Zizek is called "the most dangerous philosopher of the West"...

Zizek is called "the most dangerous philosopher of the West". Who is or was the most dangerous philosopher of the West in its entire history?

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Karl Marx

you're thinking most dangerous philosopher for the west

>johnny foreigner from some irrelevant balkan shithole

yeah ok

What you said legit makes no sense


Lel. Yeah, that's why you're totally going to jail or lose your job, for having leftist views.

Maybe he's implying Marx is an Eastern philosopher

Dynamite boy


Why zizek dangerous?

>Zizek is called "the most dangerous philosopher of the West"
Who is he "dangerous" to - a bag of cheetos?

This the answer. He drove himself mad with his own philosophy. Don't believe the syphillis nonsense.

It's just Marxists who call anyone who thinks like them "dangerous", because being dangerous is very badass. And people like them are all avant garde thinkers and make up the intellectual vanguard of the coming proletarian revolt.
They're really something and quite the rebels.

First he dazels you with Hegelian dialectics and before you know it, he's got his thumb in your ass

>anyone published by Verso

Into the trash it goes

this absolute madman actually strangled bitches to death

Responsible for more young male murder suicides than any other philosopher!


When your IRL shitposting powerlevel is high enough that people write satirical plays about you and the ruling establishment has to use you as a scapegoat to maintain the social order, you know something is up.

How is Zizek anything other than entertainment for 20-somethings?

Idk can somebody be that dumb?

Definitely Plato, Marx plagiarized him

Zizek is a somewhat loopy pot smoking uncle. Alexander Dugin, more likely, he's an aspiring supervillan who preaches his own jumble of occultism, fascism, Stalinism and eschatological prophecy.

Except Dugin is clearly retarded and nobody takes him seriously outside of Russia

>mfw he wants to ban physics and chemistry for being "degenerate"

I don't think his autistic Eurasian Empire will ever come to be. But it's clear that the Russian state has been taking some advice of his from the Foundations of Geopolitics.

Come on user, you post this shit as if the alt-right posters don't do the exact same, and don't look about the exact same.

Anyone in a niche political movement thinks they're being so anti-establishment and are so much better than the current system because they have infographics that prove them right, and it doesn't matter that there's going to be at least one or two people in the senate or house of representatives that agree with them, because all their online buddies agree that they're so much smarter than everyone else and no-one else could understand.

Look at the Trump posters acting like a misunderstood minority, when in reality Trump is slightly more popular than Clinton. It's the same shit.

>"national" "Bolshevism"

It's not like they're even trying to be commies anyways. They're just trying to play into that Soviet-era nationalist nostalgia, which even Putin does.


Literally who?

It's a nice meme


Could I get some fucking context for this image please?

He looks so comfy in that picture, makes me smile :3

if you exclude interpreters of jesus and marx as non-western, probably bentham or henry ford

>nobody takes him seriously outside of Russia
nobody takes him seriously in russia either

Who is this Mememan?

Dostoevsky cosplayer

Without a doubt, Nietzsche.

>Look at the Trump posters acting like a misunderstood minority, when in reality Trump is slightly more popular than Clinton. It's the same shit.
I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you but Trump supporters are more aggressively demonized than Clinton supporters, and Clinton is currently ahead in the polls


Bentham is a far off second.

De Maistre in theory, probably Marx in effect.

Saint Just maybe, but fucking Bentham?

My vote goes to Diogenes or Epictetus, both were seriously radical.

My Twisted World is the most subversive tract in western history.