

fucking WHEN? i wanna hit my ATH again reeeeeeeee

Soon. WhenChain is redefining "soon", so expect the unexpected.

overhyped garbage

trading on delta atm

whenchain is rebuilding the definition of overhyped garbage


That is not the real Wanchain token, fyi.

Who cares, it's a 100x for ico buyers.

they're waiting for a bull market so it doesn't crash when they release it

very sketchy shit, not buying this because of that

moon soon

1b market cap on first day

screencap it

Fucking this. They think they're doing their holders a favor, but most people with half a brain will stay the fuck away from it because of that.

Everyone don't buy in exchange release let these nerds dump there bags for a couple days first

is 6k enough to make it

explain how this is a bad thing

If only they let ico buyer trade the tokens it would 20x and crash 75% like everything else in late December and early January.

Maybe if the market cap hits 100000000 trillion.

Days of 100x are over for now. People know better to not believe every single ICO is going to be the new biggest thing yet.

Everyone is happing cashing out 2-4x profits and dump the shit out of it.

good luck with x2-4 wan

market manipulation between exchange and token, the coin is going to crash n burn

This coin is going to crash below ico price, investors are way too burnt out and impatient because of long ass token retention and will dump soon.

Opportunity cost building up and seeing chances missed cause you're missing liquidity doesn't favor coin releases.

implying it's not the gmail logo flipped around

Admins in the Wantraders chat kicked me out because I said ICO holders are instigating FOMO and that it'd be absolutely stupid to buy WAN over $5, they defined that as FUD.


Shut up you larping homo

give me ur name tard so i unban dumb nig

>Maybe if the market cap hits 100000000 trillion.
TIL $3.3B = 100000000 trillion. Icon achieved way over that with less hype and a shorter lock-up period. WAN is currently trading at around 30x OTC, glhf trying to buy WAN @2-4x.

This going to $400, so yes.

this is 1000x in 6 months, screencap this bitchez. they are already having icos over wan fucktards. check the supply, this shit is very limited.

I am hoping to buy under 10 when it hits the fucking exchanges.