How did this shitty book make a whole nation vote for Hitler?

How did this shitty book make a whole nation vote for Hitler?

A century of socialist theory and glorification of the state.

It wasn't the book.

It was his top tier oration that got him into power. Once he'd done that he made everyone buy his shitty book.

>Obligatory lazy Crippled America joke.

The shitty poverty-stricken, desolated remains of post war Germany faced with an economic depression would make anyone miserable enough to gobble up self serving "manifest destiny" type garbage like this, regardless how batshit insane it is.

The poor and disenfranchised sure do love them some scapegoat. Seriously, nationalism is a fucking disease.

This. It was his speeches that made him, not his literary work, he can make a nation want to get some shit done.

Watch this.

Yes, all seven hours. You'll feel it. You'll know why.

Because he was right, just look at Germany today and tell me it wouldn't be better if Hitler was there

>Top dog in the EU
Go back to your containment board.

You're a fucking idiot. Adolf Hitler adored the Muslims. He'd be overjoyed with the sandnigger invasion of Europe.

pretty much this. the war guilt clause of the treaty of versailles bled germany dry, and things were bad to begin with. desperate people will go along with any asshole who promises hope and change.


Daily reminder: nationalism =/= fascism

There are elements shared by both, but you don't need to be a stromfag to promote nationalist policies.

>Thinking your nation of people is better than all others, often to the point where you have no problem killing any/all outsiders/forcing your policies/views on them isn't a bad thing.


when did i advocate for killing outsiders

>Hitler loved the death cult

Makes sense honestly

Not 'bad', just a rather spooky product of the modern world. Mass simulacrum of organic communal feeling lost due to industrialization. Contemporary nationalists are increasingly globalised, see /pol/'s fetishisation of 'the white race', much broader than Hitler's volk, or Salafi pan-Islamic ambitions.

Have u seen the IQ/crime stats for different races bro? It's a dog eat dog world out there.

>this meme again

>Have u seen the IQ/crime stats for different races bro?


The "Intelligence Quotient" is fucking pseudoscience and only measures a persons affinity with patterns and what they call base "mechanical problem solving" it has absolutely fuck all to do with innate intelligence.

A fucker who has spent his entire life in a tribal society community in Papua New Guinea whose extent of interaction with technology is a Nokia cellphone made in 2001 is more than capable of learning to fly a fucking helicopter if he's trained well enough.

You're the kind of fucking idiot that would take something like a lie detector test or fucking phrenology as fact.

Kill yourself.

There's an objective way to judge intelligence, and you've both failed.

You're fucking retarded if you think there is a correlation between ethnicity and intelligence. That's xenophobic 1840s tier pseudoscience.

Kill. Yourself.

I don't think that at all. Try again.

>nationalism is a fucking disease.
i bet you support multiculturism too huh faggot

If you don't believe that you're completely delusional

black middle class teenagers on average still score less on the SAT than white middle class teenagers

>b-but slavery!!

Nationalism and official culture/language are relatively recent artificial constructs associated with the rise of the modern state and education system. 'Multiculturalist' policies are often just subtler attempts to define and control people.

>niggers make up 10% of the population yet commit 50% of violent crime i just blindly accept anything i'm told as the truth xDDDDD

Yeah, the two things that began and maintained two world wars that killed millions of men women and children Nationalism and Expansionism are DEFINITELY a good thing.

Fuck on off back to /pol/ mr.stormfront.

>pride in your country= fucked up moral compass
when will this meme die

>WE'RE #!1 WE'RE #! WE'RE #1 !!!!

No one likes you.

>We killed millions of people for our own selfish delusions, yeah, woo!

That's the definition of fucked up, you fuck-up.

Leftists hate excellence and power, they hate the Strong, they love weakness, disease and perversion. I love Life, which is in essence Struggle, brutal, Darwinian struggle. thus I choose fascism. I choose Action. To choose otherwise is to choose slow death and inertia.

>Wannabe Noe-Fascist detected

Nazi's lost, you're obsession with a dead political party is unhealthy.

Grow up.

>Leftists hate excellence and power, they hate the Strong, they love weakness, disease and perversion. I love Life, which is in essence Struggle, brutal, Darwinian struggle. thus I choose fascism. I choose Action. To choose otherwise is to choose slow death and inertia.


'45 best year of my life


inb4 faggot grammar nazi

>just bend over and take it, it's not that bad man, i swear!

Even by the end of the war, wasn't the Nazi party like, only 35% of the German population?

In the end, Fascism really did bend over and they really did take it.

We're not talking about sandniggers, we're talking about nazi's

Which is the same kind of batshit, just for different reasons.

Historian here reminding you that Hitler lost his election against Hindenburg and the Nazi party never got a majority of German votes ("majority" as in over 50%). At their peak in 1932 the Nazi party only controlled approximately 37% of seats in the Reichstag and had actually been in decline since then until the passing of the Enabling Act in 1933 which granted plenary powers to Hitler.

Really, really, really, really, really really, really, really, really. really, really, really, really. really, really, really, really really, really, really, really hard.

They probably care less about trying to succeed in the education system in general and have not trained their deductive/inductive reasoning skills as well as the typical white middle class teen. SAT is rote knowledge; to me, all it says about a person who doesn't do well on the test is that their interest doesn't lie in book smarts.

It's insane out there!Muslims and non-whites are running amok, raping white women, slaughtering our people and looting white property. We need a brutal authoritarian government to restore order. To say otherwise is to accept cuckoldry.

>until the passing of the Enabling Act in 1933 which granted plenary powers to Hitler.

*and the passing of the Reichstag Fire Decree which essentially outlawed affiliation with the largest rival political parties.

See Humanity by Jonathan Glover

Using the words cuck/cuckold should be a bannable offense on every board.

It didn't. Hitler got popular the same way trump did. By pandering to the ignorant and the angry right as it hit critical mass in his country. For them it was post-ww1 germany, for us it was post-internet america.

See Hitler didn't come into power through popularity.

I don't dig through trash.

Grace me with your reasoning

>I whine about how leftists don't value strength, but I don't dare read anything that challenges my worldview
Typical crypto-nu-male

Fuck the moral history of the 20th century whatever that means . I care about my people and my children here on the 21st century and I know muslims dindus and globalists don't. This is Genocide. They want Genocide.

Ill agree to the brutal authoritarian government as long as its violently leftist and sterilizes the mentally infirm, and eugenically impure like yourself.

The fact that the US has become a safe haven for national socialist hate mongering and the increase of it over the years is really fucking depressing.

The only people on this planet that deserve death are extremists left/right religious or not.

>challenges worldview
>implying it provides a challenge

Just because someone wrote something that you agree with, does not mean that it is correct.

>implying it provides a challenge
You haven't read it, how would you know? It's almost like you live your life controlled solely by assumptions.

Okay, well. If you took the time to read more up on the book you would see that along with the 350-400 pages of moral history (it's very interesting), Glover proposes that the world needs a powerful governing figure that can make decisions at a whim for everybody: The Leviathan Method. I don't know if "brutal authoritarian government" is synonymous to Glover's proposal, but if you're interested in that idea you may want to check out Humanity. It may also teach you to assume less about what you do not know.

FYI those two posts were not the same person. Although what you said doesn't really fit into that argument, I do agree with you.

It's almost like you live your life controlled solely by assuming that you are right.

I don't though. You wouldn't know that anyway since I haven't posted any of my beliefs in this thread.

Every word that flows form your mouth whether true or false is a belief.

my man


>different subdivisions of humans that evolved in radically different environments are phenotypically different from each other as a result of genetics in every conceivable way including bone density, life span, susceptibility to certain hereditary diseases such as sickle cell etc but NOT intelligence

From the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA James Watson: "[I am] inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa [because] all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours—whereas all the testing says not really."

But I guess you think he's fucking retarded too and should kill himself, right?

You faggots need to realize that reality isn't a god damn feminist novel. All great fiction is drawn from the real world and I fucking hate it when It seems like I'm discussing Veeky Forums with Canadian kindergarteners.

>implying an authority on genetics is an authority on human intelligence, much less government policy

The retarded one here is you. Are you even capable of slurping up something that's not smallminded nationalist ideology, you degenerate untermensch?

>implying an authority on genetics is an authority on human intelligence

What authority is higher, then? Your gender studies professor? The NAACP?

>Everyone who isn't a fucking marxist is a nazi


>"People born in Africa are incapable of learning or attaining knowledge"

Yeah, nah you're full of shit.

Anyone can be "intelligent" regardless of which part of the globe they call home or their ethnicity, it's all about having the drive and the available resources.

Fucking idiot.

A good authority on human intelligence would be someone with a scholarly background in the field of human intelligence.

You fucking retard.

So basically he killed jews for book sales?

>having a "drive" will make you intelligent
brainlets actually believe this

>People born in Africa are incapable of learning or attaining knowledge

Please quote where I said or implied this. Oh wait you can't because you're flipping up a strawman. Of course Africans are capable of attaining knowledge, they just do it worse than pretty much everyone else on the planet. History and science has shown this to be true consistently but you accept your comforting lies instead.

What do you think the human genome is, you fucking retard? What do you think neurology is?

Not even the high ranked Nazis read it.

He never got more than like 40% of the vote, and his final election he received closer to 30%. He formed a ruling coalition with the conservatives until the Reichstag thing

>Enfields instead of yugo mausers or nuggets
Is this correct?

Leftists shitting on nationalism isn't ideologically coherent. Only if you're some kind of globalised liberal can you say "nationalism is a disease."

The alternative is we all live in vast, bureaucratic empires or fiefs ruled by foreign kings. Nationalism is literally about giving a people control over their own destiny.

>we're #1
You love your family the most, doesn't mean you think that your family is OBJECTIVELY the best family in the world, and that all other families are inferior. But it's the family you grew up in, the one you shared experiences with, the one that provided for you. And you don't think your friends are necessarily the greatest people ever, they're just the ones you fit in well with the most.

Some of you fags would eradicate all unique cultures, all diversity, all human variation because of muh nazis. And where will it leave you?

but its ultimately an empty idea that can conflict with your own interests

>not elevating things that are more important in this world above your own wants and needs
s m h

I agree but the only problem with that is that it's an extremist opinion to want to kill extremists.


>Being this shallow

>he fell for the egalitarian meme
>he fell for the nationalism meme
who /exit/ here

>A fucker who has spent his entire life in a tribal society community in Papua New Guinea whose extent of interaction with technology is a Nokia cellphone made in 2001 is more than capable of learning to fly a fucking helicopter if he's trained well enough.
Not really. Flying a helicopter at the very least requires literacy and numeracy, which are two things 'fuckers from tribal societies' completely lack.

Have you ever actually interacted with a real person from the third world? They have difficulty handling even the most basic tasks.

Culture and 'nation' are arbitrary and always shifting constructs, not really as organic or even as old as you think they are. The Internet provides ample evidence for that, you probably have far more cultural similarities with the Mexicans/Turks/Slavs/Transgenders on this board than with most of your fellow white countrymen.

What a load of shit. I don't get my culture and values from dank memes, I get them from my family and national history

>culture and values
It's all memes, all the way down. You got meme'd by your parents and the state ideology apparatus, bro

wooo thats a rare land
thanks mate
bless gnon

It's like /pol/ is a chastity cage for Veeky Forums's constantly erect haterage penis and at some point the SJW's teased the caged cock so hard that it literally ripped the cage off itself and has now been raping boards left and right without restraint. Go back 2 /pol/

Yeah, but they're good memes. They're the original memes, the DNA of the soul. They're the memes that give color and contrast a beauty to the world. The alternative is being morphed into a soulless grey blob with an average iq of 90 being ruled over by faceless megalomaniacs until the end of memeless time. Fuck that shit. I want to live in America, not the global union of Brazil

Who you gonna call?


Well done, citizen, the Ministry of Truth endorses this post!

***---*** Remember, we are at war with Eastasia! Never forget who your real enemies are! ***---***


Fuck off max you're the worst meme of them all

How am I being an enemy to asia/europe/africa/russia/whatever for wanting them to maintain their nationhood?

Wrong. He admired islam but loathed the sandniggers.

your picture is retarded. Multicultural means several cultures at once, not "amorphous grey blob of culture". So the /pol/ tard only needs to walk in the street to see different cultures.

Funnily enough, I'd say your culturally acceptable (exalted?) vilification of nationhood is exactly what the current 'powers that be' want you to think is some kind of rebellious, independent thought. In reality, it is international capitalists who promote the opening of borders, dissolution of national identities and self-government, free trade agreements, protectionism etc. etc.

Never forget who your real enemies are, the nationalists!

Many cultures at once destroys the mother culture, so if you want to experience the birthplace of that culture you have nowhere to go. See: London

>Veeky Forums is the new /pol/

but better

...and, the further a group strays from their original cultural birthplace, the less connected they feel to that culture, preferring instead to pick up the culture of the land they inhabit, which in the case of multiculturalism would indeed be an amorphous gray blob

Why is any specific culture worth preserving? Why do we kill real physical people for the sake of intangible culture?