Recommend me some good non-fiction on Russia

Recommend me some good non-fiction on Russia

Other urls found in this thread: Martens/

The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Roadside Picnic

Stalin - Paradoxes of Power by Stephen Kotkin

I'm going to learn Russian after much consideration, wish me luck.

I've considered all the romantic languages, Finnish, Japanese, and Korean but decided ultimately on Russian. Russian has Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Dead Souls, Lolita, We, Roadside Picnic, Tarkovsky, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, plane games, Orthodox Christianity, Russian chess and math. Russians have so much top-tier works in both the arts and science, especially in areas of my interest.

What I'm using is The New Penguin Russian Course with a few bilingual books and the Bible in Russian. I'm still looking for good audio courses as well.

I second this.

Why don't lit give Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn the credit he deserves? Never see that nigga discussed around here


No what? It's an obvious joke.

Oh and I decided to use Michel Thomas for audio.

Another View of Stalin - Ludo Martens Martens/

Tell me, what is this other view? Is it an apologist book?

The Fourth Political Theory

It builds on Khuryokin's mushroom theory that Stalin was actually the budded fungal offspring of Lenin

He is basically a neofascist, right? I 'admire' rightwing efforts to rebrand their ideology as being different from previous rightwing movements. It reminds me of the similarly pathetic Identitarian movement and its struggle to appear as if they aren't just neonazis with a different name.

Fuck you, you made me Google that

If you notice every scholar who states this is a western liberal or neocon, those who are invested in Globalisation and modernity, often with dubious links to Geroge Soros and such, such as Andreas Umland and Shekshekov

The fearmongering over Dugin has less to do with his supposed fascistic politics and more with his nationalist, counter-hegemonic influence on Russian foreign policy. He's one of the most effective practitioners in Multipolar politics, and he's despised for it.

"Identitarian" has been sullied by the American side which uses it as a cover for white nationalism, however it's basis in European New Right school of thought is nothing like the common racism that often permeates mass movement

>He is basically a neofascist, right?
Kek, no. He's the opposite of a fascist: traditionalist (not modernist) and supports ethnic/cultural diversity (not nationalism).

Started reading up on Skovoroda, Radishchev, and Chaadayev. I think i'm spending the rest of the year as a slavophile.

lol, whatever they call themselves you can keep crying, because these "neonazis" are growing in America and all over Europe

I am a nationalist myself. I just don't appreciate how nationalism is polluted by edgy fascists that base their ideology on tried-and-failed ideas instead of the superior nationalism-through-democracy method.

The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin

I found All the Kremlin's Men interesting, it sheds some light on modern Russian politics. Also, I've recently heard some warm words about David Glantz and his 'When Titans Clashed' for providing unbiased picture of Great Patriotic War. Haven't read it myself.


It's fiction. Strugatsky brothers are great though.

I've heard Lolita is actually better written in English. I'm not sure, however.

Not really, Eurasianism is something much weirder/disturbing. Dugin takes a lot after the russian cosmists, gnosticismo and orthodox eschatology ie. The end of the world as we know it is not necessarily a bad thing. Not much in common with western white nationalists, who in the end are concerned with bourgeoisie values of property and security.

based, taking a class with this man right now and will recommend

"Problems of Leninism", Stalin.

I recently read Sheila Fitzpatrick's "A Spy in the Archives" an autobiography of her post-grad days studying early Soviet history actually in the Soviet Union as part of a student exchange and really enjoyed it for what it was.

I've heard her actual historical work is decent and offering a bit more of a nuanced look at Soviet history particularly the Stalin era and am probably going to get stuck into it.

OP specified non fiction not some ramblings from intellectually deficient anti Semitic pleb.

here ya go

>It's fiction. Strugatsky brothers are great though.


Alexander Herzen's My Past & Thoughts, is an excellent memoir of late czarist Russia and revolutionary period Europe.

not specifically about Russia but it's fascinating IMO and was the inspiration for my senior thesis

>I've heard Lolita is actually better written in English. I'm not sure, however.

It's what Nabokov said himself in preface to Russian translation of Lolita.

"Aмepикaнcкoмy читaтeлю я тaк cтpacтнo твepжy o пpeвocхoдcтвe мoeгo pyccкoгo cлoгa нaд мoим cлoгoм aнглийcким, чтo инoй cлaвиcт мoжeт и впpямь пoдyмaть, чтo мoй пepeвoд "Лoлиты" вo cтo paз лyчшe opигинaлa. Meня жe тoлькo мyтит нынe oт дpeбeзжaния мoих pжaвых pyccких cтpyн. Иcтopия этoгo пepeвoдa - иcтopия paзoчapoвaния. Увы, тoт "дивный pyccкий язык", кoтopый, cдaвaлocь мнe, вce ждeт мeня гдe-тo, цвeтeт, кaк вepнaя вecнa зa нaглyхo зaпepтыми вopoтaми, oт кoтopых cтoлькo лeт хpaнилcя y мeня ключ, oкaзaлcя нecyщecтвyющим, и зa вopoтaми нeт ничeгo, кpoмe oбyглeнных пнeй и oceннeй бeзнaдeжнoй дaли, a ключ в pyкe cкopee пoхoж нa oтмычкy. "

I can't tell if Dugin' obcession with eschatology is shitposting or genuine