What does Veeky Forums think of Sam Harris' recommended reading list?

What does Veeky Forums think of Sam Harris' recommended reading list?


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Ben Stiller is a pseud.

I think he should have kept his dick size to himself.

his fiction picks are pretty much respectable

Can you explain why you think that? I myself have only discovered him recently and think he makes a lot of sense, but I'm interested to know what his critics are opposed to in his work

His philosophy selections are actually pretty good. However, he shows no evidence of having read these books himself.

"Sam Harris" is an extended piece of performance art by the prankster and Jew Sholem Shmuel Zweig, intended to disgrace the concept of atheism by associating it with abject stupidity. The theist powers that be have realized they cannot win the battle with atheism on the field of Logic and Reason, and so have created a caricature of the atheist fool to defame the atheist movement.

>Gabler edition of Ulysses
Lol tryhard

Fuck.. I wanted to call him out for not having any of the meme trilogy but he has all of them.... Guess he wasn't as pleb as I though....

Apparently they're all "reader recommendations" so idk, he probably hasn't even read them

I wonder if he read The Anatomy of Melancholy from cover to cover

I find it funny he'd recommend Aurelius.

>Now departure from the world of men is nothing to fear, if gods exist: because they would not involve you in any harm. If they do not exist, or if they have no care for humankind, then what is life to me in a world devoid of gods, or devoid of providence? But they do exist, and they do care for humankind: and they have put it absolutely in man's power to avoid falling into the true kinds of harm.

Did he read the book?

>five books by Richard Dawkins

>all science books are pop sci

dude can you seriously fuck off about Sam Harris.

so what? there's also the koran and a book by the dalai lama on the list

can you not count?

>he doesn't agree with everything in the books he lists, so he hasn't read them

You all are morons.

Those history books are pleb tier though

Oh, didn't post before going through all of it.

The list has some interesting selections but a lot of it is popsci and some pseudo garbage.

My post about The Anatomy of Melancholy has nothign to do with that, faggot


He's a pleb for not recommending actual science and math textbooks

Your'e a fuckin cunt bitch

he's a science communicator who doesn't want to alienate his audience

unlike some of the fucknuts on this board, his response to "where should i begin with X" isn't going to be, "HERE ARE ALL THE MOST DRILY SESQUIPEDALIAN TEXTS ON SUBJECT X THAT I CAN QUICKLY FIND ON GOOGLE AND IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THEM THAT MEANS YOU ARE NOT AS CLEVER AS ME"

He probably just sucks at math and physics and has to read pop sci shit

He thinks his movies are art but they really aren't. Fuckin' Ben grow up you pseud.

Stop sucking Ben Stiller's dick. Or alternatively, keep sucking it, but do it in private because you're a fucking disgrace.

This is silly. The only way to get better at reading serious scientific material is by reading serious scientific material. Popsci books don't do shit but convince you you've learned something and help you indulge your complacency.

You wouldn't prepare someone for Ulysses by having them read the complete works of John Green.
People who read trite, easy books and parade it around as a status symbol "Man, I LOVE reading!" do so to convince themselves they're justified in not engaging with anything of substance. Popsci works the same way. It's utter consumerist trash

There's a lot more thematically to Ben Stiller's movies than generally given credit for. He is severely let down by his aesthetic which he doesn't seem to have an opinion on.

[smug face intensifies]

Decent lists. Lot of pop stuff, though.

can we stop with the threads of this guy? people don't seem to get baited anymore so what is the point? Like making threads shitting on DFW. Was hilarious in the late aughts maybe

beating dead horses is traditional on the chon

i didn't see a single serious philosophy book on there, besides some greeks.

I saw Kant and Hegel

ALL Sam Harris Posting Is Shitposting
ALL Sam Harris Posting Detracts From Board Quality
IRONIC Sam Harris Posting Is Still Shitposting
BOOKLIST Sam Harris Posting Is Still Shitposting

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A Shitposter

His career peaked in "Simple Jack".

His philosophy selections are actually quite good. The problem is that he hasn't read them.

The problem is Veeky Forums tkaes the great philosophers as gospel because they're too scared to think for themselves.

You can read big boy books and disagree


this video sums up Sam pretty well: 'As close to an intellectual jedi as we are likely to meet'

Voltaire's ghost indeed

Fuck me, this video is pure genius

i'd bet that you haven't read much science, popular or otherwise

seriously do you think real scientists discredit the books on harris' list the way the shitheads on Veeky Forums do? they don't.

practically all scientists of note would tell you about a book that inspired or influenced them, that the pseuds here would dismiss as "consumerist trash". Cosmos, The Selfish Gene (40 years old today), Life on Earth etc. I bet there isn't a naturalist or botanist or biologist alive who wouldn't credit Attenborough or Jane Goodall or Gerald Durrell or someone like that with being an inspiration, the same way that Attenborough credited Darwin and Gilbert White's A Natural History of Selborne with inspiring him.

>You wouldn't prepare someone for Ulysses by having them read the complete works of John Green.

and yet somehow this board has a "starter kit"

>People who read trite, easy books and parade it around as a status symbol

you just described everyone on this board who blabbers on about philosophy. you know "the greeks" etc were just the pop thinkers of their time, right? that's why their work survived.

Have you? Would you recommend it? What would you suggest to have read beforehand? Anatomy caught my eye a few months back and has been teasing me ever since.

brb burning my whole collection

I can't respect anybody who has made a brand of themselves.

>The theist powers that be have realized they cannot win the battle with atheism on the field of Logic and Reason
Except it's extremely simple to do so and essentially cornerfuck them into admitting their own nonsense.

but you can still bump their thread back to life