Does eating eggs for breakfast daily really raise your cholesterol or is it just a meme?

Does eating eggs for breakfast daily really raise your cholesterol or is it just a meme?

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Dietary cholesterol does NOT raise your cholesterol, just like dietary fat doesn't make you fat (and cutting dietary fat won't make you less fat)

Look at the statistics of who eats the most eggs and draw your own conclusions

Thanks for the info man

Note how high Japan, China, and the Nordic countries are on this chart. Spain, too. These are all countries we are constantly told we should emulate because of their low rates of cardiovasuclar disease and cancers.

Technically it does, but it's HDL (i.e. The good one). Eggs are good for you, don't skip them.

>Look at the statistics
really bad info and you are doing just as muc false corelation as people who believe red meat causes cancer.

The problem isn't eggs, the problem is frying eggs in margarine.


yeah I'm pretty sure eggs aren't helping these fuckers.

What is the horizontal scale? Eggs per day? Per week? Per month?

Awful fucking plot.

Fry those niggers in lard and you're good

i have an egg soda everyday in the summer and i have good cholesterol, i think the main culprit is saturated fat

>Egg soda

The fuck?

Eggs clog arteries. Don't fucking eat them. Done. Eat beans on toast instead of eggs.

>i have an egg soda everyday
Yeah your gonna have to explain wtf that is

>Does eating eggs for breakfast daily really raise your cholesterol or is it just a meme?
It took a while for scientists to look at all of the confusing data, and come to some understandings about cholesterol as a term, dietary cholesterols contribution to blood serum cholesterol (and the types! HDL, LDL, triglycerides, and the balance of them) and whatever link either had to plaque in arteries, and so forth. It wasn't easy. It evolved over time, these understandings. ALLLLLL the while....the powerful lobbyists at the Egg Council(!) worked to get that ban on eggs more than one a week to get overturned, of course :P

What happened is that cholesterol lowering statins still didn't seem to help certain people, some people who were really strict in their diets and in controlled studies, eating almost NO fats. It had scientists scratching their heads. They concluded that dietary cholesterol isn't as important as, I think, consuming some carbs and having low activity levels, alcohol consumption, and frankly bad genes. Yea, your family might have bad genes.

In conclusion, keep moving, the only way to burn off some triglycerides is exercise/activity while it's highest in your blood. Balance your HDL/LDL with whichever omega rich components you can raise or lower (look it up), and don't overdo the carb load in binge eating. Get blood tests occasionally to know exactly what's going with you. because as I stated, some people do all the right things and their cholesterol sucks. Genes.

its a real simple soda, you take an egg yolk and separate it from the white and whisk with some sweet condensed milk until its frothy and then you serve with ice and club soda

so that data shows eggs doesn't play a rule in heart health, if healthy cultures and unhealthy cultures alike are eating high amounts of eggs, then they aren't a factor
based on your comment to that graph, i haven't done any research either...

Not to mention no source. I could literally go into MS Paint and swap the names around and you'd have no way to fact check me.

How's the taste?

like a cream soda. its real rich

I'm going with meme. Typical breakfast here.

All people too poor for meat nicer than chicken.