So what does Veeky Forums think of Lsd?
And what are the influences it has on mindsets? Are these mindsets that are gained threw lsd good?
After the study they conducted in England ( do you think it is a good way to "open your eyes"? Or do you think people who need such influences shouldn't take it because it changes them as a person?
Have you ever taken Lsd?
Do you think it's a good recreational drug?

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Not literature.

Got to do with philosophy, also i want to know what the average Veeky Forums user thinks of it.
Writing can be influenced by lsd, so why not talk about it?
>everything can influence writing
I'm just curious, don't be a prick about it.

It could be. If instead of just posting crap in a thread you're clearly not interested in you could have brought up books like The Doors of Perception, Fear & Loathing or The Electric Kool-Aid Acid test. But I guess you'd rather just shit on everything because that's more fun.

I think psychedelics are important to anyone cultivating a working mind. It's hard to use the brain properly if you don't know everything it's capable of.

I mean after the survey the conducted you could clearly see that the paterns which exist in the brain get "ripped" apart, and everything starts communicating with eachother.
I do not think that can be good for a brain that's still in development, but for someone who needs a new source of inspiration, or a new set of view on things this drug could be used very effectly.

Eating sausages for breakfast can influence writing, who gives a fuck

>If instead of just posting crap in a thread
>I think psychedelics are important to anyone cultivating a working mind.

This is why no one takes you people seriously

The psychedelic experience is a doorway which leads to a hallway which leads to only what you want to find within yourself.

In other terms, a drug is nothing but a high-yield (fast but not perfect) technique to reach partly what your reason and heart cannot achieve fully in your opinion. If anything, it is a total lack of confidence in your reason and in your abilities to philosophy to be at ease with life; ease which remains unlikely, given that the choice of doing these drugs with the goal of opening your awareness and opening your mind is already a sign of close-mindedness and poor ability to reflect.

It's a good way to destroy your mind permanently.

Not literature, my friend. I'll wait for mods to delete this garbage thread.

That's what i want to hear, an opinion.
I'm not coming in this with any bias, i just want to know what you think of it.
So you think that anybody, who relapses to lsd, to open their mind, is weakwilled and insecure?
How does it destory your mind?

I microdose 10-15ug once or twice weekly with great results.

How long does the dose work for you?
When did you start doing it and how has it influenced your writing?

You're still on Veeky Forums, so the results can't be that great.

not lit

Gregory Bateson (who worked as an OSS agent during WWII) in declassified OSS (pre-CIA agency) documents states:

>(3) The most significant experiment which has yet been conducted in the adjustment of relations between “superior” and “inferior” peoples is the Russian handling of their Asiatic tribes in Siberia. The findings of this experiment support very strongly the conclusion that it is very important to foster spectatorship among the superiors and exhibitionism among the inferiors. In outline, what the Russians have done is to stimulate the native peoples to undertake a native revival while they themselves admire the resulting dance festivals and other exhibitions of native culture, literature, poetry, music and so on. And the same attitude of spectatorship is then naturally extended to native achievements in production or organization. In contrast to this, where the white man thinks of himself as a model and encourages the native people to watch him in order to find out how things should be done, we find that in the end nativistic cults spring up among the native people. The system gets overweighed until some compensatory machinery is developed and then the revival of native arts, literature, etc., becomes a weapon for use against the white man (Phenomena, comparable to Ghandi’s spinning wheel may be observed in Ireland and elsewhere). If, on the other hand, the dominant people themselves stimulate native revivalism, then the system as a whole is much more stable, and the nativism cannot be used against the dominant people.
>OSS can and should do nothing in the direction of stimulating native revivals but we might move gently towards making the British and the Dutch more aware of the importance of processes of this kind (Bateson 1944:6-7).

Could this have anything to do with Terence McKenna's "archaic revival"?? LSD has already been proven to have been engineered as a scheme to make American youth easier to control by corporate/governmental interests but got out of their control:

I heard that Lsd was used to make woman more happy in the 1950-60 so they wouldn't get bored at home.

Unless you live in the Bay Area and are on friendly terms with brilliant, well-hidden outlaw chemists, you're likely going to just get research chemicals. But even if do obtain the real deal, it DEFINITELY is not going to help you write or read.

Cool four way blotter, though; I do like the picture.

Yeah research chemicals are a big problem. Though i don't think it's as bad as with coke or mdma.

i've had mushrooms and i absolutely love the effect it produces. psychedelics are a great way to deconstruct your thinking patterns and observe them from a comfortable distance while enjoying a spectacular show of lights and shapes and patterns. i do recommend it to anyone who's not afraid of change. maybe next time i'll try to write some poetry while under the influence.