Opinions on this?

Opinions on this?

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That cover reminds me of that painting Woman in Gold.

Have never heard of the book, though. What are your thoughts on it OP?

pretty sure that's a nipple
best Velvet Undergound song btw

Haven't read it yet, but looks interesting

I remember that from when I was looking up erotic literature. OP you kinky bastard

Its actually been sitting on my shelf for a couple years now but I never got around to reading it...

What a cool guy must you have to be to have a fetish named after you

what fetish would that be?

>leopold von sacher-masoch

I dont know, tell me


Top 5 Velvet Underground song

Sadism and Sadomasochism come from the Marquis de Sade...



Sadism is from sade, and masochism from masoch....

you must have just edited it

Sachertortism, of course.

So no one has read it? Wtf

Maybe its a good book after all, i will download it and report here tomorrow

The writer sounds like some kind of cuck

Thanks, thought that was a Klimt.


bump, someone must have read it or what

lou reed read it, go ask him.

I've been planning to get to it over the summer due to a connection to The Metamorphosis by Kafka and the coprophagia sequence in Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon. You may want to look into those two works in tandem.

The book ends with Wanda falling in love with a Chad and leaving Severin, who becomes a fedora.

nigga he dead