Dog ear or bookmark?

Dog ear or bookmark?

bookmark, always.

Brain mark

dog ear because I'm a madman
maybe bookmark if it's a book that's out of print

I just close the book. I figure if I can't find where I stopped then I wasn't doing a very good job of reading in the first place.


I almost want to tip a fedora at you but I'm miring that talent you have, actually.

book mark you creatures

never got the obsession with not dog earing

Fedora tip for remembering where I stopped reading?

there should be an instant death penalty for people who dog ear books

>not having patrician leather bookmark

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any flimsy bookmark’s help. But because, I am enlightened (as to the page where I left off) by my intelligence

Dog ears plural, for pages with significant passages, so you can find them later on. In your own books ONLY, of course.

I'm sick of people who refuse to use a bookmark and are being proud of themselves for remembering the goddamn page number. Bravo, you are so smart, good for you! I bet you also don't have any phone numbers saved in your phone's memory but rather know them by heart.

Using a bookmark doesn't mean you are stupid, it's just more practical. Not only bc you don't have to memorize the page number but also bc you don't have to turn a dozen pages before you get to the one you were looking for.


I spit on the last page I read in a session, and come back to the stain afterwards. Not joking. I figure it's my book, and I'm not very uncomfortable with my own bodily humors.

bookmark, i like to treat my books gently

I came from a traditional Jewish background. I spent a large amount of my childhood memorizing biblical passages, liturgy, and legal writings.

I loved my religious education, but I loved English too, and I would also memorize Robert Frost and Shakespearian soliloquies when I had the time. Because I had the skills of memorization from my Jewish upbringing, it was easy for me to memorize.

I think you don't truly know a passage or a poem if you cannot recite it by heart. Reading without memorizing is like watching a movie pixel by pixel, or eating the ingredients of a cake without baking them together.

This all being said, use a fucking bookmark. The point of books is that you can learn more without memorizing everything, just memorize the stuff that really matters. Memorizing page numbers or trying to remember exactly where you stopped doesn't matter. The whole point of books instead of scrolls is to save pages and navigate without learning it intimately.


bookmark for progress while reading

top of page dog ear for passages i want to remember
bottom of page dog ears to mark off book divisions or prefaces/afterwords

black pen for annotations
blue pen for personal notes/thoughts

and sticky notes to keep the place of personal notes

i use the page that inevitably falls out the front of the book as a bookmark

>taking more than one sitting to finish a book


With all of the great advances in technology and their impact on information, from the printing press to the internet, we've also truly lost something wonderful by moving as far away as we have away from oral tradition and memorization and deep internalizing of texts.


I rop off the blank page at the beggining and use it as a bookmark

>only reading books that can be finished in one sitting


I highlight and take notes all over the books I read, but to actually have clumpy pages when you close the book pisses me off to no end

Why not use those things where you stick them to the side of the page and they stand out with their colors? They sell them at Staples

I completely agree. For anyone wishing to do a little memorizing and partake in a great literary tradition:

The Eagle, Lord Alfred Tennyson

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring'd with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.

I-I remember a lot of important phone numbers by heart ;_;

Do you do this for fiction?

Bookmark, though I'm beginning to have my doubts. The dog ear kind of gives it "character".
When I pass on my rare Reclam(tm) edition of Stirner to my wife's son I feel like it would make it more special, if you know what I mean.

>he didn't read Don Quijote I and II in one sitting
Me neither though to be honest

I just stick whatever I have near me in the page- never understood buying a proper bookmark. Small leaflets, train tickets, stickie notes, etc

People are proud of that? Since when? Never seen anyone do that.

yeah, if I don't remember where I left off I reread a few pages just to get back into mind

>tfw I buy a used book with millions of dogears

holy shit

Seek help. No one is "proud" of that.

they are not for free

If you don't remember were you left off, you didn't read well enough.

What do you use for a bookmark?

I usually use the receipt they give you at the library with the due date on it.

proud bookmarkmustardcase here

receipts are my favorites, but sometimes I just rip a strip off a piece of notebook paper or something and use that

when I read Gravity's Rainbow I made a list of characters that I folded up and used as a bookmark

I like to write down all the words I don't know over the course of the book and then when I finish it I give myself a little vocab test

Bookmark. You monster.

I fucking hate wordsworth so much, familia

I have a white board so I just write down the page number where I left off. Also, I always finish reading at the beginning of a new chapter so it's not too difficult to remember where I last was.

I wrote and mark my book with highlighters, dog ear every page I find interesting and curl up paperback covers. I am the destroyer of books.

i just dot the thing with ink

publisher or poet?

I used to know a lot of phone numbers for friends and family. After getting a cell phone, I pretty much only know my own phone number.

>not just ripping out the pages and throwing them in the trash when you're done with them

Bookmark if I'm working on reading multiple things, but otherwise I can usually go by memory and find about where I was when I left off. I don't mind re-reading a couple of pages.

The bookmarks that come with my shipments.

>Sitting while reading

Mmmh, e-reader masterrace.

And before a jealous pleb tries to say "w-what a-about notes or l-losing them" it can have backups. Just like that novel you're writing. ;-)

I might just tweak this method and use it, user. Good on you.

a card, the king

Reading physical is for fedoras, ludites and girls who like books for the smell and other shit.

is that you diary desu?

2/10 painting.