

White bread is for plebs.

hey fuck you buddy I love white bread

This is an 18+ website

right, for plebs.

pasta > bread > potatoes > rice


Stop teasing me and cut it open.

potatoes > pasta > bread > rice >> sweet potatoes

how else are you suppose to make canapes?

It's the 20th century dude, sliced bread has been a thing for like 40 years now.

>literally the exact opposite of what you said

Rice > pasta > potatoes > bread

bread > potatoes > buckwheat > rice > pasta > peas and beans > corn

meme opinion

Nice meme food you've got there.

Pasta>rice>potatoes>>>>>>>>>POWER GAP>>>>>>>>>>>bread

Idk why but good made me laugh.
Breaddy good m8

>shit I'm not reading > corn

why is japanese bread so weird

Black bread is racist

Bread > potatoes >rice >>> pasta