aka LSQT

Come in this thread to ask all stupid questions related to literature! duh

First question is gonna be a classic that I got meme'd on earlier:

Is infinite jest really worth reading? What is it about and does anyone have a link to the pdf?


Other urls found in this thread:


>is it worth reading

The worth of something comes from the individuals view point. You won't know it was or wasn't worth it until you read it.

any books with graphic rape and murder scenes?

>Is infinite jest really worth reading? What is it about and does anyone have a link to the pdf?
By todays Veeky Forums standards no. Because it got too popular. Anything remotely popular, even in a niche group is bad on Veeky Forums.
It really depends on your taste on books really.
Second, use google or read the sticky stop being a lazy fuck.
Third. We already have a questions that don't deserve their own thread thread (I guess)

ovid, metamorphoses

Yeah, I actually read the whole thing because I had to. I was entering a prestigious PhD program and focusing on Wallace because I loved Broom of the System, Oblivion, and Pale King. To my shame, though, I'd never read Infinite Jest. I'd never even tried, as hard as that was to admit. It was this huge blind spot and area of vulnerability for me. Whenever it'd come up with my colleagues I'd just smile and nod, smile and nod, hoping they wouldn't ask me anything specific about it. "The sincerity of it," somebody would say, and I'd say, "Oh God, yes, it's like Bernie Sanders." Finally, though, I had to dive into it, and let me tell you it was tough going. Stephen J. Burn’s guide helped a lot. Reading it out loud helped. I listened to other people read it, read online commentaries. Eventually it started to make some sort of sense. It was like I was learning to read for the first time again, and in a way this was enjoyable. I got better at reading the book. Soon I was reading entire paragraphs without trouble, getting the puns, laughing at the jokes. I could sort of follow the story, it was like a blurry picture resolving into clarity, or like I was drunk and I was sobering up, I could actually understand it. As I became more and more adept at reading Infinite Jest, I began putting myself to the test, initiating conversations with my colleagues about it, but specific passages this time, specific parts of the book. You can probably guess what happened. After a number of these conversations it became blindingly obvious that I understood the book a lot better than they did, they who I thought were the experts. It eventually became sort of embarrassing for them and I stopped trying to talk about it. And at the end of the day I would pack my things, catch the bus home, and settle into my apartment to read Infinite Jest. It had surpassed all of Wallace's other works in my estimation. Pale King, the book months earlier I would've named as my favorite of all time, the best book ever written, was now #2 to the Infinite Jest. So majestic, so ambitious, so wide-ranging, erudite, glorious, incredible was it that I couldn't believe that it was the work of one man. Best of all, the heart of it isn't complicated at all. What did I get from the Infinite Jest, what are its lessons? First of all, be yourself. Second of all, put one foot in front of the other. And lastly, just do it for crying out loud, time's a wastin’!

this pasta.

i want to read something about like a popular girl at school gets raped and murdered and then all her dumb bitch friends get raped and murdered and then there's like a school shooting or w/e. Ovid is a little too classy for my taste.

All you need is a psychiatrist user. What's wrong? Care to talk about it?

try some of patterson's colleagues. i recall reading a novel in which a man snuck into a girl's locker room and raped several of them. just look for the male criminal genre and you'll find a treasure trove of what you're looking for

Watch Twin Peaks

Lit is therapy

No, it's really not. Why do you want to read about that stuff user?


I was asking for your viewpoint ya dingus, too bad you have autism or wanna show off your new found edginess

Nothing I said was edgy. It doesn't matter what I find in the book, that doesn't make it good. I gave you my viewpoint and you have called me an edgy dingus. In the end you will find the book to be good or you won't, no matter how many people tell you it's amazing or abysmal, will change that.

OK your right, sorry i called you a edgy dingus

It's okay I forgive you.

How do I write compelling action scenes?

Euripides or Sophocles?

Be as unrealistic as possible.

I meant in terms of pacing.
Do I break every action in lines like
He punched
She dodged
He punched again

Or do I contain it in a paragraph? How much detail should I leave off?

None. It's writing, you need to be as descriptive as you can so the reader can visualize a complex picture.

That is preference. Depends on the story and how it flows, I would only use paragraphs. Breaking lines is used for discussions between characters.

Writing is like anything, you study the greats then innovate

Every QB in the NFL has watched hours of Peyton Manning and Tom Brady

Every chef has painstakingly observed how his mentors cook

Every painter has copied great paintings

Read a lot and try to imitate others and you will start learning how to do it on your own. You wont become unoriginal, if you do then you weren't cut out for writing anyways

Thank you for the advice. I will take it to heart

This is pretty dumb, anyone know what page of finnegans wake joyce says quark? I'm just curious as to the context of the word. and how its used.

I have the book in physical, but haven't tried reading it yet.

What's the name of this painting?

Can someone recommend me a *comfy* book?

Like receiving a literary hug.

Willa Cather - My Ántonia.

MORE recommendations!

bookmarking every response.

that's not a painting, it's a jpg

too funny

what in the fuck...

Lit doesn't have an archive now that warosu is dead, or am I missing something?

James Baldwin- Giovanni's Room

What should I read next?

I don't read that much, pretty much just Stephen King. Trying to get into it.

>Anything remotely popular, even in a niche group is bad on Veeky Forums.
lurk more dummie :p the western canon is really niche, no?

somewhere around p383
>Three quarks for Muster Mark!
>Sure he hasn't got much of a bark
>And sure any he has it's all beside the mark.
>But O, Wreneagle Almighty, wouldn't un be a sky of a lark
>To see that old buzzard whooping about for uns shirt in the dark
>And he hunting round for uns speckled trousers around by Palmerstown Park?

What's a good reading lamp?

This isn't a question, but I made a Telegram group for Veeky Forums. Here it is if anyone gives a shit.

Telegram is a cross-platform messaging application if you don't know.
Someone had the idea that this group could be used to share books. I think it's a good idea.
It's a new group, so completely baren. I expect someone else to shape it.

Is there a word that defines the action of applying a word or expression that sounds misplaced in the vocabulary hitherto used?

Example: Using "turd" when the rest of the text is composed by more intricate words.

Can you say "a cramped shirt"?

Or "cramped sweater" or whatever?

anything by this guy
especially cosmicomics

I need literature that deals with realistic perspectives of schizoid types. I'm trying to write my main character as one. I'm schizoaffective so I can write from personal experience but does anyone here have any suggestions for realistic literature told from the perspective of a schizoid type?

Thanks. Will check them out tomorrow.

you could but I wouldn't

I'm really starting to get interested in haikus and imagism in poetry. Any recs for a compilation book of these type of poems?

Why is The Crying of Lot 49 considered to be a masterpiece?

Anything by Kafka
Fernando Pessoa - The Book of Disquiet