How much Benadryl should I take to become unconscious? 250mg?

How much Benadryl should I take to become unconscious? 250mg?

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You would need at minimum of 2000 mg to get the ball rolling (100 x 25mg tablets).

Just two and a couple glasses of wine.

vape 25mg on foil for 30 minute delirium

I'm a britfag and I'm thinking of buying this:

But I can't tell how many mg per capsule. Do you guys know?

On this page is says 'Ingredients
Each capsule contains: Acrivastine 8 mg'

But I was hoping for about 25mg of diphenhydramine a capsule.

>become unconscious


I just need to get in a deep sleep bro

How much of the product I showed would I need to get about 250mg? I don't want to go over that because I heard you start hallucinating.

experiment and note how much you needed, as well as your weight.

For the sake of humanity's knowledge.

It will stop making you sleepy and will keep you awake and very uncomfortable above 100mg.

>I just need to get in a deep sleep bro


Also Acrivastine is a completely different drug than Benadryl.

I want to experiement on the first day with about 150mg to see how long it will take to get to sleep.

The next day I might go more.

Maybe I'll stick to 100mg then.

But how much mg is in per capsule of the product I showed? Pic related.

0 mg. See

Forgot pic (the product from Morrisons)

I'm slightly confused. Isn't Benadryl diphenhydramine?

In other words, will this product put me to sleep?

Benadryl is a brand. That particular product contains no diphenhydramine.

Like how Sudafed is a brand, but some products contain no pseudoephedrine.

>will this product put me to sleep?

no as its a second gen anti-histamine
only first gens such as benadryl containing the active ingredient diphenhydramine or the likes of hydroxyzine will make you drowsy

I see.

What exactly should I get if I just want to go to sleep? I need over the counter sleeping aids that work.|105651|103497|103506|103508&Asidebar=1

Anything diphenhydramine-based is good. I just want to conk out and fall unconscious.

>I just want to conk out and fall unconscious.


As if it hasn't been explained already.
You know what ingredient you need. Now go read the ingredients on shit.

Do you think this should do the trick?

2 and some alcohol is enough to get me into a deep sleep (usually do it over weekends); as for actually blacking out/going unconscious, idk man ur fuckin insane

I recommend around 700mg. It's important to resist sleep as long as possible if you actually want to sleep though - lying down at the first signs of drowsiness is just going to put you in a state of half-sleep which may be fun but it's not exactly what you're looking for.

I heard anything over 250mg can lead to terrible hallucinations like seeing spiders everywhere.

>I just want to conk out and fall unconscious.

Antihistamines won't do this they just make you drowsy. You want a benzo or something similar. Go with about 3mg of etizolam or 20mg of Zopiclone.

Nah that's just bullshit pushed by kids who can't get proper drugs. Like that bananadine nonsense from the Anarchists' Cookbook.

I'm not very knowledgeable about medicine.

Do you think pic related will work?

DPH is the antihistamine you were originally looking for. Take enough of it and you will feel drowsy enough to pass out easily. It won't actually 'knock you out' like a real sedative though.

I wouldn't recommend that one though; Boots jacked the price up like 500% a few yars ago for no good reason. Get some generic 25mg DPH tablets off of Ebay or Amazon and take 2-4.

Take 200mg of melatonin and wash it down with a pilsner or a bowl

>It won't actually 'knock you out' like a real sedative though.
But isn't that Boots product a real sedative?

It's not. You will have hallucinations that you can't separate from real life above 500mg, like talking to people who aren't there and stuff. It acts as a potent anticholinergic above therapeutic doses.

Anticholinergic medication causes dementia.

No. It's exactly the same drug as classic Benadryl. DiPhenHydramine - DPH. A first generation antihistamine and mild sedative.

If you're suffering from some mild intermittent insomnia it will work just fine most likely (though I have found it's no good more than two nights in a row; YMMV). If you actually want to knock yourself out for whatever reason you're going to need something stronger like a benzo (Xanax, Librium, Valium etc), nonbenzo (Ambien, Lunesta etc.), or more exotic GABA-ergics such as GHB or Quaaludes. Opiates can also work well though the risk of overdose is significantly higher.

Please. Veeky Forums is an 18+ site. Don't spread your bullshit drug myths over here. I bet you think that anyone who takes LSD 7 times is legally insane as well. Go back to smoking coffee kiddo.

I've tried it, dumbass. It's not fun, but it will put you into delirium.

Do they sell any of those things at Boots?

No, you will need a prescription for benzos or z-drugs and GHB is illegal.

Why is it you want to pass out btw? It will help us give you the right advice.

I'm looking to end my life and want to fall asleep in the bath tub.

Not such a great thing to do but there you are.

Do you think that Boots item can help me do ths?

Maybe. Have you considered just getting blackout drunk? Or better yet acquire a gun and blow your brains out.



I've got 2mg left I can't wait until I get home so I can boot that shit. Shame it only lasts 4 hours. You're sick again after 8.

But I'm completely broke so I'm looking at 4 days of pain after that. Hopefully I can call a few favours and get some weed and Valium to ease me through

>2mg of fent
>2 days

Holy shit how long have you been using?

150mg then masturbate
guarantee you'll be fucking sleepy after that

going over 400mg will give you minor delirium

What do you mean?

Yeah, scratch that. I wish I had 2mg. It's more like 1mg. Nothing hits the spot like fentanyl but your tolerance goes up quite quickly with frequent use.

I'll be splitting the 1mg dose into 2x0.5 out of necessity but I think I could handle a single 2mg dose. I'd get sedated as hell and that's not how I use opiates, but it's funny to think a single 2mg dose could kill an opiate naive individual ten times over.

Melatonin 50mg

do not fuck with DPH, i did and ive been robbed of my clarity of mind, concentration, happiness, energy and motivation

im a husk