I am going off to college soon enough and I don't find enjoyment or interest in anything other than literature...

I am going off to college soon enough and I don't find enjoyment or interest in anything other than literature, but it seems like there are few careers in that other than teaching. Are there any majors for fans of literature, particularly the classics? Maybe a major in which I get to study literature at the very least. Thanks for any advice.

Get a real job, you waste of oxygen.

That's what I'm trying to do!

First off, yes you can study literature or classics. Google that shit

Here's the advice part. Go out and experience more of life, I guarantee you that you will find other subjects to pursue. You're a kid still, don't limit your horizons

>b-but I have experienced a lot and I do know that Literature is my one source of enjoyment/purpose

You haven't. You define yourself as a literature-person and limit your own horizons to protect your self image. The fact that literature is your thing in the first place is a red flag for not having lived a full life- the stereotypes are often true, the kids I knew who read literature rarely had broad horizons.

Its not impossible that literature is what's right for you, but it would be best if you spend the next year, year and a half doing as much different stuff as possible. This is the time to use GE's, extra-curriculars, and personal exploration to give yourself as many options as possible.

Or just major in Literature, it will be way easier and demand almost no personal growth

I think this might be what I needed to hear, thanks user. Living in a tiny town may have limited my experiences

No problem OP, kick some ass

If you go to a good university you can get all kinds of good jobs that don't care what you majored in as long as you have grades and internships.

You can major in literature and take the courses to go to medical school too. Studying something you enjoy will make it easier to get a high GPA.

A little bit of what said, but you can take this too far as well. I majored in something I suffered a lot to get through because I thought it would be good for me, but in the end I still wanted to do something else and had worse grades than I might have.

Aw, these posts made me feel all fuzzy.

I will also keep this in mind, much appreciated

Where are you going to college? As in what city?

That's a great portrait OP, what's it called/who's it by?

I had the same problem.

Decided on being a STEM major and studying literature on my own.
There are plenty of studies and such to supplement that.

I'll always have a job. I'll always have books.

Chico, Northern California

Woman with green shawl, Cyprien Eugène Boulet, 1927

Woman with a green shawl by boulet

why is no one nice to me when i make threads but they are to this guy. bit harsh tb h

Ha too slow helping someone faggot

Nobody likes you, faggot.


Luck of the draw

Remember one thing: Do what you love.
It is a cliche but it is the truth!

If you think it will be possible to study the university stuff and literature alongside, you are wrong.
You can't compete with adderal infused autists that are eagerly to give their health and hobbies for grades and later for work.

Unless you are going to a top school, then you're good to go, a mediocre person there is generally on the same level (or better) than a top student in a shitty university.

Go to a big centre-of-the-world city. London, NY, somewhere like that. Go to the right parties, meet the right people, make sure you've written something good, maybe some good poems, or a good book. You'll find some way to publish something. There are hundreds of small presses around. You can do well if you dress right. I'm not being the least bit cynical about that either. That's the life I'm living right now, and I'm doing ok.

>Unless you are going to a top school, then you're good to go, a mediocre person there is generally on the same level (or better) than a top student in a shitty university.
Oh God, here come the butthurt state school heroes.

>. Go out and experience more of life, I guarantee you that you will find other subjects to pursue. You're a kid still, don't limit your horizons
what the fuck does this pseud-advice even mean?

>just get le experience user!!!
experience in what? doing what? I worked traveled before uni and it didnt help me one bit

"Go out and experience more of life" is definitely a weird piece of advice.

It is like one of those things that you know exactly what it means and how you personally could do it, but couldn't put it to words either.

That said, don't be a wimp and try to use that as an excuse to not try new things.
You know what you could do to "experience" more of life.