How existentialist are you, Veeky Forums. Not more than I am, pic related

How existentialist are you, Veeky Forums. Not more than I am, pic related.

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I literally will one thing, have an authentic project of being and have a wandering eye.

And you... you have a poser piece of shit, cunt coffee a mug holding technique, bare feet like a some hippy pleb and a cigarette cause 'muh camus' :^)

get out of here you poser cunt, cunt piece of cunt shit. You are denigrating the craft.

I have a sense of irony which you clearly lack LOL

>l-le was le just being le ironic


ugly feet

gad yor gut deem mayl feet off my skriiin boiii

This is true. You'll never be an existentialist with feet like that. Little known fact that both Sartre and Kierkegaard had beautiful feet, daily pedicures.


>sitting on an armchair holding a cigarette which I am about to light and smoke
>realize the ultimate futility of the act, the futility of all acts of my life, and the insignificance of these things when compared to the vastness of time and the universe
>drop the cigarette on the floor in a grand existentialist (but ultimately meaningless) gesture

I legitimately feel sick looking at this picture.


Well then user, tell me what you listen to between reading Camus and studying Tarkovsky. For me it's Gymnopédies, Glassworks, Music for Airports, the list simply goes on...

stop posting your pics you absolute dunce

Got nothing on me

>filtered cigarette rather than unfiltered gauloises brune or gitanes
>mug of what looks like auto drip coffee rather than a cup and sauces of bitter french press french roast
>bare feet
>outside near a road rather than inside a café on a rainy day
>fucking blue jeans
>probably not even wearing a turtleneck

1/10 thanks for trying

literally the opposite of existentialism

my friend...

>inside a cafe on a rainy day
i'm sorry, but that is a 0/10

I could be having sex, but instead I'm reading La Nausée en français comme une révolte existentiel.

what's wrong with a café?

ur both fags

lmao so much estrogen in this thread

bunch of limpwristed PUSSIES

>reading camus on my trainride home (I work an office job in France)
>sitting alone
>drinking lukewarm black coffee
>dark jeans tucked into my black boots
>planning on drinking a glass of red wine whilst listening to free jazz when i get home to my 1 bedroom cheap flat which I rent

its an absurd feeling to be honest

you get turned from an existentialist to a fucking pseudo hipster

Look, it's an internet tough guy.

It's outside and generally above ground level.

existentialism was founded in cafés you silly boy.

My mom died today, actually she's still alive but I forgot. That's how much I care.

I'm so existentialist that I successfully kill any existential thoughts I may have.

>go to the beach
>sun in my eyes
>cant see shit.jpg
>jesus christ its so warm and this fuckign sun
>oh shit its that asshole dude from earlier
>fuck its so hot
>man that guy was such a jerk
>im so angry and warm fuck i need to take my anger out on something or I will explode
>oh shit i still have my gun from earlier

the rest was history tbqh

Isn't dropping the cigarette missing the point?

This is not the portrait of an existentialist smoker as an young adult.

i could beat that guy up

he's got the camus hair and the sartre glasses down

>shooting some arabs because it was too hot to walk up some stairs

>Doughy ginger with sideburns
>Sartre Glasses
>Camus hair

What the hell is that accent?

it's midnight and i'm in my shit flat wired as hell off nicotine gum because i don't have any money to buy cigarettes

>nicotine gum
>wired as hell

Smoking a cig and drinking coffee, yeah surely you're an existentialist and not a normal human being.

you never got that? if i chew a few of the 4mg ones until they stop feeling burny in a row i get a cool spacey buzz

Maybe a little buzz but definitely not wired.

What other stimulants have you tried?

Are you even trying?
sorry for the bad quality though

Today at the gym there were two other guys there simultaneously with me. Apart from saying hello, and eventually goodbye to them, I completed my workout in silence. When the first of them arrived he turned on the radio.

While I was there, I bench pressed 105kgx10, then 112,5kgx10, then 120kgx8, then 120kgx6. This was the core of today's workout, it felt alright, but the last few reps of the 120kgx8 set were shaky.

Even though I was tired, I then did some standing press, barbell rows and pull ups.

I finished exercising, by doing 3x15 face pulls, 3x2 minutes russian twists and around 20 minutes on the exercise bike.

After this, I returned to my basement apartment, I did not run into the single older lady that rents it to me. When I returned home, I carved two large slices off the pork belly I had acquired for cheap, I lightly salted them and cooked them in butter, then ate them along with 8 eggs and a small side of broccoli, I washed it all down with my 1 alloted glass of red wine, I didn't read or watch anything while eating, I just ate in silence.

Now I'm posting on Veeky Forums. I'm not sure if I'm going to go to bed.

Hi Allen!

>a few clicks later

It's embarrassing it got to a point where my high school teacher recommended me to be more pragmatic.

>he thinks being a babbys first philosophy is cool

> have a wandering eye.

cause "muh sartre"

this guy knows French, he MUST be the most existentialist one here

What do you do for work

comfy desu