How did this shitty book make a whole nation vote for Trump?

How did this shitty book make a whole nation vote for Trump?

Except it didn't

>Implying Trump supporters read

The book has nothing to do with it

reported for shitpost :^)

a thread died for this

I support trump

I read

To be fair everyone's life is meaningless

I read and also support Trump.

If you don't act as if

How can anyone that reads literally anything vote trump

Because he's the lesser of two evils.

This desu. Hillary belongs in prison.

>There aren't three people in the election still
>There weren't always better candidates than trump on both sides

Trump shills for Hillary dumb-dumb.

No, the other Repubs were even worse, and Bernie has no chance

>tfw could have had Kaisich as president if American """conservatives""" didn't develop a sjw-style victim complex

Who's the third? I hope you aren't implying Bernie has a chance in hell.

Cmon janitors

reading has taught me to appreciate the glory of western civilization and I believe it deserves to be preserved. I do not want my children to live in a sharia transgender dystopia where Shakespeare is banned for being haram and triggering.

It's like your entire worldview is comprised of strawmans and slippery slopes.

t. Abdullah Mujahideen ibn Muhammed

Spoken like a true fedora. Seriously those lads at /pol/ are so cringe worthy

illegals, rapefugees and political correctness are the biggest things destroying our society right now

You're actually the one that wears the meme hat known as a fedora, Anonymous.

A thread for us THE REDPILLED ONES.
We CAN and WILL make america great again ! Respect out european traditions, culture and religion. Social justice and THE KIKES are killing our beautiful homeland. We must do something about it.


If you disagree you are a CU CK and a muslim, fuck off to le reddit!

This, but non-sarcastically.


Nu-male detected

>what is rural meth use
>what is prescription painkiller abuse
>what is lead-tainted water and far more widespread environmental destruction
>what is the current right-left political divide
>what is nonstop government overreach for "national security"
>what is your rights being curtailed as the state sees fit and you can do absolutely nothing about it

You are the poison of society. Your eyes are never on the prize, because the powers that be would prefer you fret over meaningless wedge issues like political correctness and transgender rights.

I support trump because, I love what you hate.