There are people here right now, who eats their cake with a spoon

>There are people here right now, who eats their cake with a spoon

Other urls found in this thread:

cake fork master race

>you actually CAN have your cake and eat it too.

If I'm just eating cake I'll use a fork

If I'm eating both cake and ice cream at a birthday party or something I'll use the same spoon I used for the ice cream on the cake

>eating ice cream with a spoon
HAHAHA! fag.

ITT: ban evasion


Why does he look like that?

why does he wear a winter hat inside.

Hi abraham

He's doing it before it gets cool.

And it's a tuque, BTW.

Nu male faggot



newbie homosexual.

Smd faggot bitch

you eat pizza with a knife and fork.

Use a mini fork to eat cake, not a big one or a spoon

Stop replying to me


It's the default redditor nu male "I'm startled that people in the current year have an opinion that differs from what talking heads and image macros have told me to believe" face.


>bad facial hair
>often a beanie
>expresses political opinions by sarcastically mocking opinions he doesn't agree with instead of stating his own opinion
>believes he's superior for riding a fixed gear bike and drinking canned or bottles teas
>makes long posts on Facebook about mundane things but twists it in a way to make himself feel superior to others somehow

>eating cake

It's an "op carefully reposts a thread that got deleted post by post" episode!

>not eating a dessert with the proper utensil
>risking crumbs falling through

Op is the mod that posted the cabbage app thread that he kept deleting replies from

I honestly don't understand the reason for the existence of forks. You've got bowls. That works out pretty well. And then you've got spoons, which are like little bowls for your bowl.

If you need to stab something in order to get the leverage to cut it, I ask: why was it not served cut? You may say, "What about salad, user?" but chopsticks give you complete control -- no tomatoes flying across the room.


get a brain, faggot.

>why was it not served cut?
because we're adults and not chinese.

I use a spoon because less crumbs fall off the cake as I'm eating

>not eating it with a chopstick

Cabbage app thread? Link pls.

>not politely declining the cake
>not pulling an emergency egg tart from your pocket

y does chen have man hands

>muh superior nippon eating instrument
Dumb weeb


He's /still/ around? I haven't see this guy in ages. Just as insane as ever, I see.
>divide the egg into 4
Oh, and he's already feeling himself becoming a spicemaster. Good for him.

>le egg tart meme

Good thread.

You better not eat another egg in the same year unless you want to die of prostate cancer caused by globulin poisoning!

You're not funny, mong child.

Take this upvote!


I like to spread peanut butter and jam with a spoon.

Fuckin fight me!

used to think my stepdad's parents were posh for having cake forks. we inherited them when they passed. never going back senpai

I used to spoon my ex ;_;

Now she's getting railed by another man. Such is life.

LOL is that poop balls? yuck

I eat chips with a spoon!

ITT : Someone triggered because a picture of their nu-male self was posted

Nigga I`ll eat my cake with chopsticks if I want, I don`t give a fuck


I'm not a very aggressive or violent person, but if I saw this excuse for a male on the street I'd rape him to death with a machete. Wouldn't even eat his heart to gain part of his spirit because I don't think there would be anything worth absorbing.


>hi I'm gay and I have issues
I urge you to talk to someone about this before you actually hurt someone

You're on the wrong site, cuck

I'm sorry you are gay and have issues. I'm sure your parents are disappointed in you (especially your father) and I'm sure that isn't easy to deal with.

that ugly fag makes me ashamed to have the same beanie he does

>Veeky Forums is epic sekrit klub
Umm... No. This is a place for serious cooking discussion... Just saying...

*raises paw*
Shouldn't you be leaving?

You're on the wrong website, cucks

Uuh... Rude much?

>why is it not served cut?

Wha...what do you think they would have to use before cutting it to serve you? A fork and knife.

wanna yiff?

Wrong site, cucks

pls user ;_;

Hey, egg tarts are good. There's a great Chinese bakery near De Wallen, I often swing by and grab a couple on the way home from my daily blowjob.

Nice Fazoli's brother.

You're on the wrong site, post 2012 stormfag. Kill yourself.

i do


>spot the nu-male cuck
It's like Where's Waldo, only he's always in your face begging for attention

Please go back to the jungle, Mbeke.