Is there any book that'll help me deal with my insecurities?

Is there any book that'll help me deal with my insecurities?

Other urls found in this thread:

the bible

a therapist

Can't afford, user.

I can be your therapist, tell me about your mother user

She abused me physically and mentally.

Ah see there's where your trauma came from, glad we could clear that up quickly

My father was an alcoholic. So what do I do now?

The solution is clear, you need to kill your father and fuck your mother

Eh, I thought you are going to recommend something.

Anyone? Please? I could use a little help.

Ok if that ones not good enough you need reconcile your perspective of your mother between her two primary roles as an (abusive) organising force and a source of affection and empathy and in turn you need to be able to see yourself in your father despite your differences

Why don't provide him with a quick example of how one could go about it? Lurking & interested

Albert Ellis:

The simplest way is communication, the subject is torn between different narratives, there is the prescribed cultural narrative of an ideal parental relationships he can't invest in, there is his own narrative of his history, there is the narrative he feels each of his parents impose on him on what really happened and then there is the actual narratives that each of the parents believe in. Understanding is established by seeing each other's narratives.

Been reading Sophocles? Pretty good choice for Veeky Forumsbook club. I am liking them

Mindfulness in Plain English

Storm of Steel

The Upanishads

The Book of Job


Susan Forward - Toxic Parents
Seconding the Albert Ellis reccommendation

Thank you.

Thank you.

For an easy version

For something more serious

Maybe read some philosophy. Neitzsche?