wtf I love Nazi coin now
Welcome to cryptonation Germany lol..
german user here, is this seriously true? lol
big if true
Get cucked Amerishits and Leafniggers
I am about to move.
Should i even pay taxes on my shit? America should follow soon, right?
question for my German anons
With my 25% German heritage, can I apply for citizenship ?
>The call that saved crypto.
you have to be 100% black
looks like its time for germany to get a good ol' dose of freedom and democracyâ„¢
Why do you think you need citizenship? Rapefugees welcome remember?
Germany bought the dip on Nano and went all in
I know because im german-american
>Be Somalian
>Receive free Stellar
>Go to Berlin
>Cash out (tax free)
>Buy my wife and twenty children plane tickets
If it's considered equivalent to fiat, then it doesn't preclude capital gains tax in the case of gains being made, obviously.
You need to be 100% Syrian 14yo refugee who looks suspiciously 30
You missed a crucial step
>rape 100s of cute young German women and don't get charged with any crime (tell the polis you are 13 years old and what is this)
Thank you Frau Merkel
You dumb fucks, if its equivilent to fiat you have to pay capital gains.
We don't even have freedom of speech.
The taxation is now a little bit less retarded, but still totally fucked up for traders. The only ones that can be happy are the miners (if there are any left).
they're accepting anyone bro, just walk in
How can you operate a computer being this fucking retarded? Tax free? Are you literally a waterhead? Did you actually read the article, where it states converting crypto to fiat is a taxable event? What this means is, if you find one of the rare places that will take a couple satoshis for a cup of coffee, you don't pay capital gains on the payment - but it's subject to VAT taxes. And again, moron, converting to fiat is a taxable event.
It's a good change to the system, as it will promote more companies taking bitcoin, but it's in no way tax free, you utter mongoloid.
I know German schools are better than this. You have to be a retard.
WTF, I love Islam now.
It's equivalent to fiat in exchange for goods and services, like buying something. Converting to fiat via an exchange is a taxable event as capital gains, along with all other events - and instead of capital gains, you'll pay VAT tax.
It's nowhere near tax free, not even close, they just changed what tax applies to it.