It's this good enough to become an elite writer?

It's this good enough to become an elite writer?

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Anyone can write. But to be noticed, you have to have original and creative ideas, and btw most of these are shunned by society

If you have to ask permission to be a writer, from idiots like us, with the implication that IQ is the determining factor in whether you can produce content, then no, you can't become an elite writer.

Is IQ even related to creativity or language? I know a few very intelligent people who are really bad at redacting.

IQ has nothing to do with success, ultimately.

A smart person would know that.

If you work hard and find out that you truly love a certain area of study, there's no reason you can't create something of meaning for yourself.

What are your goals? If you're just looking for renown then you might as well just quit while you're ahead and do something else with your life

t. low IQ brainlets.


you are going to die virginfat and alone and unknown

Aw fuck, we got baited and trapped.

People who boast about not boasting about their IQs are pretentious.

There's no point in obsessing over IQ when it comes to writing. IQ is really only good at assessing if you have a learning disorder or not. It does not reflect how creative you are or anything like that

That's not very nice.

>low IQ brainlets
A living testament to how you can have a high IQ and still be stupid.

IQ is pure reasoning and pure reasoning will create the perfect book.


Creativity plays a huge role too.
Doesn't matter whether you're the most logical motherfucker on earth, if you can't write well, no one's going to read your book.

>implying 125 is even that high of an IQ

Though having a high verbal IQ will obviously help your writing, I'm not sure if better books are books that are reasoned better, persay. Writing to me seems a lot more based on instinct and feel, a strange type of creativity and ability to think in new ways, not in solving certain problems or reasoning your way through things. You don't reason your way through the construction of perfect sentences, usually, you go based on feel and instinct, writing and rewriting until it feels correct. The amount this has to do with IQ I have no idea, but I do know that it's a very different type of thinking than IQ like problems.

This. Anything below 140 is just embarrassing.

You just won't understand it. Your fault.


Feelings have nothing to do with IQ and everything to do with stupidity.

There's your answer.

'feelings = stupidity'

nice work user

>Oh no, dry as sand prose won't be a problem
>Oh no, shitty ideas won't be a problem
>Oh no, poorly handled subjects won't be a problem
>I'll just use my superior logic... somehow.

>Feyman was a low IQ brainlet

>I only use my intuition
>therefore learning things like character arcs, tropes, grammar, how to write sentences, character pacing, plot structure, rythm of speech, poethry metrics, rethoric, oratory are useless
>but why is shakespeare the best
>le talent is passion maymay

What a pathetic insecure faggot you are.

if hawking's so smart then how come he never learned to walk?

You deserve whatever fagottry you suffer from.

You're being illogical.

You didn't figure that out on your own?

Now I know you're trolling me.
So long, have a shitty life.

That explains celebrity best-sellers. You really lasered through the bullshit, there.

Your low IQ must really get you in trouble.

same, but for you and not me instead

post the test familia, is it one of those that caps?

he did learn to walk, what are you talking about?

That user doesn't know he was normal then got a disease.

At least user tried.

what can you really expect for /b/shitters?

i think you just got /b/aited and im havent used /b/ since i was 13 so whats the point?

My IQ is 154 but my writing is shit. Maybe cos I have asperger's. I don't think there would be a great correlation between intelligence and writing skill.



you'll never be a good writer if you think arbitrary magical barriers exist which dictate how well you can write

my iq is 154 and im not an aspie, and my writing is AMAZING, my english teacher wanted to suck my cock, pretty much you can call me the DFW of my generation and a master of satire and post-irony, bitch suck my dick JUSTIN BIEBER

iq and writing skill probably correlate, but time spent reading/writing/thinking/having_a_poet's_soul correlates so much more that it doesn't matter

wow youre so edgy , im sure you have a poets soul, every good poet just claims they have a poet soul..........NOT

oh, look, he's posting again

nowhere in that post does it say I'm a good writer, gaywad

Writing aint about IQ bro, its about feeling the beat and the flow of the street, the people. Its about being IN TOUCH maaaan

Time to cut back on those energy drinks, son.

why keruoach lookin like chris evans here lmfaooo

145 master race here. i have and will fail in everything.

I have an IQ of 85. I'm really stupid and everyone mocks me. Just this morning some fat Asian racist threw a slushie in my face and called me dumb. It really makes me sad and depresses me. I couldn't help being born white. It just sucks so much being biologically inferior.

>Just this morning some fat Asian racist threw a slushie in my face and called me dumb.
At least he didn't call you a mongoloid.

But he's a mongoloid.

With persistence, dedication, and a rounded study, you can become a popular writer. Like David Sedaris, or Dan Brown. You could even become a good writer who could affect the style of Nabokov or Lovecraft. But in order to produce a truly original and unique style, you must be able to understand and observe the intedependencies of language with lived experience such that you can see how everything can mean everything, but still precisely say the one, or many, things you mean in a sentence or paragraph, and no more.

If you find writing enjoyable, though, I don't mean to dissuade whatsoever. It is a creative passion, and these bring us in touch with the divinity of nature.

>original and creative ideas

>It's this good enough
Definitely not.

Depends on whether or not you took one of those shitty online IQ tests. If it took you twenty minutes to finish it, it's shit.

Either way, stop worrying about it and write.


Here guys, you dropped this.

if you need confirmation of your 'genius' then you're not smart, you're insecure and reliant on validation that your mistakes in life are because you're in the higher percentile. A good book does not require masturbating over your IQ; a good book is often modest. Now that you have your validation for your loneliness, I hope you do not thrive in it.

Literally the only person in this thread speaking any sense. It's used to diagnose learning conditions and evaluate any potential need for accelerated academic conditions for 'gifted' students, this is why it tests coding, fast recall, general knowledge, learned arithmetic and learned symbol manipulation, etc. This is why it was invented and intended to be used in schooling to help place students in correct academic environments. This is the only purpose for an objective view of intelligence in diagnostic necessity. Intelligence is otherwise subjective and in those alternative definitions dependent on things like altered perception, differences in functional communication between different areas of brain, etc. Why do you think savants score horribly on IQ tests but are otherwise deemed as geniuses?

>It's this good enough to become an elite writer?
>It's this good enough
You're a retard. Look into a STEM field where your autism might be useful.

You're an elite shitposter, so you're hallway there

He always had the disease. ALS is a genitc disorder. Only the symthoms manifest later in live.
today with prenatal diagnostic, he would be killed.

Except it correlates with academic succes, income, job performance, health, and hundreds of other things. It's a blunt instrument, far from exhaustive, but don't claim IQ isn't a good assessive tool. It's one of the strongest predictive factors for most kinds of succes.

user acknowledges that, it accounts for functional intelligence, what user is saying is that it doesnt account for individual creativity, only adaptation in spheres of life.

Oh my god, that would have happened what the fuck

>le creativity maymay
creativity is simply mixing diferent memes (cultural information).
shakespeare was extremelly creative because he ripped off many older works.

>creativity is simply mixing different memes

Tell a psychologist that

psychology is a pseudoscience.

Then IQ is pseudoscience and this entire thread is pointless

>he still thinks this thread isn't bait

all of the discussion happening in response to bait doesn't invalidate everyone's intentions here.

>taking online IQ tests

I just took one right now while answering randomly and got a 152

they just want people to share their score on facebook so people can go to their site and get ad revenue, meanwhile idiots and their idiot friends can feel good about themselves

OP seems skilled at writing bait at least.

It's a good metric to predict success, but there are definitely other factors involved.

140 is exceptional. You guys have iq-dysmorphia worse than fit has body dysmorphia. Anything over 115 should be considered quite good as it's 1 standard deviation beyond the average (100). At 125 OP is smarter than most people.

Even people who think IQ is massively important pretty much say that 115 or 120 is the point where you basically are intelligent enough not to worry about it.

I wish IQ were more important, mine is very high. And I have a big dick as well. But at the end of the day, neither of those things matter very much once you're past a certain minimum point. It's just science.

120 is the best IQ. It's the best median between average and asynchrony from a rapidly-developed corpus callosum which happens in people of higher IQs. You basically will embody the archetype of smart.


>caring about IQ shit
>believeing in psychology
Easiest way to spot a retard

As I understand it, the IQ test doesn't account for all the different aspects of intelligence. It's a pretty poor indication.

Lmao low IQ detected !

I've never taken one.

80 IQ masterrace.
Where my bros at?

the best would be 180 (see: big boss)

180, statistically, is bad if you want proper social integration and friends.

So you can be too smart to understand social interaction?

Yeah, the point was he walked before he couldn't.

Sorry I didn't spell it out in children's blocks.

>Easiest way to spot a retard

Over-confidence and disbelief in mainstream science.

Well, it's more that the faster your mental capacities are developing in relation to your physical capacities, things can get lost in translation. Generally it all evens out in adulthood though.

or looked at from another angle; too dumb :))))

It's well established that exceedingly gifted individuals experience social isolation more often than not.

However, that shouldn't be a fixed statement... If you are socially isolated it doesn't automatically mean you have an IQ of 160+.

>well established
Genuinely interested: where?

>Other authors stressed giftedness as developmental potential and focused on problems that arise for gifted children when cognitive development outstrips other aspects of development such as chronological, social, moral and emotional. The higher the intellectual capacity, the greater is the degree of asynchrony requiring special consideration of exceptional needs in parenting, schooling and counseling (Columbus Group, 1991). These authors make the case that gifted children's precocity is different from adult achievement due to developmental considerations absent for adults For example, young exceptionally gifted children may have developed exceptional ability to think abstractly and to formulate hypotheses, but might still lack ability to organize material, present an argument and coordinate a written thesis. Morelock (1993) suggested that giftedness in children implies advanced ability to construct meaning, to think abstractly, and to respond emotionally to abstract concepts used to interpret experiential phenomena.

Why? They can't relate or are easily annoyed by stupidity?