Favorite books by Russian authors?

Favorite books by Russian authors?

>inb4 obvious list

There's a paragraph in particular, right before Pechorin's duel, that still haunts me and which I think sums up the Romantic-Byronic spirit of poets like Lermontov himself or Pushkin.

I read it in a Spanish translation, but he paragraph in English it this:

And, maybe, I will die tomorrow! . . . And not one being on this earth will have ever understood me totally. Some thought of me as worse, some as better, than I actually am . . . Some will say “he was a good fellow,” others will say I was a swine. Both one and the other would be wrong.
Given this, does it seem worth the effort to live? And yet, you live, out of curiosity, always wanting something new . . . Amusing and vexing!

And in Russian, in case anyone actually knows how to read it (I don't):

И, мoжeт быть, я зaвтpa yмpy!.. и нe ocтaнeтcя нa зeмлe ни oднoгo cyщecтвa, кoтopoe бы пoнялo мeня coвepшeннo. Oдни пoчитaют мeня хyжe, дpyгиe лyчшe, чeм я в caмoм дeлe... Oдни cкaжyт: oн был дoбpый мaлый, дpyгиe — мepзaвeц. И тo и дpyгoe бyдeт лoжнo. Пocлe этoгo cтoит ли тpyдa жить? a вce живeшь — из любoпытcтвa: oжидaeшь чeгo-тo нoвoгo... Cмeшнo и дocaднo!

read the sticky

but the paragraph in English is this****

Oooh, I read that. Love Nabokov, still have to read Lolita and Pale Fire though.

despair is amazing
Hermann is a nut

>I love nabokov
>hasn't read pale fire

Black Snow- Bulgakov
The Captains Daughter- Pushkin
The Overcoat- Gogol

I enjoyed Bulgakov's Master and Margarita. I haven't gotten around to his other novels. How would you rate Black Snow?
Lolita is a masterpiece;it is written for the sole reason of drama and seeing how such a dynamic relationship would work out in the end. It has no erotica, mind you.

Only books by Russians I've read, but I've loved them all.

that's a good collection, needs more diverse authors though.


I'm working on it. I like to generally follow Seneca's advice and read one author deeply before moving on to the next. As you can see I've read most of Dostoevsky and most of what gogol wrote. I'm expanding Tolstoy and nabokov next while testing some different authors. When I read something I like I eventually like to stay with them for a while and read more of their work.

Nabokov is my favorite author, Ive read Lolita by him and have been inlove ever since? Where do I go from there


Also try Pnin if you haven't yet, it's very dry and funny.

gogol's overcoat is my favorite short story ever written. It's just perfect.

Moscow-Petushki by Venechka Erofeev. An almost impossible synthesis between the abstractness of Postmodernism and sincerity/heartfeltness of ages past. This is something that DFW failed to achieve, and his failure took ten times as much ink as this masterpiece. The Russian aesthetic is on point, the themes fit perfectedly and do not feel forced, or inserted, and it is also the funniest book since Gogol's Dead Souls(and also the saddest).

I didn't really get Dead Souls, too much "US RUSSIANS".

What good 20th century stuff have you guys read?

Yes, mine too. It spoke to me.

>no roadside picnic
itt: plebs

I liked it a lot, I've read all of Bulgakovs work (besides Notes on the Cuff) and it's his best realistic work. I'd say its his 3rd best work after Master and Margerita and the Fatal Eggs.

He was an American who wrote in American English

I like that, I think I'll read this next.

kek,yes when you have everything in life and have to get excitement from rushing out to death in the caucuses against natives and then duel multiple men, all from having too much in life you may be the romantic equivalent of a 4channer.

I thought the duel itself was more haunting, by the way if no one understood him including that lover it was more cause he never gave them a chance.

Dr. Zhivago, and of course pic related.

No love for Tsjechov?

лютo кoтиpyю пьecы Чeхoвa, в ocoбeннocти пьeca "вишнeвый caд", этaкий Дэвид Линч, я бы cкaзaл, co cвoeй кинoлeнтoй "внyтpeнняя импepия".

Sorry, but this is AMERICA, and I don't speak vodkarunes.


Too much Vodka, can't even spell lel

That book is critical sci-fi.

The Brothers K., The Idiot, and Fathers and Sons.

no chekhov anyone?

Cherry Orchard is literally two posts above you.

Both good. Best non fiction gulag archipelago loved this book got me into Russian lit in general found an ancient vol3 on a bookshelf at a shitty bar. Read a few pages stole aforementioned scroll. Just thought I would share

It is evident which of those paper backs have not been completed u pleblord

The new translation of the brothers karamazov is the only one I haven't read yet. If you break the spine of a book with less than 700 pages you are a pleb.

This response shook my nerve as I sat here, waiting for this jobsite to open.