What's the most famous uncreative food?

What's the most famous uncreative food?

You basically got it. Italian-American food

Five ingredients done a hundred different ways. Just like Taco Bell.

bread, by far....

Sure if you make autism tier meatballs by just rolling up beef and cooking them it's uncreative. Real meatballs are elite af

>admits there are hundreds of different dishes using the same five ingredients

who the fuck said uncreative=less ingredients

meatballs are literally a ball of meat

Multiple kinds of meat, also bread, and cheese and egg and spices and herbs. Fucking Mongoloid

>literally a ball of meat
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... no?

you're still fucking talking about ingredients even after I said that's not what matters.

Keep eating your nigger style meatballs they are rolled ground Chuck you uncultured pig

I'm not saying that meat balls don't have more ingredients than just meat, I'm saying they're still just a fucking ball of meat either way.

Fucking christ

Actually they are more than just meat did you read my previous post?

Whichever one you secretly desire to sing the praises of.

you lose

Normally I would reply to a thread like this, even though it is stupid. I would then be stuck here for at least a couple of hours arguing with an autistic man-child. Instead I will take the high-road.

Your thread is stupid OP and so are you.

What's the most famous uncreative post?

Chicken parm. Or any other american dish claiming authenticity because of the inclusion of another nation's typical ingredients or flavor profiles


Fried rice. What started as a way to reuse leftovers in a society without microwaves is now included in most American Chinese dishes

Butchering a steer, taking its tough meat into a grinder, then forming balls with processed grains and the un-fetused poultry ovulation and possibly diary, then combining with tomato berries, chopped garlic bulb, pressed oil from the olive plant, and whatever else touches you want to put to the meal is pretty goddamn complex.

The thought put into this "uncreative" dish is pretty vast when you autistically analyze it.

sure is



these idiots are always talking about ingredients on their "food" board.

you can boil 'em, you can mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew

Probably oatmeal.

Very well known.

Very simple.

Post WW2 recipes that involved putting food in Jello. WTF were they thinking?

Food is cheap and plentiful so people start dickin' around with it to make it look like decorations and don't give a fuck if it tastes good or not.

Same as old-timey europe when the upper class did the same shit. Aspic. Bleh.

you two twats are arguing over the size of your microscopic penises. Food is fucking food, no culture has simplistic food except the people who couldn't farm. Even then, they had a ton of different food they just didn't make anything in particular out of it, they had meals by eating the different stuff.

Toast. Just toast.

Chicken Tendies
Fish Sticks
Bread Sticks
Corn Dogs
Tomato Soup
Hard Boiled Eggs
Fried Chicken

Fried dough, but then it's not like anyone pretends it's creative in the first place though.

ITT shitposting

quesadillas are the most uncreative food of all time.


it's literally just ribs...and spices...and sauce

>What's the most famous uncreative food?
Rice & Water. But, it kicks ass

Mexican food in general.

>this shit tastes awful
>hot sauce.gif
>I guess I dont want to kill myself anymore
>its still pretty shit though

Probably just an apple. Or banana. Maybe peanuts.

You just pick it, and you can even just pick it off a wild plant and eat it. There's no processing, farming, use of tools or cooking, extra ingredients or thinking really required. It's the most basic of instincts, and a creature with the intelligence and creativity of a deer or a worm can figure it out & accomplish it. I love fresh fruit & veg, but it's just not very creative.

but it's so good tho

banh mi






What makes you think you're quall-ified to post this?

I know how to use hyphens appropriately, that's my qualification.

Why did you even post you massive shitlord


A hot dog. Putting a tube of mystery meat in between 2 slices of bread. Is that REALLY the best someone can do? I mean honestly just fuck off.

Bread sandwich

BTFO Faggot!

I think I'm seeing a lot of definitions of creative here. If we go by mental effort taken to come up with the idea, it's probably breast milk. It just falls out.

I'm still replying

Fry'em up brown, feed then to a Jew!

> Ham

t. Muhammad

Gelatine was finally available in processed form after the war, making it easy to create aspics and dessert jellies for the first time in history. Of course people went wild.

In 'old-timey' Europe it was used by the upper class because it took insane hours of preparation and was only a privilege for the rich who had staff to do the job. it was a sign of wealth, a decoration not meant to be eaten.

Salads. You chop vedgetables... and put them in to a bowl... and add random protein and/or carb ingredient.


2nding this.


Vegetarian meat substitutes that look sort of like meat but don't taste like meat, vegetables or anything else edible.

poached egg

When you look at all the parasites you can get from eating pigs and other unclean animals, you can see how scientifically sound this directive is. It's the same with fasting, we now know that fasting helps with all sorts of diseases.

Islam has always been ahead of the curve on the pursuit of knowledge and producing a society that only an insane person would reject.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user.

>kill animal
>grind meat
>flatten ground meat and cook
>put on bread

might get some weeb backlash here, but sashimi
>kill fish
>cut fish into bite sized slices
literally one step on top of what wild animals eat

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