Who else is /flexitarian/ here? Like...

who else is /flexitarian/ here? Like, they recognize that meat is bad for the environment and not cool for the animals and are attempting to reduce their animal product consumption when possible but they aren't dogmatic or super strict about it.

>Like, they recognize that meat is bad for the environment and not cool for the animals

well put

i eat meat only from humane, non-factory raised animals

does that count?

Would eating fish and chicken as opposed to mammals be more ethical? Sort of diet-based-on-evolutionary-divergence?


fish eaters are the fucking worst

as an only fish eater I'm curious as why you think that?

similar to the reason people get uptight about shooting megafauna in africa but on a much larger scale

stop raping the oceans, user

tuna is an endangered speicies

Well that sounds gay

OP here. I personally have a ranking in my head in terms of animal intelligence and environmental impact. It goes Shellfish > Beef > Fish > Chicken > Lamb > Octopus > Pork.

Chicken and fish are dumb and less bad for the environment. However, 1 cow can feed a person for 10 years, so in terms of life lost, beef every once in a while might not be the worst move.

I try very hard not to eat Pigs and Octopi though, because they're pretty smart.

my best friend is a tuna fisherman. pretty much only bluefin are endangered and you can thank Japan for that

So you're saying it's okay to eat retarded people?

sure, whatever you say.

Judging by your reading comprehension, you seem pretty edible right now.

chickens ARE actually pretty intelligent, they're not all that stupid. however cattle farming in factory farms is about as detrimental to the environment as pig farming is. Fishing isn't good for the environment either, unless its a small-time fisher that does it in small bits, rather than "factory" fishing - they have huge nets to scoop anything out of the sea and just chuck the dead animals that aren't for consumption back into the ocean + MASSIVE over fishing of some fish (tuna etc) so i'm not exactly sure how your scale works. Doesn't make much sense.

I didn't read the thread but here's the 'ethical' fish list.

Yes. Honestly its the most reasonable thing in the west. I eat meat once every 2-3 days. Im losing weight and expanding my cooking abilities.

I was, but now I'm eating a decent amount of meat for gainz. I try to make at least one meal without the stuff and none of my snacks have meat in them.

>Having an ethical objection to a certain behavior
>Not stopping that behavior entirely

Worse than preachy vegans.

>I know murder is wrong but sometimes I just really hate a guy

Freetarians, who will only eat meat if they're not creating demand for it, have a better idea. Just eating less meat doesn't need a label to make yourself feel special.

So, you have a regular diet, but are trying to reduce your meat intake a bit, is that it? That's called being "nromal", user. You don't have to come up with some bullshit, tumblr gender-like name for it.

I'm an aspiring vegan, but I can never see myself being completely vegan, so you could probably say I'm flexitarian.

Don't prepare or order meat, dairy or eggs, but neither do I check all the ingredients of every product I buy for possible red dye made out of bugs that I couldn't possibly give less of a fuck about.

Also, I try not to bug my family or in-laws about it too much. If mom can't think of a meatless dish to prepare for when we visit then I'll keep my mouth shut and eat the meat.

What about those of us who DO eat meat, but avoid factory-farmed/supermarket meat?

>Not cool for the animals

I'd beat you up irl if you said this desu

You're librecarnist.

I'm a demi-omnivore. I only eat animals that I have an emotional connection to.

oh no i'd hate to be be sat on by a fat neckbeard or spooky skelly

I guess i'm this

You mean pussies with the moral fortitude of a lawn chair?

"I know this is bad, but I can't stop doing it!"

Half-assing retard.




So flexitarian basically means you get to both eat meat and feel ethically superior to others?

might as well just cut out meat entirely considering that your body doesn't digest it well. also heart disease, obesity, etc.

level 5 faggot too lmao

I only eat human flesh.

That's the ideal, at least for me. Just
isn't obtainable where I live so I just cut it out.

i only eat candy

You're all retards that are making no impact on the environment.

just how many buzzwords to we need for people that want to moralfag can't really be bothered to take a coherent position?


Having a practical guiding principle makes making decisions easier though. Having a personal rule of "Avoid animal products if you can but don't freak out if you can't" allows for easier decision making.

A lot of people think vegetarianism is an all or nothing endevor, when really, there are ways of reducing the cumulative impact of your choices without feeling like you need to completely deprive yourself.

Would never stop eating meat, I need it for gains.

>Having a personal rule of "Avoid animal products if you can but don't freak out if you can't" allows for easier decision making.

Sure. But why assign a silly buzzword name to it?

Right here mate. I will try to avoid meat, but if someone offers me some I won't complain and eat it.


I'd love to be vegetarian or vegan if you paid me enough though.

>they recognize that meat is bad for the environment and not cool for the animals

Get the fuck out of here with that pussy shit.

We've got ragheads hacking heads off in the world trying to invade our nations, and pussies in the west crying themselves to sleep at night because somebody ate a 12 piece from Popeye's.

Man the fuck up.

>as long as there are muslims you are not allowed to care about climate change, the enviromnent, domestic politics or just about anything else

kill yourself you inbred, braindamaged subhuman

>get beheaded
>no longer can do anything to save the environment

hey, at least there will be one less meatbag using up resources

I got on the flexatarian lifestyle a month or two ago. I allow myself to eat meat/fish/whatever once or twice a month but won't go beyond that. Feels bretty gud

I'm OP but i've got plenty of gainz from seitan + tofu + greek yogurt and whey. Protein requirements, even for a healthy active male trying to grow muscle, are vastly overstated.

People like making their practices part of their identity, because it helps them define who they are as a person. Even people who are like "fuck off special snowflake" are chasing some other sort of identiarian definition as someone who's "anti-pc" or whatever. Labels are how we define things and communicate ideas, and giving something a label hopefully normalize it as a practice.

I think it's a bit of a silly buzzword but for every /pol/ idiot who's turned off by special snowflakeism there's another person who might hear it and be turned onto the idea.

you can still eat no meat and vote for trump and shitpost on /pol/ all day.

It's not like NOT doing something takes time you retarded retarded """person"""

You seem upset.