If this is the smartest board on Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums is one of the smartest websites on the internet...

If this is the smartest board on Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums is one of the smartest websites on the internet, and everybody uses the internet, does that mean I am one of the smartest people to ever live?

you are literally the smartest person who has ever existed OP

well, after me of course but I'm so smart I'm basically a different species so it doesn't really count

>mfw these brainlets start talking about intelligence near me

I am smartest.
I have highest IQ.
I have smartest IQ.
I am the highest smartest.

How would Veeky Forums be one of the smartest websites? And the highest IQ'd board is Veeky Forums.

>tfw chris langan

>And the highest IQ'd board is Veeky Forums.

Technically speaking, any science/math board anywhere will be a lot smarter than the average population.

Veeky Forums is pretty smart, Veeky Forums is pretty smart. So yeah, statistically speaking, you're pretty smart. But Veeky Forums is also extremely autistic; Veeky Forums even more so. So yeah, you're smart, but youre also immeasurably autistic.

Unless the woman you're after has a fetish for sweaty neckbeards talking about the applications of theoretical mathematics while simultaneously screeching about black people, you will die alone.

>theoretical mathematics

>not knowing applied math

Veeky Forums is only the second smartest board on Veeky Forums, after /pol/.

>If this is the smartest board on Veeky Forums,

Wrong link.

Although that reasoning is fallacious, I belive that your conclusion is correct

>i like to read what other people think
>i must be just as smart as them
>much smarter than the people who come up with new shit.

No, you're just a dumb gorillaposter

>Veeky Forums is one of the *est websites
>on the internet

that's a funny way of writing /s4s/ user

>Veeky Forums is one of the smartest websites on the internet

I don't believe lit is the highest iq. Most pretentious, sure. Not highest iq though.


>/int/, aka /pol/ lite

Just because it's in an infographic doesn't mean it's true, you know.

There is absolutely no world in which any Veeky Forums board has an average IQ three standard deviations above the mean.

I can't see neither /r9k/ nor Veeky Forums.
I assume both are, respectively, below /x/ and above Veeky Forums?

>Veeky Forums
>above 100

>average Veeky Forums-goer qualifies for MENSA
I highly doubt that.

i love this graphic

>highest IQ boar
>Veeky Forums
pick one

>implying that people that go on Veeky Forums have 3digit IQ

mensa doesn't use IQ tests anymore. Simply score in the 98% of their test to get in

98th percentile

>leaving /diy/ out of the picture