Why can humans build rockets and smash atoms but monkeys are still throwing shit at each other ?

why can humans build rockets and smash atoms but monkeys are still throwing shit at each other ?

i mean, sure humans used to throw shit at each other too but thery're no longer doing it, plus there are human geinuses who did great things

monkeys however are still doing the same exact thing

there aren't any monkeys who did great things, challenging human supremacy

why is that ?

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monkeys arent predators and therefore don't need to outcompete other predators

monkeys dont have a larynx that allows for complex speech

monkeys didnt get lucky

Speciesism. Check your human privilege, shitlord.

>monkeys arent predators
stop right there fgt

MSc biology

dont even come near me, monkeys arent predators

apes or monkeys?

fucking monkeys dude theyre all monkeys

classifications are a meme

There was probably a giant monkey kingdom where evolution took place.

Human like the human tribes still 4000 years behind, being stuck in one village with only a few contacts will only lead to stagnation..

In the monkey kingdom a few superintelligences probably evolved and bred. Eventually so far apart from the others, they no longer interacted once the population was self-sustaining.

This could have been a million years ago...

They are physiologically built for strength and not dexterity that invention would be demando.

when we diverged from monkeys, we where very small animals; 13 grams and few centimetres long (yes, long, not erect, not even trying yet)

This is an extremely ignorant post. Have you never heard of George Washing Carver, Ramses, Hannibal, or the countless number of guys who are no doubt geniuses but not famous-- such as pic related? Fuck off to /pol/ with this

op you racist basterd

or what do u call it when u bash on another species? phylogenic bigotry? anthropocentrism?

No, monkeys are a prey animal of other animals and chimpanzees (like the chimp in the OP image). OP probably meant chimps, not monkeys anyway.


Humans and other similar hominids killed off competition and interbred until modern day humans were all that was left. Had humans never appeared something else in the hominid family may have evolved in a similar was as humans did.


Monkeys have more things to do than destroy our planet

Wow I'm jealous


can't think or reason without language (see societies using languages without past tense, numbers above 3, etc). If you don't have the words or symbols to express an idea, you cannot think it.

can't teach without language either, in the sense of anything beyond watch-and-learn (e.g. mathematics)

Sapir-Whorf is bullshit just fyi

>societies using languages without past tense

That sounds like a very forward thinking people. Liberals I suppose?

Have you ever tried throwing a handful of shit? Don't judge.

I'll translate your negative thinkspeak:

Language is why. You can think and reason with language. You can think of and express ideas with words and symbols. You can teach with language.

Fyi 'Not' is a useless word. Just say what it is you're talking about.

>monkeys arent predators
How do you get a MSc bio without ever hearing of a baboon? Or a mandrill? Or how about macaques, including the Crab-Eating Macaque?
Monkeys aren't obligate carnivores (apart from tarsiers, which mostly eat insects anyhow) if that what's you're saying, but plenty of kinds of monkey are predaceous at least in part.

BS bio/geo, working on my MS in geo
come at me bro.

>Fyi 'Not' is a useless word.

MFW the word doesn't even appear in user's post you're replying to


Well, I mean, we're several evolutionary steps removed from monkeys. They're like the retarded cousin.

can't is can not

Are you high? Stating what something can do gives no implications of what something cannot do - necessitating the word "not".

What something can do is much more informative. What something can't do is useless.

no, it's not. that's ridiculous.

Read this and come back to sweet Veeky Forums in a few months. Then you'll see the light.

I've been over this with my friends a million times. When ordering they talk about what they don't want on the pizza and I'm like, "Just tell me what you do want on it."

We killed off the other monkeys that were on their way to do things we're doing now... And had sex with them and some of them died on their own.

>SOME few (very few) humans build rockets
>humans used to throw shit at each other
some still do, Lrn2humans fgt pls

Intuition pumps


>why can humans build rockets and smash atoms but monkeys are still throwing shit at each other ?
Humans developed the ability to speak. This alone contributes massively to the development of collective knowledge, which itself is largely prerequisite for intellectual advancement and civilization.

They won't have shit to do once we're done destroying their ecosystem.

>Humans: 1
>Monkeys: 0

Dear OP,
Holy fuck you're stupid. I invite you to open a book and actually try to learn how the theory of evolution works before you ask any other questions that highlight your considerable ignorance.
As for your question, I will give you a hint: the shit throwers were not humans.
With regard, The Internet



We all know why but we are afraid to say it.

You are an autist.

This desu. Once the singularity happens we will become gods, develop time-travel technology, create the universe, and guide our own development.

Yes user we've evolved from shit flinging to shit posting

I think there are crows that are closer to humans than most monkeys when it comes to advancement