Why do boys like to pick boys toys (cars, trains, action figures) and girls like to pick girls toys (dolls...

why do boys like to pick boys toys (cars, trains, action figures) and girls like to pick girls toys (dolls, kitchen stuff)?

do they pick this on their own or it's taugh?

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>i'm a no knowledge generalizing idiot
>i'll make le thread


You're going to get a highly biased response here. People on Veeky Forums, including Veeky Forums, don't like the whole notion of gender as a social construct, and will only provide evidence that counters it, despite there being mountains of evidence to the contrary. I love you guys, but ya'll are nigger-tier in terms of critical thinking ability.

>posts non-academic documentary instead of actual academic sources

the actual academic sources are cited in the documentary.

Studies with apes have shown that male apes are more likely to pick toy trucks over dolls. The reverse is true for female apes. On my phone. Google it.

I'm a huge feminist, but even I would concede that female and male children exhibit different preferences for toys innately. there is a reaction pic somewhere of a tumblr post by a father who said he gave his daughters toy cars and dollhouses, and it show the toy cars tucked into little beds as if they were dolls.

Explain to me how this sidesteps the possibility of it being learned. Do you think that toddlers haven't had time to be affected by those around them yet? Because that would be silly.

>I'm a huge feminist

And I'm a a black man.

>ya'll are nigger-tier in terms of critical thinking ability.
A quick look at the abstracts at the first ~10 papers on a google scholar search for "toy preferences gender" show:
1) gender toy preference exists and is replicable
2) it is legitimately debated whether or not it is due to biology or is a learned preference. Since you have "mountains of evidence" that this is a learned behavior I'll link the most interesting paper I found on the other side of the debate:

There are definitely learned gender preference patterns (e.g., there's really no good reason why girls do ballet and boys play baseball), but there may be others that aren't.

Like an ape knows what a truck is or its purpose.

Like an infant human knows what a truck is or its purpose.

Captcha: select all images with trucks

That's my point. It bears no resemblance to something "naturally" masculine. It's not like giving them a toy animal and they pretend to hunt it, which would be an evolutionary instinct of gender.

Yeah I have to agree with you. But I could see the possibility of hormones determining certain tendencies, estrogen/testosterone, oxytocin/vasopressin. Whether or not that incapacitates a person to do one thing or another is a wholly different story, though.

Smart, good argument.

Socialization. They are taught from a young age about gender roles and such.

Brain development is sexed depending o. The hormone cocktail you get slow cooked in and that ends up with generalities,this is what the digit ratio roughly discerns.

Industry doesn't give a shit about 'oppression', they only want money, and they'll make whatever people buy; same goes for media. Men are biologically inclined to fight and prove their strength, so young boys like action and motion oriented entertainment. Women are biologically inclined to nurturing and caring, so young girls like human relation and emotionally oriented entertainment.
Since infants (0-3) haven't yet developed gender specific traits, the toys and media for infants is almost all gender neutral.
If these things are 'taught' to children, who teaches it and why? What motive would anyone have to oppress women?

My own answer is that being "oppressed" in the modern US and other first-world countries is a cry for attention and praise, one which is unfortunately often quite successful.

Combination of the two.

It depends on the country the kid was born in:
If a girl was born in mongolia, she probably would play with goat shit and help mother cook and wash cloths.
If a boy was born in mongolia, he would probably play with goat shit, play sports with his friends, or help his father with business and construction.

It has nothing to do with "oppression" - it's a societal feedback loop.

>who teaches it and why? What motive would anyone have to oppress women?
Crazy outliers aside, no one is accusing some party of intentionally doing this across the world.

You're telling me you can't see the significance in a female playing with a doll?

Sorry, I'm too used to debating with sjws I guess

I'd be interested to see how an isolated society with no memory or knowledge of the rest of the world would develop gender norms over a couple decades

Do you think that "action figures" aren't dolls?

Dolls are meant to socialize with action figure offer their own disparate dimension. Anyways toys are stupid example since it literally it a first world problem and that is a sign of things that this grievance could be manufactured.

Research into Israeli Kibbutz's failure to create gender equality in their artificially created agricultural communities.

They created a feminist paradise, and the kids still instinctively followed gender roles without anyones guiding hand.


>hurr durr gender is a social construct

Fuck off tumblr

Thanks for ending this debate once and for all.

>the genetic fallacy

No thank YOU

How does this observation even address the origin of the behavior? You are just providing another observation of said behavior.

Did they say they were addressing the origin?

jew, nigger, and/or redditor detected