What should I read next lit? I have a looooot of stuff to read

What should I read next lit? I have a looooot of stuff to read.

ooooohhhh! Rand and Dostoyevsky on the same shelf.

>So deep
>End yourself

OP, did you just go out and buy the edgy college student philosophy 101 reading list?

Hahaha!! Kill yourself, fagit!!

what a disgusting image

this is why i stopped coming to Veeky Forums

Did you buy all this shit just because you had money to loss or what? You did it the wrong way, you're suppose to read one author and then branch out.

Anyhow, I'd suggest starting with the thin books first and then tackle the rest. Also divide your reading list: fiction, non-fiction, essays...

It's a meme you dorks. Everyone just gets only their meme books from their shelves and maybe from their friends and makes it look memey and pretentious on purpose. Veeky Forums does this all the time. No one's shelf is actually like that IRL.

The I-just-started-this-"reading thingy"-everyone-talks-about starter pack

Yeah I had quite a bit of birthday money, still only spent about 1/3rd of it all. I read about 4 books so far this year and I got really obsessed. Some of these I already had or got from my parent's book shelf. I had rand, lovecraft, and brave new world. You can try to guess which ones my parents had.

>man posts an image of books that Veeky Forums gets triggered over
guess what happens next

Tbqh I've read 6 books this last week alone. My greatest issue is that your shelf is all over the place. I'd say start with Hemmingway and Camus.

I keep them in a wooden glass window cabinet, in case everyone is getting mad that my books are on the floor.

god damn, everyone's so mad at me for wanting to read some books. chill out, I did what I could to do some research, not like I have any other way. from what I can tell, these look like pretty interesting books.

You misuderstood me, I was talking about your palette of authors and genres. Your bookshelf is in good order. Not chronological, not even alphabetical, but that's okay.

I have a soft spot for Slaughterhouse Five and Catch 22. Poe and Lovecraft you can just pick up and put down whenever.

Do yourself a favor and throw that Ayn Rand in the trash.

Throw away:
>Atlas Shrugged
>Catch 22
>Communist Manifesto (are you even trying?)
>Brave New World
>120 Days of Sodom

I got that book for a dollar lol

I couldn't possibly imagine what would be wrong with the book unbroken. It's about a guy who gets captured by the japanese, an Olympic runner, who survives prison camp for years. That sounds like a harrowing story. My mom is a huge fan of the book, which is why I ended up getting it.

Catch-22 is hilarious though?

This is truly a patrician. I wish i could meet you irl to bask in the glory of a fellow patrician

looks like you went to Barnes and Noble with $200 to burn.

Anyways, start with The Stranger. If you like it, go for The Trial, which inspired The Stranger. If not, Try Borges. It's a collection of short stories, so don't feel so committed to knocking it out with nothing else on your plate.
If you're a sadboi with under developed social skills throw in some Osamu Dazai or read Nausea. If not, check out Hemmingway.
I personally didn't like Catcher in the Rye because I read it just recently (I'm 25) and didn't identify with the protagonist so much, but it's a quick cozy read.
Dostoyevsky is a must-read.
If you don't like the first few chapters of Nietzsche, don't feel bad about dropping it.
There's no sense in reading Atlas Shrugged.
Slaughterhouse-5 is cozy, but Kurt isn't like so much around here.
Myth of Sisyphus is a very interesting read.

The Trial is very good, but if you're going to read any Kafka I think you have to read a lot of him to 'get' it

In particular read 'Letter To My Father' as it really helps you understand the author and where he's coming from

ah, thank you very much. yeah, I had a friend who was obsessed with ayn rand, and he would rant about her so much, I eventually decided to get the book, but I never did find the interest to getting around reading it, I have another friend who's obsessed with rand who says her writing style is horrible. So that's all the more reason not to read it, in my opinion. It was very cheap though, about a dollar. So whatever.

Thank you for the suggestions. It was actually amazon.com with 200 dollars to burn lol.

It is hilarious. It's one of my favorite books, but I'm just a pleb.

Yeah I watched a little background on kafka from the school of life youtube channel, plus I already read the metamorphosis earlier this year, so I know exactly what I'm getting into.

The only reason people rave about Rand is because they agree with her political and philosophical ideals. That's it. Literally no one praises her work for its literary aspects, and if you want to know about objectivism just fuckin Google it. You don't have to slog through hundreds of pages of mediocrity to get the idea.
Same with the commie manifesto, it's all over the internet.

cringe m8.

you're an obnoxious pretentious fucker man. you must feel pretty big acting all smarter and better read than someone else. you're the crineworthy dude, m8.

My shelf is actually sort of like that IRL, but in my defense I haven't bought a physical book since high school.

I see you Sargent

cliff sargent is BAE. I've watched every single one of his videos, including a few several times, which were books I ended up getting. Looking forward to seeing what I'm in for, but he sure makes the books sound good.


bitch this thread aint thru

You actually purchased 120 days of sodom. It's boring as fuck by the way

This man is almost correct but you have to throw Catch-22 in there somewhere or you get depressed. Laughter helps.

To be honest just don't read anything

Just put the books on your shelf to display them, whatever you might get out of reading a book is minimally better than just having it on your shelf and really just not worth the effort

Read the passion according to gh as a warmup since it's short, then read the world as will and representation cause it influenced thus spoke zarathustra which you can read right after that. Then read 120 days of sodom just cause its fun and goes by quick, and then I think you'll be smart and well read enough at that point to finally take on the stranger.

I see the school of life didn't teach you manners;

I actually started the stranger last night, I just finished it before 2pm. Profound work, it really turns the existential gears inside the mind.

ur mom is a huge fan of my dick.

bitch farts like a naughty schoolgirl.

You bought fine stuff. I really like Dostoevsky and The Trial so I would recommend those.

There's such a thing as being a generalist and not only reading your personal ideological meme guru, fuck off you piece of shit

Yes, but just lining up a bunch of semi philosophical books that literally are on high school reading lists just seems like the OP is looking for attention.

I have read most of those books and there is nothing wrong with actually reading them, but putting Rand and the Communist Manifesto on the same shelf and asking which to read is cheap bait.

Dude shut the fuck up. No one gives a shit about your stupid prejudice.

>My stupid prejudice?

What do you mean. Also, many people in this thread conveyed similar sentiments.

Also, OP should read crime and punishment first.

dude you're getting bent out of shape over some books. like, I can't tell if you're just a cool guy who would go over to his friends house and jokingly make fun of his selection of books, or if you're genuinely trying to be an asshole. If it's the former, I'm sorry I misjudged you, but I just have no tolerance for that kinda shit, because on Veeky Forums you can never know if someones really being an asshole, or if they're just joking around. It's kinda one of the reasons I hate this site, and also one of the strange perverse reasons I always keep coming back. What the fuck is wrong with me/?