Just ate a whole box of cheez its. AMA

Just ate a whole box of cheez its. AMA.

african male ass?

That seems like an awful lot of cheese-like crackers!! No question.

Why the FUCK are they shiny?
Cheez-its shouldn't be shiny.

Aww. Cheer up. Next time you can maybe secure abox of the obviously superior Better Cheddars.

Didja cut your mouth open on allthr sharp cheesy jaggedies? I have.

>Didja cut your mouth open on allthr sharp cheesy jaggedies?

No, because I actually know how to chew my food.

Why are they wet?

Yes, inhale them in traditional burger fashion

Looks like it's salt crystals causing some kind of glare

Are you in an altered state of mind? I could only do that on drugs

nobody here is impressed with your petty achievements, OP. this isnt fucking reddit, and nobody cares what you do in your life, unless you have something to contribute to the hive, you narcissistic faggot.

go out and make some real friends, and stop looking for validation from strangers on the internet, especially strangers on the internet who are completely anonymous.

i bet your keyboard isnt even mechanical.

hell yea nigga we ben there


>Salty nignog mad he cut his mouth up like a retard
Stick to dirt cookies.

cheezits are simply flour and fat mixed together and baked.

That's hella gross, bruh.

What did you wash it down with? Also, how much of the chewed cheezeit paste is stuck in the teeth in back of your mouth?

>mfw mummy buys Cheese Nips instead of Cheez Its

I think cum rations guy took that picture

How fat are you?

they could be fresh made at the factory and are still wet from the artificial flavor that they soak them in

I'm not sure, desu.

I was at the time.

>What did you wash it down with? Also, how much of the chewed cheezeit paste is stuck in the teeth in back of your mouth?
I just drank water at the time. There was a decent amount of cheez it paste in my mouth.

I'm not fat.