How does one overcome their spooks?

How does one overcome their spooks?

I just can't do it, no matter how hard I try. I'm still in the pursuit of some of my spooks even though I know I shouldn't be.

I'm a slave to the spooks.

What's with all this Stirnerfags lately, are we invaded by 13 year olds?

No one can. You are doomed to be beta

There are no spooks to overcome. The ego creates the spooks.


by going outside and making a friend

we're all slaves to spooks. focus less on getting rid of spooks generally and more on being spooked by badass spooks, cool spooks that get you laid and ripped


is there a definitive canon of spooks to overcome/avoid?

spook is the lit equivalent of patriarchy i.e. the foundation of everything that i dislike for arbitrary reasons even though i don't know what the word means


>spook is the lit equivalent of feminism

le spooked! :D

seriously, observe how it is used for the next week. It's just 'i don't agree and have authority for my opinion because, yeh'

>decent post from a tripfriend

wait i'm confused

i know how it's used but it's wrong

The compulsion to overcome your spooks is just another spook. Spooks are fine t.b.h. just be aware.

that's stan, guy!

you must be new

You stupid fucks who don't even read his work, but rather read summaries or Veeky Forums shitposts, and then think you can jump in the spook bandwagon, make me sick. His book is incredibly rewarding, from its prose to its concepts. What is not, is a book that aims to justify the very own spooks of a edgy no-life nihilistic faggot who thinks himself above everyone else because everyone "bases their life on le nothing", without realizing their own fallibility within their frame of reference.
To give you some insight, everyone can understand and embrace Stirner's ideas and not change a fucking thing in their life.

Read the last sentence again. If you can't understand it, read Stirner again.

Think of the person who feels great pressure to marry a women he does not particualry like because that is the "manly' thing to do.

Whilst he was young he might well have enjoyed living the manly the life however in his later years this ceases to be the case, yet he feels compelled to live up to its requirements.

Another example, think of the person who idolises logic and reason, the kind of person who views Spock as the ideal person. Now living according to this rigid view may well benefit a person in their work life, however if this person is a romantic at heart in their social life they will then suffer as they have to repress this desire of theirs because it conflicts with their idea of logic and reason.

Why do they repress themselves when it is thier power to act as they wish? Simply because they have placed the idea or spook above themselves. Serving that idea is more imporant than serving themselves

Sturner was actually a changeling, don't listen to anything he said.

this has been a meme for years

>His book is incredibly rewarding, from its prose to its concepts

You don't, you just decide the best way for you to deal with them.

I have quite a lot of spooks I should overcome. The first and greatest is my moral code. I will sound edgy, but everything I blame myself for the bad things I have done in the past. I am so hard on myself and others. I am hard on people thaf had a lot of relationship (including myself), It makes me more and more bitter everyday. I hate myself, I want to die, but I can't even kill myself because that would break my shitty code. Life sucks and I become more bitter everyday.

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All is in a man's hands and he lets it all slip from cowardice, that's an axiom. It would be interesting to know what it is men are most afraid of. Taking a new step, uttering a new word is what they fear most.

Stirnerian egoism is the farthest you can be from leftist ideology