Plot question

Plot question.

Poor guy becomes rich. Hates the female world because no one gave a shit about him while being poor and because they are now fawning over him. Hires a person(was thinking guy but woman would be better IMO) to fuck up all the women that are now interested in him. Fucking up = permanently crippling. Hepatitis perhaps or staged car accident. Something that keeps a person alive.

What sort of affliction should this contractor give to the women?

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Coming from a group of ugly, poor-to-rich kids (started a company together), I can guarantee you that no single heterosexual man in this whole world will ever feel any form of resentment toward the female race after they start lathering them with pussy-juice.

Thats nice. Now how about those ideas?

Fair enough. MRSA is pretty brutal and difficult to treat, and you'll have lots of ways to choose from when deciding how the disease will affect the victim. Alternatively, you could think of some parasitic infection. Naegleria is fun, as are certain types of tapeworms that lay eggs in the brain.

then he accidentally cripples a woman who was genuinely in love with him from when he was poor

the end

Chop off the females legs, and she will be considered a hero by other females, and weak males will flock to give her money.
Expose the woman as a whore, and she is over. A social creature cannot survive being destroyed socially.

Most women going after the protagonist would have significant others. Expose them. They would have families. Expose them. Jobs, expose them. Let the world know what whores they are and let the world do the rest.
Still sounds like a bad book idea though

OP here.

To explain a bit more ... It's supposed to be a short stroy. An ex-cop with lots of time comes to this guy's house. Entire premise is, as first reply stated, absurd ... but is it? That's what I'm going for anyway. As ideas I have a single infections, stabbing, destruction of social status(if it was a guy it'd be child porn) and orchestrated car crash.

Ex cop and our baddie are discussing this. It'll be 95% dialogue. Also not english language.

>but is it?

kekd. kys

Well dude you do have guys like Hannibal Lecter walking this Earth. Why not someone like this?

pls stay dead eliot

Which eliot? I should read him.

>Which eliot?

and yes you should

funnily george elliot was neither poor nor ugly

also it seems those ancient philosophers who claimed that external ugliness reflects an ugly soul were right

OP your main character is suffering from what Kierkegaard and Nietzsche called if you want further reading.

Because he was previously a societal weakling (low status) he creates an ego puppet to destroy ("women are vapid whores for male status"). Unable to turn the moral mirror on himself and see that weakness blocks him from any greater truths (such as "women are vapid whores for male status, but they're intrinsically that way, so why be angry? we're both shallow genders by nature, since men appreciate looks over most else.")

george eliot was described as being quite unattractive matey

still one of the best novelists ever though

I like this idea. STDs make the most sense since he would hate them for being sluts and they carry that symbolism. And yes it would be much more interesting if it was a woman doing it, maybe a disgusting and poor prostitute who could no longer get by just on selling her diseased body and took this strange request because he offered a lot of money. Honestly it would probably be more interesting if the story was framed around the cops questioning her and revealing the male who hired her through her narration to the cops.

Obviously untrue. There are plenty of misogynistic or just bitter men who get plenty of regular sex. Was this post just a way for you to flaunt anonymously that you're rich and have sex?

>People are actually helping this sad /r9k/ revenge fantasy
This is not going to be literature, user

Clearly it should be some kind of facial scarring since 90% of a woman's confidence is in their physical beauty, especially their face.

If you want to go hardcore it could be acid.

Anyway, if you go with that idea the man should of had some kind of facial disfigurement which his wealth allowed him to fix in his adult life. The cop finding it out could finally get him caught.

He never said the rich guy would be the hero and he hasn't presented his themes yet.

Hold your disdain and help user with his high school home work senpai.

I know people will give me shit about this, but maybe he should do stuff like the Penguin, from Batman. Your character feels a woman has slighted him? Within a week everyone that woman knows is dead, she's unemployed and homeless and she's alone in the world just as the guy felt before he was rich

>the man should of had
...and by the way, my poor grammar isn't the result of my poor education, which also further isn't the result of my poor mental health. Kill all women, is what I'm saying.

I second what the other guy said to you. You haven't paid sufficient attention to your own human condition, or to the human condition in general, because you made that false statement just now.

Decadent "fame culture" of the past century, musicians writing about the problems of being famous, biographies of rich people, etc, make plain the emotionally legible private struggles and resentments that the suddenly-successful can have, which are normally alien to the rest, but we have been fed enough narratives (albums, movies, tv shows etc) to wrap our heads around the idea. Frankly, taking your post at face value, I find it odd that you can't entertain for discussion (much less never even thinking of it yourself) the notion of a lately-successful alpha guy who can get sex on demand, but sees through the lies of the material in front of him, and kinda privately hates them for their lies. Just because some alpha can stay cool and is willing to be social, play the game, have sex etc doesn't mean that he can't appreciate the stupidity and bullshit of it all. He's just more well-adjusted since he's in a position to satisfy his urges and not get bitter about it. He can, if he is able, see things as they really are, while at the same time not getting personally bitter about it (even r9k regularly correctly perceives reality, much to everyone else's chagrin, the difference being that they cannot stay cool for want of basic human needs, which are not merely sex, but sociability in general). And if our Mary Sue Alpha character has a sufficiently mean upbringing, yet is shrewd enough to hold onto what he now has without pissing it away, then he is wise about the awfulness of the human condition.

Men only want women for their bodies? Women only want men for their "standing" (a weighted average of their status, money, bodies, dick etc). And successful men are in a better position to understand this, and to accurately perceive reality, than most others. As long as they can nut on a regular basis, they can stay cool about the shittiness of the world. Better to be in their shoes than almost anyone else's, after all.

OP Here.

Rich guy will not be a hero. Nor will be the ex-cop (and now, due to Veeky Forumss suggestions, a psychologist) who will theoretically figure him out. It'll be more a conversation between two men. Then again I was thinking, should ex-cop be a woman? Perhaps someone who also brings understanding (empathy) to the story?

your stupid misogynistic power fantasy will make a shitty story and youre a bad person for thinking otherwise

Vary it a bit. A woman laughed at him gets her tongue cut out. Girl who wouldn't go to prom with him gets her legs cut off. Invest a bit of emotion into the actions, even if it is just bitterness.

Wuthering heights?