust

Popularity contests are gonna popularity

John Green.
Tao Lin.

The problem here being my taste for reading authors who write about other authors, and the state of the art.

Were it not for Veeky Forums, I would probably still be reading DFW. Were it not for Veeky Forums, I would never have picked up Pynchon (thought I heard about him long before visiting Veeky Forums).

JG and Tao continue to hold no interest for me.

anybody who rates the Iliad out of five stars is a fucking moron

Any schmuck is qualified to express an opinion about whether he enjoyed Harry Potter, and that's an appropriate way to respond to such a book. But every asshole who has clicked on one of those five stars and given their opinion about an immortal and foundational work that they definitely did not read in Ancient Greek is not using Goodreads correctly

His face is almost as asymmetric as mine

And he's not even a Jew....

What the fuck are you talking about

these two gentlemen

I vaguely remember seeing people with The Magus on campus but never got around to reading it until people recommended it here.

I've never read or watched anything of Green's, and only really seen him mentioned here t b h f a m. But he seems like a pretty okay guy. Given that edgy teens here love to dunk on him I'm guessing there's probably some redeeming stuff in his work.

Yeah, he's kinda like Ayn Rand in that way, lol

Regardless of her ethical/amphetamine prescriptions, you'd have to be reading pretty shittily not to get something interesting at least out of somebody who basically considers Kant the single greatest affront to human dignity.