When did you realize that sour cream goes with literally everything?

When did you realize that sour cream goes with literally everything?

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Even cottage cheese?

sour cream doesnt go with boiled cabbage


only if you wanna be a fat fuck

That looks like GreYo to me man, not sour cream.

the first time I tasted it duh.

that actualy sounds perfectly fine

April. 2. 1989
I even remember the time: 6.45 pm

different strokes, i guess. as somebody who eats boiled cabbage semi-regularly i can't imagine putting anything but spices or meat on it. any kind of sauce would make the texture too sloppy

chocolate cakes

That's exactly eight months before I was born

Wow, it's almost like it's just a simple coincidence.

cabbage roll w sour cream tho??


Sour cream mcchicken

yes it does. ever had pierogis with cabbage filling?

The time I went to wendy's and got spicy nuggets and already paid and then they told me they had no ranch. So I used one of mom's sour creams from her baked potato.

Oh man, I pile that stuff on my baked potatoes.

>That's exactly eight months before I was born
That's exactly seven months before I was born

what about craft beer?

Apple crumble

I hate sour cream.
There, I said it.

Acually you didn't really voiced it, you just type some letters.

Cinnamon toast crunch?

No it doesn't.

que thingx

yeah smear some on...

Having it already covered in sauce is cheating desu

why use sour cream ever when nonfat greek yogurt exists