Drinking alcohol, even in moderate amounts, LITERALLY shrinks your brain

Drinking alcohol, even in moderate amounts, LITERALLY shrinks your brain.

Why do you still drink, Veeky Forums?


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Because after being sober too long, my mind invents false memories of drunkeness being fun.

to cope with the emptiness and pain of my meaningless existence

>difference between non drinkers and drinkers considerably small to the point of irrelevance
>Believing in junk science anyway

shit bait -100000/10

alcoholics are likely chronically dehydrated

Yes, all of these cause brain shrinkage, but there is no correlation to brain size and intelligence:

- Alcohol
- Antipsychotics
- Stimulants
- Inhalants
- Constant Psychological Abuse
- Poor Nutrition
- Pop Culture
- Authoritarianism
- Groupthink
- Egotism
- Confirmation Bias
- Circular Logic
- Hatred
- Fear

same reason I listen to music loud enough to cause hearing damage: if I can't focus, I don't dwell on thoughts of self-harm.

>no correlation to brain size and intelligence
got a study to back that up? I hear that claim a lot

I feel like it generally correlates in the animal kingdom. How could it not over such tremendous scales? There is an undeniable hardware prerequisite for computing power; obviously goldfish are dumber than mice are dumber than chimps are dumber than humans.

Is the argument that humans are so well endowed on the whole that size deviations on our scale are relatively inconsequential.

>got a study to back that up? I hear that claim a lot
The burden of proof is on the person making the original claim that there is a correlation.
"Correlation does not equal causation" is an epistemological axiom.
Also: Argument from ignorance.
I'm neutral on the belief, but I'm skeptical of the claim.

Do not shift the burden of proof.

I simply asked for a study.

Something along the lines of:
Sampling a population of individuals, measuring intelligence and brain size, and doing statistical analysis; at the very least producing a scatter plot.

I don't give a fuck who made the original claim in the argument I walked in on.

its necessary but not inherently connected

You can't prove a negative you idiot.
There are no studies to support either way because it's a negative.
How do we know? Because there are no positive cases, even though people tried to prove otherwise and failed.
>ok where are those cases
I haven't looked them up in a long time.
But either way, the burden of proof is on you, and "correlation does not equal causation" is an epistemological axiom and an epistemological law.
Deal with it.

>"Correlation does not equal causation"
>is an epistemological axiom.
Correlation is a numerical computation
having nothing whatever to do with epistemology.
then Lrn2distinguish

You keep mentioning this concept of "proof" when I have not. Rather, I asked for evidence. Evidence that brain size correlates with intelligence among humans.

Evidence supports a hypothesis or it does not. If a well performed study does not find a correlation I will be less inclined to believe that there is a correlation. Vice versa.

I invite you criticize this line of reasoning.

Let's just agree both of you are faggots

>"Correlation does not imply causation isn't an epistemological axiom/law"
Yes, it is:




Oh look, irrational post-modern thought
>"reality doesn't exist, prove it!"
It's called Empiricism and the burden of proof.
There. Line of reasoning DESTROYED.

ad hominem fallacy

just stop fgt pls

Nice job of completely avoiding actual scientific discussion. Maybe you remember some talk about studies regarding brain size and intelligence?

>ok where are those cases
>I haven't looked them up in a long time.
At least you acknowledged being useless.

While you were being a faggot I read a pop-sci article if anyone cares: smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-brain-size-doesnt-correlate-with-intelligence-180947627/


oh ok lets just go to sober parties on fridays oh ok

>For men, only those who were heavy drinkers had a smaller brain volume than those who consumed little or no alcohol.

I'm a man, having a few beers a week shouldn't have an effect.

Are you a big guy?

For you.

After I went from drinking socially at bars on weekends to not I noticed a dramatic increase in my cognitive abilities.

Dude, correlation implying causation is the bane of scientific study. It's one of the worst fallacies someone can commit to and it promotes false ideas. It's why everyone thinks vaccines cause autism, smoking causes disease, and why ice cream causes shark attacks.


There's been an increase in haram memes and the board quality has decreased, therefore the quality decrease is due to haram memes.

are you me


Because it's fun and I'm not a homosexual no fun dialtone like you, OP.

What do you mean "you can't prove a negative"

I can think of several negative statements (something doesn't exist, or something existing doesn't have a specific quality) that are trivially easy to prove

I don't. Alcohol is haram and for a good reason. I don't even need a religious reason anymore.

You quite literally can't.
It's called the "argument from ignorance" and is a based on the false equivocations of
>I personally don't see, therefore it have never existed
>I see alternatives, therefore this can't also be true


You need to learn you lists of
>psychological effects
>heuristic pitfalls
>fallacious presumptions

No, addiction is harmful.

>Why do you still drink, Veeky Forums?
Because I can't kill myself quickly.


> Why do you still drink, Veeky Forums?

i'm trying to quit but the longest i can last is 4 days.

how much and how often were those alcoholics drinking? ill typically drink 2 bottles of wine every 3rd day, with no alcohol in between.. is that enough to cause problems?

in no way are you better than people who enjoy lifestyles that social anxiety precludes you from

don't spoil the fun

You are bullshit because you talk in generalities.

>You can't prove a negative you idiot.
There is no largest prime. The square root of two can not be expressed as a ratio of two integers. Shall I go on?

>There are many proofs that substantiate negative claims in mathematics, science, and economics including Arrow's impossibility theorem.

There are no integers a and b so that a/b equals sqrt2. Do you accept that this statement can be proven?

Alcohol is most damaging when you consume a lot in a small time period.

1 beer every day is less damaging than 7 beers every friday night

I like it how "you can't prove a negative" is a negative that you're trying to prove.

OP take this crap over to /pol/ this is not an anti-drug Public Service Announcement forum.

No.Im posting it here you degenerate alcoholic faggot.

I second this.


And the good thing about the liver is that is regenerates itself





shittest fucking """""food"""""

>me on the right

Because I'm in love with a girl who doesn't love me back. The depression is killing my ability to learn and grades.

I'm sure a glass or two of red wine a day can't be all that devastating.


> Why do you still drink, Veeky Forums?

Why do shoot up with heroin then come in here and rag on people having a few drinks at dinner time ?

Like it's Veeky Forums fault you went through drug rehab
as a pathetic junkie and want to lecture someone else now.

Take this BS back to /pol/ OP.

This thread perfectly sums up Veeky Forums
>Post """"statistics"""" that say blacks are dumb and gays are mentally ill
>Agree and circlejerk
>Post statistics on something that Veeky Forums doesn't want to believe in
>"The study is bullshit!"

It doesn't actually say that this is impossible. In fact this is done frequently in many sciences, most notably maths.

>Brainlets, when will they learn?

> In 2005, psychologist Michael McDaniel evaluated studies that used brain-imaging and standard intelligence tests and found that unequivocally, bigger brains correlated with smarter people

I've got a small head and thus a small brain and I know for a fact that I am dumb.

I also know this may be confirmation bias, but let's be real.

People with small head/brains can't be intelligent, whereas people with atleast average heads do.
Then you need to go into detail and look at all the areas of the brain.

>...your brain’s size only determines the quickness in which cognitive functions are completed.

Einstein had a small brain

Because thinking is painful.

>feel like it generally correlates in the animal kingdom
Good thing science is not based off your feelings.

Dolphin brain looks like shit.

You're just jealous that it's bigger than yours.

Do you honestly believe that drinking every day isn't harmful?



I wanna stick my dick between the hemispheres

Yes, I do.

It might do a miniscule amount of damage to your liver, but so do many things that we consume. That's why we HAVE a liver, so that we can gain the benefits of consuming things that would otherwise kill us.

Also, you are vastly underestimating the importance of mental health, which moderate amounts of alcohol does wonders for in my opinion (obviously there are caveats).

Usually people drink because they want to fit in a group

> Poor Nutrition

Is this a troll? It's been proven multiple times that poor nutrition especially during the first 5-10 years of life and pregnant women can affect intelligence and cause retardation.

As a matter of fact it's the one concrete health issue that's been agreed upon by the community.

>but there is no correlation to brain size and intelligence:
men are smarter and have bigger brains

>tfw dolphins are secretly hyperadvanced intellect with innate psychic power but have no way to develop technology without opposable digits and inability to communicate complex and abstract thoughts precisely due to limited speech

>Why do you still drink, Veeky Forums?
Because I'm married.

It only needs to get seconded once to go to a vote brah

Emptiness in life will not be solved by an emptier head.

re-read the post you are replying to, user

There is no solution to emptiness in life

Because i have brain cells to spare. Ive already won the game called life. All thats left is to enjoy the ride. Its all meaningless anyway. Nihilism is the only true view of the universe. Im drunk as fuck right now.

Well, according to the netflix documentary "blackfish" killer whales have both, more brain surface area, and more brain volume than humans. Aswell as a more complex brain structure. Yet we still destroy orcas in everything related to intelligence. So there ya go.

> Ive already won the game called life
Nope. You are pretty shit, I am sure.

I make $70k a year (yea it could be more but im happy where im at) while working 3 days a week, i have a well funded 401k and a pension. I indend to open a roth IRA soon. I have a smoking hot gf who is soon to be a fiancee, then wife (she makes more than i do). I have expendable cash for garage projects and an IQ of over 140. I hit the fucking lottery in terms of genetics and luck. Sure im not a billionare but that was never my goal. By the way, im 22 years old. I wouldnt change a thing about my life unless i could choose to win the lottery. By the way, im about four drinks deeper than i was last post. Compare your life to mine, then kill yourself.

>Compare your life to mine, then kill yourself.
Not him, but...
I make more than you, 401k etc included.
I'm married to a beautiful woman who also makes more than me.
I have cash for garage projects, too.
My IQ is 140, not over.

...but I also posted this:
>>Why do you still drink, Veeky Forums?
>Because I'm married.

If you're getting drunk and browsing Veeky Forums, I have bad news.
I AM the future you.
And no, this sure as fuck isn't "winning".

Thanks for all the fish

>then kill yourself.
First of all, this is incredibly rude. You have mental problems if you think like this. So your life is already shit due to mental retardation.

Secondly, you seem to be fucking abusing alcohol right now, which is exactly what causes brain degeneration. I am confident that moderate, like 4 daily beers, drinking is actually good for cognition... at least for men it is. So this is another mental problem you have, maybe it is part of the same mental problem I have mentioned, which means it is a big problem, therefore you are horse shit.

>$70k a year
AHAHAHAHAHA I really tried not to laugh at this plebeian pride, so I will just laugh at this 2 digits and leave no comment at it.

>IQ over 140
It is not even 160, which is the top score of a standard test. Consider that a monkey that graduates in Physics is around 133 IQ on average, and a graduated Philosopher or Mathematician are around 130 IQ. And these are not even PhD level.

Did you just mention the actual lottery

>a gf
I hope you marry her, because you probably still have no serious authority over that bitch. Also
>she makes more than I do
Alright, I lost it, I will just drop the microphone now, you are retarded.

> tfw dolphins are smarter than biologists

This brainlet is literally Charlie Sheen

Very well disgused "im jealous" posts. I like how that one guy failed to mention $70k at 3 DAYS PER WEEK. If i wanted to work a 5 or 6 day week like the rest of you plebs, i could easily make six figures. However, ive done my research. $70k is where the happieness to money ratio maxes out. I work less than 80% of america (yuropoors arent far behind). Basically, more money wont make me happy. Ive got all the pussy i want from the hottest woman i could find. All i can do to be happier than i am is fuck around with shit that i take interest in (in the form of garage projects) and drink. Like i said, none of this matters. Enjoy life. If that involves booze, drink it. The pursuit of happiness is the only thing that really matters in the end. I am happy with where im at. Can you say the same?

I have found several sources citing that booze and tobacco kill far more people than anything on this planet. This I'm sure is the case in most countries. Yet everyday we complain about immigration, terrorists, and gun control just to die from liver or heart disease sold to us legally.

In my case It is probably because I grew up and still am constantly surrounded by people drinking. I barely ever drink anymore but, every now and again I slip up. I would like to see more legislation against booze

Ehh, I hardly think that liver disease, heart disease, and jail are irrelevant. Not to mention that a staggeringly large amount of violent crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol.

because birds exist and totally fuck up that whole "across the animal kingdom" thing. they have tiny walnut brains and communicate/problem solve better than some apes and even young humans

>wanting to save people

we need to lose about half of earths population or we are all gonna die anyway regardless of life choices because we will run out of renewable resources. stop trying to save the hopeless

Frontal lobe deficiency, characterized by executive dysfunction such as deficits in attention and working memory, has been linked with an inability to abstain from alcohol. However, "high-functioning" alcoholics with frontal executive dysfunction may nonetheless appear to have a "normal" cognitive mental status. Findings from a new study using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to examine volumetric measurements of segmented brain structures suggest that executive function and general mental status are affected differently by long-term use of alcohol.

Plus alcohol related dementia clearly effects intelligence


Does anybody disagree that deficits in attention and working memory are factors of intelligence.

Does anybody disagree that dementia is a factor in intelligence. (obviously it is unfair to call someone stupid for having dementia but from that aspect is not why I am asking.)

>because you won't die otherwise

No we don't we will just get better at production, farming and manufacturing.

History tells us that the lesser the amount of people on the planet the more difficult it is to cultivate and provide for them. That is why the quality of life tends to go up as population increases.

The human race has already been to the moon, discovered thousands of planets, and even placed machines on mars.

The human race has made the discovery that time is in fact affected by gravity and can in fact be manipulated as it is tied to space by means the average human doesn't understand intuitively.

If you think life has no purpose you need to unfuck yourself.

I'm going with cryogenics when I die.

I'm not sure what argument you are trying to make but, young people die from alcohol constantly and, just because someone is over the age of sixty doesn't mean we just let them die.

You barely have a mentality that qualifies you to be in a conversation about science or morals.

Fix that

we literally will not be able to renew resources fast enough if the population keeps growing. you can only make things so efficient realistically. cut the whole "anyone could be the next great mind" bullshit. 99.9999% of humans are parasites bleeding the earth dry. let em die. you and me included. we aren't contributing to a solution and we aren't the ones achieving the great things you speak of. we are just watching them on YouTube. shake the stars out of your eyes and get real.

doesn't even make sense. comparing all of history to the past even 25 years isn't even fair. technology is so far advanced that there should be another split in calendar history to account for it.

Kek so, lets say I have a brake rotor. It weights 15 lbs when I am done using it. I scrap it and it gets melted down. How much does it weight now. 14.97 lbs or 15.13 lbs.

There are literally thousands of different ways society could adapt child birth regulations. Even ones as non invasive as campaigning against child birthing with pamphlets.

It is not uncommon for species to evolve in a manner that physically stops them from getting pregnant.

>you can only make thing efficient realistically
Like a computer that receives 100s of thousands of letters within a second and parses them into incredibly efficient and meaningful letters and words.

or, a plane that is capable of landing on earth and the moon

>The next great mind bullshit.

Humans are the most intelligent species on the planet they create things like computers, particle accelerators, space shuttles, atomic energy, solar panels, automobiles, gas engines, theories and laws. There are millions of great minds on the planet and any person of reason would agree with me on that.

A parasite is an organism that lives in or on another organism, humans are mammals. If you were to consider Siamese twins parasites I would refute that less than 99.9999% of people are Siamese twins.

You state that you are a Siamese twin, I however, am not.

I contribute to solutions of problems every day some large some small. I do not watch much on youtube except for informative videos and tutorials and, I do not have any stars in my eyes.

you sir, are many degrees of stupid. Please go to /b/ and join a trap thread where you belong.

It does make sense. We have an entire history to draw information from. As society goes on we get better at managing ourselves to a more efficient manner. If I have 5 people trying to gather food, grow crops, and figure out better ways to do it as opposed to having 500 people trying to do those things I have a much larger margin of error and chance for success.

You should learn to think better. You say strange things.

>we literally will not be able to renew resources fast enough if the population keeps growing. you can only make things so efficient realistically