It makes me so irritated when plebs call grrm a "master...

It makes me so irritated when plebs call grrm a "master." I mean his prose is decent at best and cliche and purple at worst.

That's because you are a retard with too much free time who is bothered by stupid shit.

And you're an anus, so...there ya go

As much as this board shits on Grrm he did something the shitposters never can do.

He got published.

I just think it's funny

That's what I like about them though. They're an excellent pleb filter.

I would certainly not ever accuse GRRM's works of containing purple prose. Say what you will about his writing, but he definitely doesn't use purple prose.

then why make a thread

It's funny, but some people think asoiaf are actually masterpieces because they think tons of world-building=genius

Because I want to make fun of poopturds and tryhards who worship the 'literary genius' of people like grrm and Frank Herbert, etc

His descriptions of food and clothes though...

GRRM's diction is almost always specific and concrete, eg. his father's Valyrian steel sword with the wolfshead pommel inlaid with ruby eyes, that kind of shit. I tend to think of purple prose as specific and abstract, with lots of ornate adjectives and adverbs. GRRM is almost always concerned with the material, while purple prose is usually highfalutin conceptual stuff.

Ignorance is bliss. Just point them to literature that will make them realize GRRM is little more than a meme

>mfw plebs try talking to me about Game of Thrones
>mfw literal redditor co-worker said ASoIaF is the best book he's ever read
>mfw cute 8/10 girl tries to recommend me YA trash fiction
>mfw i mock their pleb taste by laughing in their face
>mfw im truly a patrician that reads REAL literature recommended to me by my fellow patrician Veeky Forumsizens

Like infinite jest

what did you fail at that made you so bitter and pathetic?

"Glistened redly"--GRRM

Life and friends

"As though he had a dagger up his butt"--GRRM

Please tell me these are real

Fat. Pink. Mast.