Why do people hate on American cooking here so much? I mean have they not heard of our regional cuisines?

Why do people hate on American cooking here so much? I mean have they not heard of our regional cuisines?

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Because people don't know enough about a country they're not part of.

i do love the shit out of buttermilk biscuits.

this is the pinnacle of wheat-based food. it's better than any other bread or pastry.

every bag of flour dreams of being made into these biscuits.

good looking breakfast here's mine

Fuck. Now I'm craving those

When people mock Americas food they aren't mocking the meals but rather your abhorrent ingredients like HFCS everything, bleached meat, hormone injected beef and milk, chemically washed eggs, cheese like product, etc.

Do Americans really do this?

>obsessed with America part two, Electric Boogaloo.

oh sorry, let me go to the grocery store and buy...

oh fuck, i guess thats all we have.

eat nigger shit dick snot. we make due with what we can.
go pick an apple and shove it up your ass

and seriously, you fuckign haters on the american cheese. there are 2 dishes that absolutely demand fuckign american cheese, no substitutes.
wouldnt expect a hater who refuses to experiment with it to know fuck shit about it

Because the 20th Century saw American cooking lean really hard into fast or convenience food, which doesn't exactly result in quality.

Hey, I'm explaining what they mean friend, no need to get triggered at the messenger.

>Why do people hate on American cooking here so much?

because all their knowledge about american food comes from internet memes and leftist media with an obvious anti-american agenda

that's why every discussion about american food quickly devolves into people spamming memes like
>lmao enjoy your GMO cancer burgers
>go eat your daily big mac, fatso
>[pic of shitty TV dinner]
>[youtube of inbred retards cooking up disgusting shit]
>hahaha flyovers xD

in reality, traditional american cuisine is a blend of various european cuisines, primarily german and english, as well as various other cuisines that got incorporated into it over the centuries (french, spanish, west african, native american, ...)

To be fair the traditional American cooking is occasionally encountered, especially at holidays, but most of the cuisine has been replaced by fast food, convenience food, sandwiches and stuff that could charitably be called short order cooking.

Because it's not "cooking" it is just taking a bunch of unhealthy shit and throwing it together. American cuisine largely prides itself on quantity over quality and uses too much shit.

>putting American cheese on an omelette
The only time I'd allow American cheese anywhere near eggs would be in a breakfast sandwich

Uneducated and incapable of using basic grammar.

Defends fake dairy products thinking that they are obligated to be put on dishes.

Childish insults.

Yup it is an American.

breakfast options are so shit.

I might be willing to say that American cheese is better than cheddar on burgers, but provolone or swiss is miles better.

You mean the shit that poor people buy? Oh darn you got us. I guess everyone in the UK buys frosty jack too.

As someone who despises American cheese, there is something cohesive about it on a burger. It's the only way I'd stomach the stuff.

Because that's protocol to get a reaction here.

It's pretty fucking easy to avoid that stuff if you just read labels. Farmer's Markets are also abundant if you want stuff from the source.

>most of the cuisine has been replaced by fast food, convenience food, sandwiches and stuff that could charitably be called short order cooking

Maybe if you're, ironically, poor

> HFCS everything, bleached meat, hormone injected beef and milk, chemically washed eggs, cheese like product, etc.

is this an american thing?

God I miss me some farmer's markets. Get drunk with the sellers, get an extra carrot cuz that's on the house.

>eurocucks actually believe this

Our meat is really gross. There are better options but most people would rather save money on cheap walmart meat. The real problem with America is our insistence on eating a big portion of meat with every meal. If we gave that up and spent the same amount of money on a lesser amount of more quality meat we could start to turn things around.

that plus the sugar.

photo is from a Wegman's down the street from me in NJ.

And this photo is from a Mitsuwa supermarket in NJ as well.

>bleached meat

There's nothing wrong with HFCS that isn't wrong with sugar, and why would you want dirty-vermin-infestied eggs?

You'd be surprised how much of the middle class and above is eating mostly fast and convenience food. They don't get it from McDonald's and WalMart, they get it from fast casual restaurants and upscale grocers like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. But it's the same shit. Not a lot of people really cook anymore on a day to day basis.

wtf i hate america now

Everyone does, when they are a teenager hanging out at the park with their friends hoping to get their fingers sticky with some slag.

>Kobe beef
>Product of the USA

That shouldn't be a surprise. We went from soup lines to going out for burgers and fries in one generation. The ability to acquire large quantities of food cheaply is very much the symbol of our success. We're not giving that up, regardless of how much it degrades our standards.

aussies don't have anything good down there so all they do is make fun of other shit.

just ignore 'em.

The US is capable of producing quality products, there is just a small amount of people in the US willing to pay for it.

>whining about HFCS

Really? I thought only americans did that. I figured people in other countries took chemistry in high school and know it's just sugar.

>fake dairy products
literally what

Is this an American thing?
Do Americans really do this?
What the frick I h*te America now.

>Our meat is really gross.

Maybe if you do your grocery shopping at Walmart. Good meat can be found at any decent grocery store or butcher.

The only country where I've had better meat than the US is Japan.

Ha ha.
In Texas, I never see shit walmart meat, but maybe that's just because I don't hang around with the people these threads obv hang around with.
Maybe quality meat is a Texas thing?
Smoked BBQ brisket, ribs, etc is ubiquitous

>eurocuck would be thrown in jail if he used hate speech

People hate American cooking because it is a goddamn war crime lasting for decades

Your post makes me sad that I share the same country with you. Absolute pleb.

Question to all non-Americans in this thread.

Would you eat the meal in OP's pic? It's a great representation of a southern American breakfast.

Nobody hates American cuisine per se, Southern cuisine is just great, actualy, I dream of visiting New Orleans. Americans eating habbits and level of competence in cooking are the objects of criticism and hate, rightfuly so.

Proof that murricans can cook if they want to

>fake dairy products
Please define fake. American cheese is made from milk and milk constituents.

I bet you're one of those buttholes who gets all bent out of shape when people call a bowl of noodles in a broth ramen outside of Japan.

i am american and what is this

>chemically washed eggs
It's necessary since we wash off the natural coating trying to get the chicken vag leavenings off the eggs.
Considering people leave their eggs sitting in their styrofoam cartons for weeks, a little extra chemical spray doesn't mean shit.

Not for me

Have always had a issue with the gravy

What is it made from?

peanut butter cup cookie

flour milk and sausage fat

>make due


Do I count as a non-American for the purposes of this question if I went to university in the US?
I went to school in Amish country and about a third of the kitchen staff were Mennonite or defunct Amish women. A lot of what they cooked was Amish food, which is very, very similar to southern cuisine. One thing they made was biscuits and gravy. I always got mine with a fried egg on top.
I liked it better with pone rather than biscuit. Biscuit is too delicious on its own to slather in gravy, but pone sucks by itself so it's perfect for this, IMHO.

>Why do people hate on American cooking
Why do people hate American cooking

This gives me good feels, not as proof that Americans can cook if they want to, but because of her attitude and happiness.

>American cheese on omelettes.

Holy shit nigger don't do that

Processed shit. It is not cheese

Dane here, I have an urge to eat one of those Murrican burgers you post about, not much else.


The best breakfast humanity has produced.

But it has to be processed by the lover first until some other sugars. Your livers not supposed to process that high a % of your daily calories.

I work for Wegmans in PA
How do you like shopping there?

And then when you get down to this..

You add on the biscuits and gravy

I fucking love American breakfast

>Not a lot of people really cook anymore on a day to day basis

This is 80% of the problem. It leads to people knowing dick about good food

Does it come without the cat vomit?

I don't get why so many people on here seem to have such issues with that specific gravy. They will eat any other gravy but holy shit you put ground sausage in it and it's suddenly vomit and disgusting and WTF IS THAT NASTY STUFF? I seriously don't get it.

Gravy is brown and made from the drippings of roasted meat joints. What you have there is a white sauce and ground sausage. Stop calling it gravy


They are neither of those things. Wew

It might trigger you even more to know that Americans use "gravy" to refer to tomato sauce.

It's gravy made from sausage drippings after cooking the sausage you retard. OH MY GOD IT IS NOT GRAVY BECAUSE IT'S MADE FROM SEASONED PORK DRIPPINGS NOT BEEF. Do you even know wtf you're talking about? You cook the sausage, add flour and brown it in the left over fat, add dairy to the amount you need, let it thicken. Wooooo. So different than cook le beef, add flour, add dairy, cook to thickness. So SO SO SO DIFFERENT

I'm an American and have never heard this.
How so?

I'd leave the American bacon, since it's basically a shitty version of pancetta. But biscuits and gravy looks good as fuck, will have to make it one day.

Exactly. Then you have the absolutely bizarre situation where someone decides to cook and sets out to replicate fast and convenience food dishes in their home kitchen because they don't have any idea what home cooking actually is. If you made a list of clasic American regional home cooking dishes there would be a lot of good stuff on there. But few Americans cook that stuff anymore. When they're not eating convenience food they're staring at a chicken breast trying to figure out how to make it into diner. Or just saying fuck it and eating another turkey sandwich.

hahaha buzzword
Everything is "processed"
crack an egg, it's "processed"

since when?

Very similar situation in the UK.

You are actually on to something with this

>eating cracked eggs
>not just sticking the whole shell in your mouth
Fucking flyovers

>shit i just made up for keks

>hasn't learned the FDA guidelines to define processed cheese

Well get a load of this guy!

>I'd leave the American bacon
wew lad

Lol. You idiot. We're talking about American cheese, not process cheese.
Process cheese isn't cheese, dick for brains.

Look at the supermarkets. When you're shopping at a place where more than half the stuff there is ready to eat there isn't all that much incentive to do much in the way of actual cooking.
The only people I know who cook "from scratch" on a daily basis are either immigrants or people who consider cooking their hobby.

>Processed Cheese
Literally a Swiss abomination.
America has the widest selection of cheese in the world, because America is #1 in trade.
So if you want to brag about your country's cheese, guess what, we have that cheese. Plus a shit ton more. Sorry, but it's the options that make a country patrician.

American cheese is processed cheese. Unless you're being obtuse and actually mean American-produced cheese.

It ranges between an almost unmeltable plastic-like substance to good sharp cheddar with added emulsifiers.

Your and idiot.

urine idiot!

So why does American chocolate have this sour aftertaste to it? Kinda like vomit, especially with the Hersheys chocolate.

And American Sauce is unheard of in the U.S., so what's your point? If I start a company and start producing "English Ham" and it's literally packaged dogshit, what does that say about English food?

American cheese is actually sold the world over and not just in America. It's just a name.


On another note, why do Ukrainian cherries taste so awful? How do they even select these fruit when they're cherry-picking?

Why do Spanish pancakes taste so awful!: The Thread

Thanks for not answering my question, you meta shitposting twat.

