I am literally having a stroke at this very moment after losing $5000 shorting bitcoin

I am literally having a stroke at this very moment after losing $5000 shorting bitcoin

I am dead fucking serious

I would get a phone but I'm having a stroke and can't move my legs nor go long

This will be the last thing I will every type in my life

goodbye Veeky Forums




100x leverage? the price barely moved


Hope you get the emergency treatment you need and end up $20k in medical debt

OP you are good

words to live by, idiot.

Why the fuck are you dumb little cunts still shorting when its clearly breaking out the the downtrend. You dumb fucking mickey mouse bitch.


>I am literally having a stroke at this very moment after losing $5000 shorting bitcoin
>I am dead fucking serious
>I would get a phone but I'm having a stroke and can't move my legs nor go long
>This will be the last thing I will every type in my life

Op please hold out on us, I submitted an FBI tipline report. They should be able to get a hold of the board admins asap and locate you.

If you're able to open your door or get a hold of a neighbor in anyway (break windows, throw things, etc) please try.


I don't get it
why do people leverage?
is this just a meme? are people here that fucking retarded?

>nor go long

lost my shit

did op ded?

op hello?

OP ?


It’ll be over soon

Probably not
Smile. Do both sides of your mouth smile?
Lift your arms. Do both lift up?
Wink your eyes. Can both wink?
Talk. Are your words slurred?

After you realize you’re not having a stroke, learn to sequester emotions when trading and be indifferent about losses. It happens. It is inevitable. Assess what you did wrong (where was the error in your judgement?) use that to make better trades in the future.

Walk away from the desk if you’re about to do something reckless. And STOP WATCHING YOUR PnL.

before you die please contribute 1000 bucks please.
BTC adres: 1GuGVhCW2MGtyjTJJSuGysecge8Y23TVGz
Thank you so much OP. LUV YOU!

What percentage of you portfolio is &
$5000? If its like 3 percent dont worry you are within normal losses if you took responsible risk assesments. If it everything then were gambling.

kill urself faggot

he's probably larping


uh oh

thats what happens with high leverage. now the only way to get your money back is with high leverage

$5k is nothing, I make that in like a week. You're really going to kill yourself over that?

They are attracted by the prospect of huge gains in a short timeframe.
Leverage is a meme. It’s best for assets that don’t move much, ie forex. But in anything else you’re just writing a check to the market/your broker/whoever gives you leverage. No coincidence that exchanges offer as much as 100x - they want you to take it, because that’s how they make money on their financing (margin) activities.

Thats dedication to this channel. Rip bro

Are you the user from last night who shorted at ~10300 with a liquidation price of ~10500?

Lmao JUSTed. When will they learn...

I just sold some satoshis at this temporal top to pay my credit card

Thank you op