I'm confused. How many people on here actually understand blockchain technology...

I'm confused. How many people on here actually understand blockchain technology, and realize that it IS going to be massively utilized in the future? How many people here are actually unfazed by any dips, realizing that they're in something that's going to shape the tech future for the next decade or so?

I only ask this because I'm fucking confused at the number of threads where people seem to legitimately believe that "the normies came and went, crypto is over move on to the next thing.", like it was all just a giant scam to begin with.

If you honestly thought that, it doesn't fucking matter if you made money you're still the retard that willingly bought in to what you thought was a scam all along.

Are the people that think like this the ones that we're going to be making money off of by EoY?

>"the normies came and went, crypto is over move on to the next thing.", like it was all just a giant scam to begin with.

Any threads here that say that are 100% joking and pulling at the strings of newfriends for pure fun

This, however, is a real sentiment outside of the immediate community.
Give it 1 year, a majority of the deniers will have been silenced.
Give it 5 years and everybody will be talking about the single greatest financial opportunity of all time and how they missed it.

REQ $100 EOY

the normies came and went, crypto is over move on to the next thing

I purely hold OmiseGO and im 100% unfazed by it's dip. The people who say crypto is a fad are extremely dimwitted and have tunnel vision. crypto is the way of the future and anyone that is not holding/accumulating solid coins like monero, neo, omisego, ethereum, is going to regret it big later on down the road.


Everyone knows its gonna be the future.

>the normies came and went, crypto is over move on to the next thing
these are just salty FUD attempts because they missed out on the dips or lost a lot during the crash

You sound like "early" bitconnect adopter.

All this buzzwords.

req could be a sleeper. i may invest/add it to my solid coins list if they continue to hit their roadmap goals.

>to shape the tech future for the next decade
Kek. Blockchain is 10+ years old you faggot. It serves only crypto which is nothing but a speculative financial market which will be regulated as fuck very soon.
Quantum computing and superconductors are the future.

I'm all in with 50k REQ. Will not sell until cashing out.

godspeed user

>Quantum computing and superconductors
Stop drinking the kool aid, brainlet.

At least you're not one of those retarded people that think REQ and OMG are competitors.

Honestly you should hold both to cover the entire financial spectrum. OMG is the bank account of crypto while Request Network is the business/payment portal for businesses.

For brainlets and people without knowledge of financial systems they look like competitors but they cover entirely different aspect of the finance branch. Which is why you need to hold both to cover it entirely.

Yes sir, the dips are just buy opportunities imo. I thinking it's a race to get as many coins as possible at this point


My thinking is that the technology is a major game changer, but the current crypto currencies boil down to trying to be three things:

-Cool internet money to speculate on
-Cool internet money to do shady things with
-Totally Not Company Scrip(™)

None of that is remotely new or visionary. The tech behind it is a fucking game changer, but the current products on the market aren't. That isn't to say that people aren't going to make a fuckton of money off of them, but the real paradigm shift isn't going to be kicked off by these.

Definitely unfazed by any dip. There are a select few projects that stand out which will directly contribute to the "tipping point" of blockchain adoption. The key is to find projects which allow businesses to utilize smart contracts in a way that would save the company a significant amount of money.

those cover the cryptoCURRENCIES pretty well.

However you also have cryptoplatforms such as ETH and NEO that offer decentralized computing.

Then there are decentralized applications which bring all sorts of benefits to the real world that weren't possible without blockchain.

Cryptocurrencies is what the mainsteam have in their mind when thinking about crypto. Bitcoin,TRON,Nano. This is NOT the future of course. The real future is within the decentralized applications that actually add any value to society. Smart contracts/automated oracles/non-profit financial systems will all change the world.

REQ falls within the last category. It's a decentralized application and also a platform for other financial decentralized applications. It aims to cut out middlemen in the financial portal industry by using advantages of blockchain automation that conventional businesses such as paypal and the accounting firms can't use right now.

REQ is also non-profit to ensure that no profitable company can compete with it.

THIS is how crypto will change the world. By making non-profits more competitive than for-profit companies.

Paypal could never survive with a 0.05% fee with their current administration due to having shareholders and pressure to grow exponentially and keep making profit.

Projects like REQ though don't face these pressures and can permanently undercut for-profit companies.

You will have to tell your children that we used to have weird constructs called "for-profit" companies that always tried to maximize profit and therefor paradoxically didn't get the optimum profit.

It's goddamn time as well the financial world has been gridlocked in a monopoly/oligopoly since at least the rennaisance. And I don't mean it in the /pol/ conspiracy way. Just that regulations have made the bar of entry so high that banks/financial firms could dictate all policies and that has kept innovation behind. We now exploit the fact that they didn't innovate in time.

I get the idea behind ETH etc, and if anything on the market has a real future it is those. It's like having a PC with no programs though, or a console without any games right now. Somebody has to step up and create value, and spawn tokens on that basis. I've got an idea for that desu.

However I think that your utopian ideals are startlingly unrealistic. Like pretty much everyone I want a better world, and this might clean up some of our present messes, but I also recall that the internet was supposed to be a place of absolute freedom back in the early days and look what it is now.

Oh you misunderstood me. I meant that cryptocurrency is more profitable compared to old financial monopolies simply because those monopolies have had minimal innovation in the financial space.

I'm not talking about bettering the world at all. That's not my interest. I'm here to make money. I'm just saying that the boom of financial innovation blockchain tech is now introducing will upheaval the entire sector and cut-out or bankrupt all the old non-innovators. Which means we will reap the benefits of the value those old world monopolies hold PLUS the extra value created by the boom of financial innovation introduced.

BlockChain is actually shit, it doesn’t do anything better than a non BlockChain system would.

>How many people on here actually understand blockchain technology, and realize that it IS going to be massively utilized in the future?
This is no way implies your shitcoin portfolio will be worth anything tho.

The thing of it is that the non-innovators make their profit within sets of legalities that cannot be easily circumvented. There are limited entities that can navigate the licensing, regulatory bodies, and professional certifications required to cash in within the world of old school finance. They aren't going down without a fight, and you're much more likely to end up with a hybrid system than entirely wiping out the current firms and exchanges.

true, except for the application of money. Having full control over money is something you can't take for granted.

But crap like eth or anything else that doesn't need to be decentralized makes no sense to me

What the fuck are you talking about?

>I can program this wallet to conform to immutable rules via smart contract code
>Unless (((Amazon))) wants to change the wallet's code because one of the addresses it sends funds to is an (((enemy of the state)))

ETH certainly needs to be decentralized for the application to work. Anything less than decentralization leaves the code open to manipulation.

REQ, LINK, the true weird and creepy portfolio

the old im either going to be a millionaire or commit suicide portfolio

This is true user. If those two don't blow up big than it's all a scam, seriously

Also they will both be $100 EoY

this, except it does decentralized internet money very well. everything else is solved using other tech

Hey thats my portfolio.

7k REQ, will I make it?

you'll have a nice sum of 70000 dollars by the end of the year

Blockchain will stick around, but I fail to see the point of all these tokens and coins. Just seems like a cash grab for 99% of it

I'm 19 y/o so serious question, what would I even do with $70k? Stocks only make sense if the market crashes by then, is my best bet buying cheap property in 3rd world countries like Costa Rica or Chile? I feel like it'd only get me a house in unrentable Bumfuck, Idaho

reinvest it. why does your thinking stop at one successful investment and one year from now? do you have a terminal brain tumor?

Because crypto is a bubble that will crash relatively soon, as is the stock market, so investing in those is a sure way to lose my money?

you got me good.

I understand blockchain.
There some niche uses but its hardly the future.

It's the future. It's the future that laymen won't have a fucking clue about when it's here. It's going to be that thing we all use and makes our lives better and easier, but 99.9% of people won't know why.

One day it's just gonna be like OK so we actually don't need fees for anything anymore because middlemen don't exist. No more fees. Oh and we solved trillions of dollars worth of inefficiencies in industry. Then we also made it impossible for big companies to avoid tax. Also you know every piece of information about your second hand car, everything that's ever happened to it. We now also save millions of lives a year because we eradicated inefficiencies in the healthcare system.

This is a few use cases, there are literally hundreds more. Imagine trying to think of what the internet was going to be used for when nobody even had a fucking computer. These are just the uses we can THINK of before the tech even starts being used

I understand internet. There some nietzche uses but its hardly the future.

>who would ever need a car horses are just fine at getting me where i need to.be
>who would ever need a pc in their home i can write on my typewriter and this calculator is all I need
>who would ever use the internet if I want Shaniqua to get these files I'll just send her a pack of floppies in the mail

>bloqueshane has some nitzche uses

brainlet tier
>bitcoin is good opportunity sir. i put all my savings it will make me rich. god is great
normie tier
>i don't understand the blockchain, but i can make money off trading cryptocurrencies if i sell it to another person later on
105s tier
>the blockchain is merely a slower database, it has few use cases and people who hold cryptocurrency will get burned
investor tier
>blockchain technology is a highly asymmetric investment opportunity, if it works out i stand to gain so much more than i could lose, and having experience in this space will be valuable regardless of the monetary value of my coins
enlightened tier
>money is a means to represent social capital. government is the organisation of social capital. for the first time in human history, trustlessness on an immutable ledger puts us close to a point where we don't need the threat of violence for consensus. even if it moves slowly, we will converge towards a blockchain world. in the meantime smart contracts have endless uses in increasing transparency, preventing corruption, removing redudancies linked to trust. the public won't adopt cryptocurrency, but cryptocurrency will mold society behind the scenes. this is our shot to save the world and tame the stars and i can be part of it while posting frogs on an anonymous burmanese cooking messageboard

What about Jibrel, senpai?

I believe in it fervently, but I see holding as complacent. There's a group that doesn't care about protecting their investments at all. If you bought the top accept it and don't just tell yourself it has to go up in 5 years because maybe some of your coins actually suck. A lot of alts are bleeding and everyone seems convinced they're sitting on gold, someone has to be wrong.

stop shilling the fuck out of REQ pajeet

>nietzche uses

Well, blockchain can be revolutionary. It may take a long time to see any implementation because it’s still in the beginning. So it’s going to be very hard to see large corporations change their infrastructure.
Also, whatever technology behind it I would assume would be utilized privately. I can’t imagine a company would utilize a blockchain where it’s holders are pajeets over the world and pump and dump to make money.

This is why none of these “public” blockchains are getting adoption. So maybe some people realize this and are in it for the money. This is where the market is at. We saw lots of money pour into projects with large valuations, but have speculative use cases but nothing actually implemented.

This is why for the most part, it’s a big Ponzi and we just want to make money and get out. I certainly don’t give a shit.

A decentralized network controlled by people is a libertarian fantasy. But not realistic because people are fickle and stupid.

>Also, whatever technology behind it I would assume would be utilized privately. I can’t imagine a company would utilize a blockchain where it’s holders are pajeets over the world and pump and dump to make money.
This is my concern also. Vechain is proving me wrong though.

Companies creating their own blockchain might not be a possible outcome. Same way Amazon uses visa for payments or whatever


Look at some of the major tech companies of the 1980s. Let's have a nice good look.
Are we typing on a Xerox OS? Playing the latest Commodore games? The tech might be good but almost every single one of these blockchain startups could end in utter failure. The price evaluations for everything could be totally bogus and the real blockchain that will actually be used by major companies might not have even been developed yet, and the economic model for them might be totally different. Blockchain's a winner but that doesn't mean we're all destined to make it.

All companies not protocols. We are typing on arbitrary QWERTY keyboards using patched together TCP/IP components and HTTP of all things all running on bloated x86 hardware. There are endless legacy protocols involved and they all became the standard through the network effect. The Bitcoin blockchain is established for a decade with a lot of people heavily invested. Any replacement would have to be backwards compatible which means your bitcoins are safe.

have a (you)