Think of a book you like. Got it? Good

Think of a book you like. Got it? Good.

What kind of reviews does it have on Goodreads? Find something funny and bring it back.

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DAE throw the book across the room??? pretentious!!

S'ing my damn h.

what book is it?




my god, what the fuck

is this l'etranger? why are young people so at odds with this work as if it's some revolutionary thought

I get pissed with people like this
Catcher in the Rye is by far one of the best books I've ever read

goddamn, literally the second review is a reddit tier "joke"

I don't care what plebs think.


the more unappreciative side of readers. Seems to be mainly dykes upset because they will never experience anything similar.

Which book?

No other book better described adolescence than that one. It's the book everyone who has to deal with teenage boys should read.

i see

Is that any good?

it's fucking great

Can anyone tell me why Goodreads is so popular in Arabic-speaking countries? Like every third review is in Arabic, and for every book there seems to be an Arabic duplicate mentioned in the "Readers also enjoyed this" section

I'm reading reviews on this site, and there's no way these can be real.

The bad reviews sound like a caricature of a millennial/valley girl mix

Some people are just reviewing the movie

I'm not even joking, some go off on a tangent just to try to write something 'deep' and 'meaningful'.
>Review for The Circus of Dr. Lao


As if in coda to my completion, a painter brought into my folks' decorating store a dead hummingbird he found in the back of his van. He brought it forward like an acolyte bearing the thin weight of his aged master, forward toward a raised dais, laying it down, then prostrating himself in supplication. The painter said to me, lying the stiff, inert carcass upon my desk, "I thought you could give it a good burial. I...I...I just don't know how it got in there..."

And so a soul was claimed.

This book is a monster. It is a monster for the mirror it shines upon us all: our humanity, and our vein attempts to circumvent it.

It begins calmly enough, an advert placed in the Abalone, Arizona newspaper, announcing the circus of Dr. Lao was on its way. But no one saw it on the roads. And no one saw it on the rails.

We meet a scattering of characters, all used ingeniously by Mr. Finney for what they bring to his plot. These characters he sets in motion, automatons in Dr. Lao's diabolical scheme.

From page one, the reader is aware of what to expect, for it is spelled out in the curving letters that slither through Mr. Lao's advert. We simply sit back, and feel the weight of suspense as it presses down upon our chests.

The weight lifts, and you feel giddy. You're standing in a warm green pasture, rolling fields in the distance. The sun shines bright above your head, warming your shoulders. Clover peoples the grass, spores float on the breeze. A butterfly, yellow, diaphanous wings, dips, swirls around your head, kisses your nose with its scratchy lepidoptera legs. You're at peace. Calm. You feel you know your place in the world, are at one with it.

You see a spark in the sky. Very tiny at first, and then it grows, expands, contorts. It is silver and it catches the sun. Glints. You hear the whine of a motor, a clunking, sputtering sound. As the glint falls, the noise rises, shivering your arms, causing the tiny hairs to stand on end. Your skin warps, thins. The sound is deafening. You feel a pulse inside your head, your eardrums beat an irregular rhythm, your legs quiver and you fall. Your arms are above your head the the weight of this object that is falling, falling, flames, you see as you look up are licking out, tasting the fragile air.

Palms pressed against your ears, you huddle into a fetal position, close your eyes, and wait for the silence that will come. (less)

I prefer not trying to intentionally piss myself off with whatever the worthless rabble has to say. I am goddamn zen, and so should you.

That guy is or was from Veeky Forums

Paps changed my life too. I haven't read the book in years but his voice pops up form time to time in my inner monologues.

I also started wearing cords because of that book.


I can't put my finger on why I find internet millennials flipping the fuck out so cringey but I almost get secondhand embarrassment from reading shit like this. It's like the crocodile brain reaction you get when you see someone make a fool of themselves in public.

These are clearly very damaged, sad people.

Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me


Which book?

Then I will pick it up.
In original language

I was ready for some anger, but my favourite book has no reviews


so jealous of you right now
for the record, i was just talking about the george szirtes translation, which is fucking great. i have no idea how good the original is


>Reading the reviews of The King James Bible
>People reviewing it as a novel
>Fedoras left and right

You don't have to be a believer,just don't be a snob over it



Why are people so whiny about that particular thing? I get it. It's not exactly an original observation that a ton of the bible is nonsense. But why do Christians need safe spaces whenever someone is critical?

why would you read reviews of the Bible


What is it that makes people think typing like this in a book review is acceptable?

What bothers me is that they are trying to be witty and smart about it so they do it in a sarcastic manner.
You are free to belive whatever you want,but please give at least a minimal ammount of respect to the faith and the church that operates hundreds of charity organisations around the globe.
In exchange,I respect your beliefs too.

I don't know.
Looked like a good place to find stupidly written reviews

because they're told to be, nothing more nothing less. It's their patrician novel.

>s m h filtered to baka

Learned something new today desu senpai.

The Quiet American

(Concerning the review in the OP of 'Cryptonomicon') The second-place review (by Kemper) only need 14 more 'likes' to overcome the SJW in first place. Let's make it happen:

have you seen the film, user


sounds like Harry Potter

If you're under 35 you're also an Internet millennial, you chucklefuck.

It really is funny how many young women start reading Austen hoping to find some exciting tales of feisty women choosing their own destiny along with an indictment of the patriarchal and stuffy society they live in, and instead find proper and dignified love stories with a sprinkling of 18th century moralizing.

>proper and dignified love stories with a sprinkling of 18th century moralizing

They're comedies, asshat.

how does that contradict any of what I said?

If a license to read was a thing they need it taken away. At least revoke their library cards.

Marry me?

t. Pseudo-Swede Cuckold

At the risk of starting a shitstorm, I'd like to say that as a feminist this sort of shit pisses me off. I always see people getting angry that a book from fifty or a hundred or a thousand years ago is sexist. NO SHIT. It was the past. Things were different. You can't expect writers from decades ago to be as inclusive as our modern Western society is.

It's part of a larger problem I see with Angry Internet Feminists and their ilk: they are completely unable to accept viewpoints different from their own. They will reject an entire book, an entire body of work, just because a woman was made to cook and clean for her husband, or because someone said nigger, or because someone insulted trans people. They expect everyone to agree with them on everything, and if you don't you're evil, you're backwards, you're on the wrong side of history. It's extremely obnoxious, and more importantly detrimental to their cause. Getting mad at every little thing is not going to solve society's ills.

tl;dr these bitches need to grow up and accept that other people have differing opinions.

Is this a pasta?

Feels a bit like cheating since women are not able to put them self in Stoners shoes.

>took two years to read around 600 pages
Almost every negative review on Moby Dick is hilariously stupid.

what are women even for, anyway

is baby incubation really so valuable that i have to put up with this

Man, it's just a book about killing giant alien ants.


>self indulging