Why are physics and math the only two fields that are intellectually challenging?

Why are physics and math the only two fields that are intellectually challenging?

All nature science based on those two

pic related looks fucking gross
retirement aged as fuck

Pedo or Muslim?

There's no way she's older than 23

newfag or retarded? No sane person can fall for bait so easily.

Because, in maths and physics, You get always paid to stop thinking about what you do, as soon as you get tenure...

pedo, not muslim

Many extremely intelligent people are also insane, John Nash for example

So you like being intellectually challenged, huh..

she has a fuck ugly face, no ass, no tits and a wannabe tryhard pose like a model. it just makes me cringe

She's not that bad... Easily a 7/10, and that might be lowballing.

I hear plugging and chugging numbers is a real ordeal

tell us more

i dont know, whats it matter anyways? it's not like being in the field makes you any smarter

you're either super smart (IQ >160) and therefore more inclined or even obligated to handle universal issues (physics/mathematics), or you arent and your interests lie elsewhere (everything else).

if you arent super smart and you are in some kind of theoretical field (physics/maths) and not engineering/everything else (in it for the money), then chances are you're already fucked, and you will never achieve anything noteworthy.

and if you do happen to be a person with a profound genius tier IQ (>160) and you are in a theoretical math/physics field, then you already know you're smart and you dont have any reason to come shitpost on sci about how people think your field of study is smart.

kind of sucks when you think about it, because you've already been excluded from genius-tier just by being here and bragging about your field rather than yourself :(


Math isn't plugging and chugging after high school. It's all about proving shit.

no thanks. I like real women, not cheap ugly pieces of shit like this. maybe you should go back to /lgbt/ with your flatchest fetish

Your sister doesn't count. Off to you go.

my sister has very firm tits coz she a real woman, but she belongs only to me >:D
so you go back to with your flatchest mantits fetish

Post more of this hotassed ho

>my sister has very firm tits
Pics or back to .

> she belongs only to me

fuck off brainlet

the only hard part about physics is the mathematics.
the actual physics i.e.e setting up the maths problem, is trivial

of course it is m8 :^)

Wuuut's the difference?

Actually computer science is aswell ever tryed writing code?

Because you're a noob in the other fields.

try to understand why CRISPR-CAS9 will be the next generation revolution and then we can talk about intellectuality...

This isn't true.

I have an A in my current math class and will be lucky to get a C- in my physics class.

>physics is challenging really! I have a C- in my highschool class!


Going against Veeky Forums's popular opinion, every field of study is intellectually challenging if ones goes deep enough.
I would include philosophy (having in mind great works like Critique of Pure Reason and Tractatus-Logico Philosophicus), music (thinking mostly about classical music) and writing (although I have mixed feeling about literary criticism).


>make thread on science worshipping board about science being the "most intellectual subject"
>30 reply circlejerk on how science is indeed the "most challenging field"
What was the point really?

>What was the point really?
they're children

> rest of the posts are about underage girls

Actually the class are:

Math: Analysis on Manifolds
Phys: Electricity and Magnetism

The point is just because you are good at math doesn't mean you are good at physics.

And vice versa! I'm great at physics but if you put me in a proof based math class, I'm practically retarded.

Purely subjective! You may find that challenging the other may find chemistry challenging.

>Not 11/10 fake model, with massive fake boobs and ass
>Not interested
You can always tell someones intelligence by their taste in women

100% chance of your "analysis on manifolds" being just calculus and your "Electricity and Magnetism" being the introductory freshman class

Descriptions of classes from the syllabus.

ok you rekt me

I agree with you, the math people at my uni have to take a differential equations class with physicists, and it's a different animal. basically there's no theory, everything is taken for granted, and you need to know how to use tons of weird magic tools that you don't really understand but try to get intuition of somehow.

some things that came very naturally to physicists confused the fuck out of us, mainly because we, as math people, were trying to understand them

Your Analysis on Manifolds is what is called Calculus III here.
Looks like an introductory course to differential forms.

well meme'd desu

I don't know what classes are called other places. This is what we've done in this class.

- Review of Top. Spaces
- Smooth Manifolds
- Tangent Spaces
- Exterior Algebra and Alternating Forms
- Differential Forms
- Integration on Manifolds
- Various applications to Geometric Algebra and Differential Topology

Am I the only one who thinks this is basically what the ideal woman should look like? She hits all my criteria.

An idea woman in my head is one that never ages past her mid 20s and never gets sick and is a brilliant mathematician that isn't autistic and has a 4.0 GPA.

And is a

Note how I said what the ideal woman should look like.

>great works like Critique of Pure Reason and Tractatus-Logico Philosophicus
This has to be b8.

You are a fucking brainlet or a bait master. Electrodynamics is an easy as shit class. There is no way you ace analysis on manifolds but fail to understand its trivial application in physics.

Those works by Kant and Wittgenstein are top tier analytical philosophy. Only a complete retard would think it's bait.

Then why are you too stupid to use that babby math knowledge in your babby physics class?

maybe he just doesn't like flinging shit around without understanding it, fucking physics

>analytical philosophy
b8 confirmed

>stoke's theorem and applications to algebraic geometry
>babby math

you need at least 2 years of pure math to get there

Everything seems to be defined so arbitrarily and you are suppose to be able to quickly solve these problems with random tricks which are given no justification. Doesn't click in my head.

The post says "geometric algebra" and not "algebraic geometry". You don't need 2 years to get there, fucking brainlet. This shit is in the 2nd semester undergrad math curriculum at almost every european university.

If the tricks appear "random" to you, then you're just too much of a brainlet to understand them. Your shallow knowledge of how integration on manifolds is defined is literally worthless if you're too uncreative to apply said knowledge to the almost trivial theory of electromagnetism.

>If the tricks appear "random" to you, then you're just too much of a brainlet to understand them

if the tricks don't appear random to you, it's because you're so retarded that bullshit pictures can convince you that you actually "know" something, and you can fool yourself into thinking you have justification for it

the only justification for those tricks is tons of "they work I guess" data collected over the years

We're talking about mathematical methods of computing shit here. Your inability to understand them doesn't invalidate them.

Cause the rest is just stamp collecting.

Idk what your physics classes are like, but the problems here on my assignments are very rarely ever just "computing shit." In fact most actual computations involved tend to be fairly trivial. What doesn't work for me is turning the problem into something which actually is just a calculation.

So you're too dumb to solve a word problem?

It isn't.
Both have considerable influence in and out philosophical studies.
The TLP and PI are superb pieces of work, and there is an almost inhuman deal of intellectual effort put into them.

>I can plug and chug like a monkey so other people who don't must be dumb
some of us prefer doing things we understand, and can't just throw things into random blender that our teachers promised will work

There is absolutely nothing "intellectual" in them. They are baseless autistic drivel and of no value at all.

You are the one who's doing plug'n'chug. If you actually understood what you're doing, you would be able to solve these trivial physics exercises instead of whining about them being "random" on Veeky Forums.

Once again, I don't know what your physics class was like, but physics problems are a lot more than just like word problems you would encounter in a elementry calculus or diffeq class.

Dude, we're talking about a babby tier class on electromagnetism which can be attended with minimal math knowledge.

I went there once and there was a masculine trap giving out shit to all the feminine traps.

It might be who you are replying to kek

>do programming in one module for one year
>end up tutoring CS babbies who just don't get it the following year

CS is a meme

>They are baseless autistic drivel and of no value at all.
Do you even read?
On what ground do you call them "baseless"?

Show me one "truth" in Wittgenstein's tractatus.

non-stem retards actually believe this shit, that's the sad thing

Pick any proposition aside of the construction of the picture theory of meaning. All stands to this day, and many are hold again under new grounds in the PI.

I challenge you to show me a proposition from the tractatus which isn't meaningless bullshit.


>Logical research means the investigation of all regularity. And outside logic all is accident.
>A necessity for one thing to happen because another has happened does not exist. There is only logical necessity.

>For an answer which cannot be expressed the question too cannot be expressed.
>The riddle does not exist.
>If a question can be put at all, then it can also be answered.

Do you need more? Because it looks you already have an opinion that you're not willing to change, despite of having virtually no knowledge at all of logic or philosophy.

>>Logical research means the investigation of all regularity.
platitude without content

>>And outside logic all is accident.
baseless assertion

>>A necessity for one thing to happen because another has happened does not exist. There is only logical necessity.
baseless assertion

>>For an answer which cannot be expressed the question too cannot be expressed.
baseless assertion

>>The riddle does not exist.
meaningless deepity

>>If a question can be put at all, then it can also be answered.
plain bullshit

>baseless assertion
Assertion are well deep in the book, and those have been deduced of former propositions.
I'm afraid I'm not going to point every point in the first half of the TLP that needs to be shown before those can be sustained - expecting that is a rather childish position I believe, although this is Veeky Forums after all...

I read the whole tractatus and it is nothing but a collection of baseless assertions, empty phrases and autistic nonsense. You seem to lack critical thinking.

>You seem to lack critical thinking.
Not at all. I'm familiar enough with Wittgenstein early influences (Frege, Russell) to get a good grasp of most of it and to know what logical paradox or fact he tries to avoid or construct.
The way it's written is unfortunate, I'd have in mind the conditions in which the book was written.

>a collection of baseless assertions, empty phrases and autistic nonsense
The fact that you simplify the TLP, a book regarded highly at the time by the most capable people in Cambridge, makes me think you lack a bit of common sense.
Certainly Frege, Russell, Moore, Ramsey (long etc) could be all completely wrong, but I wouldn't dismiss the opinion of great logicians and mathematicians so easily.

You need to read more. Your illiteracy shows.

>string theorists are still being paid a salary
How does this make you feel, Veeky Forums?

It's a toy model from the 70s bro.

Maybe Veeky Forums isn't the place for you.

She's objectively disgusting. To any truly intellectual observer this is obvious.

keking hrd m8

Because they're not.

Ever tried writing English?

Trying to find mathematical unifying theories in biology is one of the most challenging things out there in STEM.

Even the biophys kids are having trouble doing it.

lucky for you, she is a pornstar

go watch her get fucked

>Why are physics and math the only two fields that are intellectually challenging?

>>Intellectually challenged
>>By two fields that are, respectively
> - The only field where you can get .999999 statistical certainty
> - The only field where your ideas can be logically proven/disproven

GTFO. Try getting significant p values in psychology, then come back and talk about "intellectually challenging."

Nah, he's a massive Engineer, he'll fit right in.

Actually Epistemology is the hardest interactive study because people can't accept neutral positions until reason and evidence are presented.
Try explaining to people that presuppositional biases are based on erroneous heuristics that can be proven erroneous.
Even respected minds like Hawking and Dawkins then engage in personal attack when you question their use of conjecture being touted as absolute fact.
They say police, dentists, doctors, military and politicians have it hard?
Try telling the world that presumption isn't fact.
Everyone hates and you thinks you're crazy.

>p values


kill yourself

It's difficult because it's not actually a science.
Psychology has 4 steps:
1.) Projection
2.) Confirmation bias
3.) Circular reporting/In-group Propagandizing
4.) Attacking critics
That's not a science. That's not even politics.
That's egotism.

show me a science which is not like you said

>super smart (IQ > 160)
>(IQ > 160)

Are you literally retarded? You don't need an IQ of 160 to achieve anything meaningful. Einstein and Dirac etc did not have an IQ even close to that



maths isn't a science

Einstein never took an I.Q. test, you fucking nigger.

>Einstein and Dirac etc did not have an IQ even close to that
Got a source on that?