Work like fuck throughout undergrad to get the best grades in a subject you have no passion for

>work like fuck throughout undergrad to get the best grades in a subject you have no passion for
>do sports, clubs, charity in all spare time
>another 4-8 years in med school brute force memorizing a shallow understanding of a variety of different fields
>spend the next 30 years being a glorified mechanic for the human body

Why hasn't the medical profession been replaced by something more efficient?

>Why hasn't the medical profession been replaced by something more efficient?

because smart and able kids keep going into traditional medicine and not biomedical engineering, nanotechnology, materials science...fields which historically pay worse

so, in a roundabout way,
"because we pay doctors way too damn much."

>because smart and able kids keep going into traditional medicine

t. Butthurt medicine reject

Soon OP. The vast majority of the medical profession will be replaced by robots and AI in the near future. Check out the supercomputer Watson

Definitely not in near future.

They're working on it.

We have robot surgeons and anesthesiologists

>first year biology, first lecture
>prof: "Please stand up if you plan on applying to med school"
>tfw 600 freshmen stand up in a 700 people lecture
>tfw you're one of them

because doctors make good money and have good prestige

>Organic chemistry class
>Last couple of classes before the final
>Girl has a breakdown before class because she needs a perfect GPA to get into Med School

>Next year in Physical Chemistry
>Week before the final and we're being rushed through half a semester's stuff because prof can't be arsed to mess with his final
>Nobody's stressed because we're all Chem/Biochem/ChemE majors
>Entire class ended up being curved to hell in the end
>Still not convinced anybody actually knows Physical Chemistry and instead it's just one big running joke

> surgeons
You mean the teleop ones we've been steadily improving since the 90s?
Because I havent heard of a robot being able to handle the mess that is the human body
> anesthesiologists
That I can believe. A robot that monitors vitals and adjusts the amount of anesthia...What else do anesthiologists do?

Make bank

So MDs are basically COD kiddies?

Why do anaesthesiologists make so much bank? Everywhere I go some kid tells me they're gonna become one to rake in the cash (that or PetroleumEng)

>A robot is all fine and dandy when it's plain sailing, but when shit hits the fan you need someone at the helm. Anesthesiologist do more than 'make you sleep', they take responsibility for the patients care. The patient allowed this person to sedate them thus the anesthesiologist cares for them.

Thats your american system. In other places you are selected from your highschool according to marks, your skin colour and various extracurricular activities. Shaving a few years off. Eventually that shallow understanding starts making sense as the puzzle starts to fit together. There is simply to much detail in the human body to learn every system in detail - thats why you have specialists

The only people who claim robots will replace the majority of medical professions are people who know fuck all about both robotics and medicine

We haven't even finished automating MC Donald's and you think that soon all surgery will be done by robots?

Even if it were possible the pushback from medical professionals would be many many times stronger than that of minimum wage workers who are currently under threat

LOL are you me?

4 year degree, full ride, 88k starting salary with chemical company.

Truly, Cheme is god tier.

>tfw a 56% in thermodynamics is a C in AEng
>tfw I couldn't fail the class if I tried

There is a huge risk of facing malpractice suits because anesthesiology is easy to fuck up.

Because doctors earn really good money and are smart enough to lobby well for their interests.

ICU, emergency med, chronic/acute pain management to name a few.

Its one of the most important things to a patient and incredibly easy to mess up.

I can't remember the source but I've read soke month ago that Johnson&johnson managed to almost entirely automate anesthesiologists but the fuckers lobbied and the pharma industry had to drop the project

oh look the computer science freshman who thinks we can just implement computer programs for everything

i hate you faggots more than the meme of engineering

>going to college to become pajeet

>tfw took thermo over the summer and only shit tier teacher was available
>tfw no curve on tests or final grade
>tfw 88% is a B

Even if robots can do doctor's duties, the doctor will not be out of a job. People's lives are at stake here. Someone needs to be held accountable. Sure a robot can do surgery, but a human surgeon will always need to be there to assume liability.

I study in Russia, 3 course
I really like it

>mfw an idiot on the internet gives another person the fault for his incompetence by pointing at hers incompetence