Do you think there exist intelligent aliens in our galaxy?

Do you think there exist intelligent aliens in our galaxy?

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No, there is no mention of aliens in bible or Tradition.

Well there's a complete dearth of evidence to suggest there is aliens so I'm going to say I doubt there's any intelligent extraterrestrial life. Certainly none with any reasonable distance.

there probably is , was or will be aliens somewhere but because of evident time and distance problems it's almost certain that we'll never know

Yes, probably.

>inb4 they didn't contacted us
Yes, because super advanced aliums capable of routine interstellar travel would totally contact species that fights over fossilized shit.

>hurr durr why haven't they contacted us

It's like an a tropical jungle ant who doesn't think humans exist because he's never seen one. Just think about what we've achieved just in the past few thousand years. Now imagine an alien civ that's been around for millions or even billions of years. We would like ants to them, they probably don't give a fuck about us at all.

This. If you disagre ur a fedora neckbeard.

How come we can't see that ridiculous bulge in the night sky?

Probably, but I wouldn't be surprised if nothing was significantly more advanced than us


>fossilized shit

Some people found it to be a revelation that liquid water exists elsewhere.

>Just think about what we've achieved just in the past few thousand years. Now imagine an alien civ that's been around for millions or even billions of years.
>history is linear



But the vast number of stars that makes aliens so likely also makes it implausible to consider the entire galaxy our "neighborhood".

Even without the vast distances involved, we're still looking for a needle in a haystack,
Let's say we invent warp drive tomorrow, and we build a fleet of a thousand starships.
For reference, all the worlds navies combined don't have a thousand ships.
But we send a thousand Captain Kirks out to look for alien life.
And they get around so fast they explore 2 solar systems a week.
That's 100 a year per ship, 100,000 per year total.
At that rate, it would take a million years to explore a hundred billion star systems.
There are 100-400 billion stars in the galaxy, so 1-4 million years.
Of course we could build von Neuman probes, but the above is meant to help grasp the scale of the number of stars in the galaxy.

We shouldn't be asking about likelihood of aliens in the galaxy, but we should be considering the percent chance of nearby stars harboring alien life.


I ask myself the same question,but then how big is the universe?in a virtual simulation.

maybe it's logarithmic and we're peaking.
maybe the limiting capacity of the brain or AI will be only about 300 IQ.

>maybe the limiting capacity of the brain or AI will be only about 300 IQ.
Even with our current IQ's it's unlikely we've reached the limits of our capabilities.

unfortunately, history is more or less sinusoidal
in a few centuries from now all our technology and culture will be erased and replaced, just like what happened to the babylonians, the egyptians, the romans, the arabs, the chinese, the indians and the mexicans
nothing lasts forever

I think it's pretty ignorant to think we are the only ones but you also have to consider how fucking impossibly rare it was for all the conditions of life to be satisfied upon the creation and evolution of our planet.

IQ is bullshit. Just saying. This is also coming from someone who has a pretty high IQ. It's all relative.

>all our technology and culture will be erased and replaced, just like what happened to the babylonians, the egyptians, the romans, the arabs, the chinese, the indians and the mexicans
What technologies did these people have that was "erased"?
The Aztecs invented peanut butter.
Pre-Colombian Peruvians may have had hot-air balloons.
I haven't heard of any mysterious lost technologies, unless you want to go full ancient-aliens retarded.

the universe is big and old enough that rare shit can occur frequently

i'm not saying the technologies were lost, they were forgotten for centuries and then retrieved

just compare the advanced building technology of the roman empire and the gothic period to the primitive constructions that span from paleochristian to romanic architecture

I mean, it's almost impossible for there not to be intelligent life somewhere else in the universe, so yeah I believe they're out there somewhere. I don't believe we'll confirm any type of life on other planets in our lifetimes though, which makes me kind of sad.

Yes and the best proof we have is that they took one look at us with their super science and went all
"Nope, cordon that whole sector off. Leave the foolish simians to themselves."

>ITT: making wild probabilistic extrapolations off of a single data point
what a bunch of anti-science morons