How do you deal with acid reflux from eating acidic foods? I love oranges, vinegar, coffee, etc, but get terrible acid

How do you deal with acid reflux from eating acidic foods? I love oranges, vinegar, coffee, etc, but get terrible acid.

By having a strong stomach weakling please don't reproduce

you kill that helicobacter thats shitting your stomach. thank me later.

Is that la manzanilla de la muerte? It's said to taste sweet and pleasant... that is, until you stop breathing.

>producing strong allergic dermatitis.Standing beneath the tree during rain will cause blistering of the skin from mere contact with this liquid (even a small drop of rain with the milky substance in it will cause the skin to blister).

God damn thats metal as fuck

H. Pylori does not cause GERD. It causes gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Reflux is comprised mainly of acid food consumption and chronic reflux is commonly due to a hiatal hernia that decreases the pressure of the LES thereby allowing more acid to reach the esophagus.

Are you experiencing it right now?

I feel bad for you son.

intelligent design amirite?

garlic naturally helps acid reflux, I keep a jar of pickled garlic cloves and pop one if i get some acid reflux, used to take a lot of tums, havent had to take one in a long time and i dont even get it at all very often. garlic is good shit and its not too strong tasting when pickled.

its def related and most of times multicausal. what im saying is he should go to the fucking doctor, it sounds like everything he eats causes acid stomach which is not normal at all.

oranges giving him reflux? he must have a fucking eel farm inside his gut.

i suffered severely from burning stomach because i was a turbopleb that drank instant coffee mainly. switched to proper coffee and the pain ended that very day.

By getting Veeky Forums

then you destroy all your internal organs by roiding lmao.

I stopped coffee entirely since a month ago and it hasn't helped

enjoy the ulcer.

I worked for a company that supplied Ronnoco brand coffee for free in the break room and developed strong acid burning in my esophagus and stomach so I stopped drinking it.

Current employer provides Folgers and occasionally Starbucks coffee. Been there for over 2 years and no burn (but it's still shitty coffee.)

Shittiest tier of coffee is straight reflux water.

Eat more fiber. Your gut flora is fucked.

Can't you just drink baking soda dissolved in water?

Protein pump inhibitors are the best solution I've ever had, used to have stupid amounts of reflux to the point where I was hospitalised for kidney stones from a build up of calcium carbonate (the main active ingredient in most over the counter heartburn medications), now I take one tablet in the morning and never worry about it


oranges giving reflux would suggest a hiatal hernia or just a weak ge sphincter.

Funny thing is people who say shit like this tend to be virgins

Drink apple cider vinegar with it then stupid cuck

>drink acid to reduce acid reflux

>How do you deal with acid reflux from eating acidic foods? I love oranges, vinegar, coffee, etc, but get terrible acid.
Tagamet or nexium twice a day or 24hr dosage. Seriously. Don't skip a dose. Eventually you get a little healing. Alcohol exacerbates it. Full meals at bedtime. Hot food all the time, versus some milder meals. After a while you should be able to have small doses of the things you miss.

just to be clear, full meals at bedtime is a bad idea if you have reflux.

you should go to the doctor. you could wind up with esophagus cancer (that's a bad one) or barrets esophagus, which is a precuror to cancer. you want to get reflux under control medically, in addition to changing your diet.

>just to be clear, full meals at bedtime is a bad idea if you have reflux.
What I said

no it's not. you just said "full meals at bedtime." he asked how to deal with it.

just how I interpreted what you wrote.