Daily reminder that if you don't hold NEBULAS (NAS), you literally won't make it

Daily reminder that if you don't hold NEBULAS (NAS), you literally won't make it.

P.S. I gain nothing from telling you guys this, I am genuinely doing it for your own good.

P.P.S This daily reminder will be posted every day

P.P.P.S You faggots don't even realise that there is the best decision you will make in your life, right here ITT.
Fuck me jesus.

>Nigglets will latch onto my nipples as I ride the rocket

That image is horrendous

Wouldn’t usually post this, but please people. Listen.

And no, I'm not done accumulating.

explain the token value?

>token value wasn't ever intended to go over $1

NAS token is used as a sort of gas for smart contracts, proof of devotion rewards, bookeeping rewards & as a network currency

The Nebulas network has its own built-in token, NAS. NAS plays two roles in the network. First, as the original money in the network, NAS provides asset liquidity among users, and functions as the incentive token for PoD bookkeepers and DIP. Second, NAS will be charged as the calculation fee for running smart contracts.

Basically the whole nebulas project will be a better version of eth, on a blockchain 3.0 platform. Main net released Q1, which will make it the first working 3.0.

you literally cant fud nebulas at this point, wish i had more money to invest, hitters is fucking mastermind

This shit has like 0 innovation and does nothing that other stuff can't already do blockchain wise and at best, all that's needed is some dAPP and front end to plug in any holes of nebulas "use case".

What a bunch of hyped useless crap.

Before main net release there will be a rebranding

>DAG system has been tested and is being considered to be implemented for transactions.

Already got mine in cold storage. See you in 2 years when its 10k a pop for sure.

lol, like i'd ever put money into anything chinise

I held btc for 4 years. Strong hands boys. Its what eos wishes it could be and its mainnet will be out months earler.

>vitalik clearly mildly uncomfortable and disinterested and thinking about more important things than these poseur marketing chinks.

Mine are also in cold storage.

This is what I've been trying to tell people for months, lol.


>provides asset liquidity among users, and functions as the incentive token
>fee for running smart contracts.
eh, i'll pass. looks way overvalued as a speculative asset already

VB is an sperg autist who views the world in binary, he looks mildly uncomfortable in any forced setting

Nebulas blockchain will reward developers directly. It will have self-evolution to update without hard forking. Vitalik has to lick nutsack to get people to let him update.

China literally has;
-the fast growing economy and population in world
-will be the worlds superpower before you evem know it
-99% of things you put your money into are probably Chinese and you don't even know it
-China does everything cheaper and better than any other country

Not even to mention that most of the money in crypto comes from china...

Wake up mate. China isn't what it once was.

So I can’t decide Which shit exchange do I need to go to, to buy this pile of diamonds

>another chink scam

Huobi. Bought all of mine on huobi over the course of around a month

Go to huobi. Gate had a bug either day where 2fa shut off. Its probably nothing but maybe they got hacked.

can americlaps use huobi

im an australiacunt. not sure about americlaps

>deflects blatant bias
you wish bud, everything the chinese touch gets ruined. Ima stick 2 real products where people actual care about quality

Fuck OP I liked this coin, but now this screams it's a shillcoin. Why you gotta sound like such a shill

yeh but you gotta verify for larger amounts i don't know how much

How do a sound like a shill you stupid cunt
Whether you buy it or not, it doesn't affect me lmao. I'm just trying to help people. Don't buy it then, dick head. I really don't care


Progression, ascension, enlightenment. Nebulas is encapsulating, its your past present and future. Nebulas is you.

This isn't supposed to be a shill thread, as one person has mentioned. I just want you all to DYOR. This is a good thing guys.